Hey Friends! I’m so sorry I was MIA on Monday! I typically get a couple blog posts finished each weekend…
Hey There! It’s FRIDAY!!! Which means, Andrea and I are sharing some of our FAVORITES from the week! ********************** This…
Hey Hey Hey! Happy Back to School Season! This is the time of year where we’re talking about all the…
Hey There, Friends! Here we go with our first official week of school! You know what else is happening other…
Happy Happy Friday, Friends! Well, it happened. We are BACK IN SCHOOL in the Slaughter House! Somehow it felt like…
I thought nineteen years deserved it’s own post. 🙂 Tab and I met my sophomore year, his junior year of…
Hey Hey Friends! I’m dusting off my Instagram account to share a look at my Monday by the hour. I’ll…
Do you guys know what today is?! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! FRIDAY + A BIRTHDAY=EXTRA GOOD DAY, RIGHT? I heard from…
What’s Up Wednesday! I’m gonna link up with Sheaffer and Shay to answer a little about what’s going on around here. It’s our last…
Happy Monday, Friends! This month I was able to read more books than I ever do in a typical month.…