What’s Up Wednesday-11.29.23

What’s Up Wednesday! I’m gonna link up with Sheaffer and Shay to answer a little about what’s going on around here.

What We’re Eating This Week

Monday-was BOWEN SLAUGHTER’S 11th BIRTHDAY! So I told him I’d make whatever he wanted for dinner, his choice! He chose steaks, mashed potatoes, and chocolate cake. DONE, DONE, DONE!

Tuesday-Last night was the girlfriend Christmas party at Shay’s house so I had dinner there but I had meatballs in the slow cooker for the family.

Wednesday-Tonight we’re having chicken noodle soup in the slow cooker.

Thursday-Cajun Chicken Pasta Soup is on the menu. Pinterest KEEPS showing me that recipe so I’m giving in! ha!

Friday-My kitchen will be CLOSED!

What I’m Reminiscing About

Last year at this time we finally moved back into our house. If you remember we moved into Tab’s dad and Marla’s house in October {thinking we’d be there about 2-3 weeks} and stayed until Thanksgiving weekend. It feels like it wasn’t that long ago and years ago all at the same time! While it was a chaotic time, we made some great memories!

What I’m Loving

I’m LOVING all things Christmas…the magic, the lights, the decorations, the excitement, and the food. 🙂

What We’ve Been Up To

We went to Missouri last week for Thanksgiving and had the best time with our people! You can see more pics from our week in this post!

We got back to Texas on Friday evening, had Saturday to recover, and then Nixon and I took four of Bowen’s friends to Six Flags on Sunday to celebrate his birthday. I have no idea why Bowen’s making this face…he was having fun! Trust me!

This group barely stopped for a picture. Cupid was walking beside us when I told the boys I wanted to take their pic so he got right in as well.

The chaperones rode everything once but when those crazy boys started repeating I was OUT!

We lasted five hours in the cold {and they could have gone longer but I waved my white flag}!

What I’m Working On

ALL THE PEOPLE ON MY CHRISTMAS LIST!! But…I listened to the latest episode of The Lazy Genius Podcast about How to Uncomplicate Your Holiday To-Do List. FRIENDS, GO LISTEN!! My aunt recommended her podcast to me and I’m LOVING it! Her easy ideas about uncomplicating my to do list REALLY helped! Kendra’s brand is all about helping listeners be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t! After I get the rest of my gifts ordered, I’m going to be working my way through ALL her podcasts!

What I’m Excited About

I’m actually ALL THE EMOTIONS on this one! Bowen Hency is 11! {And just so happened he asked for a Micah Parsons’ jersey who happens to be #11!}. I’m excited to watch him grow but so sad my baby is gone. {No one tell him I just wrote that-he’d be so offended!}

What I’m Watching/Reading

I’m 60% finished with Iron Flame {it’s kind of a Hunger Games vibe but for adults}.

And when it comes to the tv, it’s a mix of football and Christmas movies!

What I’m Listening To

More podcasts…thanks to Aunt Rene’!

I’m also making my way through Laura Tremaine’s 10 Things to Tell You podcast. The latest episode was about Modern Manners for Teens. Laura interviews Brooke Romney and by the end of the podcast I’d already ordered Brooke’s book! Moms of teens AND tweens, I highly encourage you to listen! I often feel like I’m nagging my kids but her approach is much more about making life easier for them {from a-the more polite and engaging they are to people, the more friends they’ll have, etc.}. It’s not about not nagging them but helping our kids to see how beneficial that will be for them one day. If we were meeting for coffee today in person and we started chatting, I’d one thousand percent bring this up and tell you to listen! It’s THAT good!

What I’m Wearing

You can see everything I’ve been wearing lately in this post!

What I’m Doing This Weekend

This is Tab’s second “official” off-weekend so we have ALL THE CHRISTMAS plans while he’s with us for the weekend! A birthday party, two basketball games, and a FUN Christmas event. Should be fun!

What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month


Hope you guys have a GREAT Wednesday! Thanks for reading today!


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