Three Things


How was your weekend?! Did your team win on Sunday? I went to Shay’s to watch and she made the most delicious dinner for us. I’m still thinking about it! haha! I was hoping the Chiefs would pull it out so all my Super Bowl dreams came true this weekend.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some tidbits about each of the Slaughters. And in honor of getting to talk about the nearest and dearest to my heart on this day of love. Today’s the day…

#1 Britt is absolutely LOVING kindergarten! She loves her friends, she loves her teachers, she loves art class, she loves pe, and I could just go on and on. The only thing she doesn’t enjoy is the early morning wake up. #shegetsitfromherdad

#2 We just had an appointment with her pediatric ophthalmologist and we’re patching one eye for two hours every night. It’s the new plan. We’ve tried in the past and maybe she was just too young? But she HATED it. She typically has the best attitude about anything and everything…hearing aids, glasses, etc…she’s a trooper. But the eye patch just made her sad and it broke my heart. Now that she’s older we’re attempting again. If you have any tips for this, PLEASE send them my way!

#3 M and G invited just Britt over to their house last weekend for a sleepover. She was ECSTATIC! It’s not very often as the youngest of four you get to have your own special night with your grandparents. She was in HEAVEN!

#1 Bowen Slaughter is ten going on seventeen. I guess THAT is what happens when you’re the third and you’ve always tried to hang with the older kids. He asked me just this past weekend if he could get his ears pierced like Travis Kelce. #thatdbeano

#2 He happens to be in that really sweet stage where he’s super independent and he loves hanging with his friends, BUT when Tab’s out of town he still asks if he can sleep in my bed. Trust me, those days are NUMBERED!

#3 We have four younger boys on our street that live less than four houses down from us. They’ve hit that stage where they’re outside playing all the time and when they ring the doorbell for Bowen to play, he feels like the coolest older kid. They’re playing outside as I type this right now. 🙂

#1 Nixon’s {and Bowen’s} baseball seasons are just about to get kicked off. Practices officially started last week and our slow weekend Saturday mornings are numbered. His team is traveling to Colorado this summer for a big tournament so he’s pumped about the season.

#2 He’s been my pickiest kid BY FAR for the last nine years or so, but guys-there is HOPE for our picky eaters. Over the last couple weeks, he’s started stepping outside of his “typical faves” and eating way more. I guess those teenage hunger pains are slowly kicking in. #finally

#3 I don’t even understand track and field. My school was SUPER small so any type of track meet-well, I’ve never been so I just don’t get it. He’s got track and field tryouts this week and when I picked him up after tryouts one day he said, “Mom, you’ll NEVER believe how hard pole vaulting is”. {Um, actually I would have guessed it was difficult.}. Here’s to hoping he somehow figures out how to get his body over that pole with a big stick. #fingerscrossed

#1 I cannot believe we’re down to the final months of middle school and Ebby Lee is headed to HIGH SCHOOL this fall! EEEKKKK!!! Time, please slow down!

#2 She got her first cell phone for Christmas and one of her very first text messages was to let moms with littles know she is babysitting! She’s helped out many moms in our neighborhood and is looking forward to continuing that in high school.

#3 She really wanted to have her friends over recently so we hosted a little “Galentine’s Party” this past Friday night. Those girls were so cute and I never dreamed when we came up with a scavenger hunt they’d be SO competitive. It just happened to start raining in the middle of the hunt and those girls were so committed they came inside wet and running. It was such a fun night for her and her friends.

#1 Tab has officially wrapped his third season in the NFL. While both big kids got to join him on a trip and then the entire family got to tag along over Christmas, we’re excited to have him home over the next several months.

#2 I must have one of the worst immune systems. I got strep throat recently for the fourth time since September. I asked my doctor what I can be doing to prevent that and she told me zinc and vitamin C. So I’m now taking both. I’ve even visited our ENT to check on this and he said that it sounded like I’ve just had terrible luck. BUT, I’ve gotta end the strep throat trend. If you guys have any other suggestions, please send them my way!

#3 There are been two Friday nights recently where it’s ended up being Tab, me, and just one other kid. Wow. This whole parent thing is going rather quickly. We’re really attempting to stop and smell the roses as much as possible because we realize it’s FLYING by!

Hope you guys enjoyed the little catch up session on the fam! See you back here tomorrow!


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