Know what’s RIGHT around the corner?
I have a big ol’ post with all things Valentine’s Day for you!
Tab and I don’t do anything special just us, but we make Valentine’s Day more of a family holiday. We typically cook something a little “extra” or a little nicer than what we’d have on an average day of the week. We get the kids involved with the process or have them make dessert. We set the table and just have a nice family dinner. Tab and I don’t exchange gifts but we do usually get the kids a little something. When they were little, I’d have some little basket full of little Valentine’s Day trinkets that would keep them busy for days. With older kids, they usually get one thing that equals that entire bag of V-Day trinkets. I remember my parents giving me this volleyball t-shirt with a pair of matching Umbro shirts and that was basically all my Valentine dreams coming true. So I try to do that same…get each kid something they’d like or think is fun that will speak specifically to them.
Don’t share this with my kids, but here are some ideas I’m sharing from my personal arsenal…
If you’re in the mood for a little Valentine’s Day themed podcast, you should check out THIS EPISODE of The Bestie Breakdown where Shay and I break down all things Valentine’s Day!
Years ago I was on the hunt for some new ideas to bring to our classroom Valentine’s Day party. I asked for help and you guys delivered. If you’re in charge of a class party and are looking for a little inspiration, well look no further. We’ve got your party covered.
Here are most of the ideas you guys sent over…
*Mad Lips
*Crossword Puzzle
*Mosaic Heart Craft-black construction paper hearts, kids glue bright shaped cut paper and glue
*Craft kits from Oriental Trading or Hobby Lobby
*Heart Wreaths-paper plate “wreaths”, students glue hearts all around, and then can add buttons and stickers to decorate
*Students make picture frames and then take a picture to put inside.
*Die noodles and make noodle necklaces.
*Cookie cutter their own rice krispie treats
*Pin the Arrow on Cupid
*Put all names in a hat, each kid draws a name, pass out pre-cut hearts for each kid to write something they “love” about the person they drew. Then you can string them up to make a classroom banner.
*Cookie Decorating Station
*Making cards for the nursing home.
*Race to see how many conversation hearts you can stack in a certain time.
*Make valentine headbands.
*Pin the lips on the frog game
*Make heart shaped ornaments
*Conversation Hearts Candy Dice Game
*Make their own conversation hearts
*Decorate heart bookmarks
*How many words from, “VALENTINE’S DAY”??
*Heart Walk-when the music stops they have to do whatever the heart they’re standing on says…floss, jump up and down ten times, etc.
*Math problems with candy hearts
*Make Lovebugs
*Valentine version of the game, Headbandz
*Students write what they love about their teacher on hearts, then add them all to a canvas for the teacher to hang
*Kids stuff sock/gloves with snacks and write messages for kids in need
*Make slime
*Cupid’s Arrow Game-Kids blow Q-tips through straws into heart shaped bowls.
*Valentine Pong-students who hit it into the red cup, get a prize
*Students write the names of people/feelings/special things they want to keep in their on heart on slips of paper, then they drop them into construction paper hearts stapled together. Then you staple it closed and they decorate.
*Photo Booth
*Punch a Prize Board
*Ice Cream Sundae Bar
*Graph Conversation Hearts
*Valentine Scavenger Hunt-hide hearts around the room and students find them.
*Read The Biggest Valentine Ever and make a cute craft out of construction paper hearts like they do in the book.
*Have each students make a heart with a lace doily, then every one goes around writing one nice thing about each kid on the doily. Each student leaves with a heart full of great things about him/her.
*Valentine Tic-Tac-Toe-use graham crackers, pink icing to make the lines and conversation hearts in two colors for markers.
*Decorate mini mason jars and add a carnation-little gift to take home for mom.
*Left Right Left Game-small prize for each kid, read the story, and every time the story says LEFT, they pass prizes to left. Every time the story says RIGHT, pass them to right. Everyone goes home with a different prize at the end. {Google this to find story.}
*Valentine Game-just change it to valentine theme.
*Red and pink balloon games-surprise pop, balloon tennis, protect your balloon, pass the balloon, balloon waddle race, and on ideas are endless.
Valentine Minute to Win it Ideas…
*How many Hershey kisses can you unwrap with gloves on?
*How many paper hearts can you cut out?
*How many conversation hearts can you stack without tipping over?
*How many conversation hearts can you pick up with little tongs and move to a cup?
*Lots of people suggested Minute to Win it games and said they’re all over Pinterest.
This post was full of family valentine ideas and traditions. If you’re trying to start a new tradition or are just looking for something fun to do, check it out!
And if you’re scrambling at the last minute for a fun valentine box, Marla helped Ebby Lee with a princess box years ago, made step-by-step instructions, and I shared it all in case you wanna recreate one for the princess in your life. You can read all about how to right in this post.
I hope this helps you make some fun memories with your people next week for Valentine’s Day! Happy Tuesday, Friends!
For a second I thought it was a new episode. I loved listening to you two! Do you think you will come out with new episodes for the podcast or are you girls finished?
It’s in the works. We haven’t figured out the easiest way to make the podcast as seamless as possible going from planning vacations to a quick podcast session. So we’re trying another way. Trying to get a new game plan and hopefully will be recording soon!
I love Valentines Day and there was so many fun creative ideas in todays post. Thanks for sharing!
This year, our husbands are spending Valentine’s Day together. #luckythem ha!
I already told my kids we’re doing what we normally do but without Dad! haha!
When are your pod casts coming back? I check weekly hoping to see a new one. You two were the highlight of my week!!!
Great ideas!!!! And I love that first pic of the kids!