What’s Up Wednesday-10.30.24

What’s Up Wednesday! I’m gonna link up with Sheaffer and Shay to answer a little about what’s going on around here.

What We’re Eating This Week

It’s HALLOWEEN WEEK! I’ll be going over the top with the spooky dinners around our house. 🙂

Monday-We had Shay’s Pumpkin Pasta. My favorite way to make this is to whip it up while I’m making breakfast so it’s ready to be popped into the oven on a busy night.

Tuesday-Tacos were on the menu last night. Some kids prefer tortillas and others eat it over rice. Simple and everyone’s happy.

Wednesday-Tonight we’re having lasagna soup with mummy dogs. We HAVE to have mummy dogs the week of Halloween so I’m coupling it with lasagna soup to make everyone happy!

Thursday-HALLOWEEN NIGHT is always chaotic. ha! I’ll probably grab a Papa Murphy’s jack-o-lantern pizza for anyone who wants to grab a bite before the busy night.

Friday-GAME NIGHT so we’ll grab dinner before the game!

What I’m Reminiscing About

Halloween when there was NOTHING on the calendar that evening but TRICK OR TREATING!

And also pumpkin carving…this particular night was special. This week I’ve tried about 17 times to find night everyone will be home so we can recreate this. Wish me and the calendar some luck!

What I’m Loving

If you have young boys or girls who play travel baseball or softball, there are times you end up at a really great field. Other times you’re at a dump type of field where the bathroom is gross, there’s absolutely no shade, and not a bleacher to be seen. Well, let me tell you. When those kids get older, you’ll play most of your games at high school facilities and while you might end up driving hundreds of miles around the Metroplex in a weekend {or at least it felt like it}, the facilities are all REALLY nice! I’m LOVING it!

Speaking of great stadiums, THESE are our favorite stadium seats! They don’t take up too much room on the bleachers but are crazy comfortable. They’d make a great Christmas gift for the grandparents! They come in many colors as well!

What We’ve Been Up To

I’ve been doing a LOT of this. :). The fall season of all the sports are quickly wrapping up so I’m soaking the last bits in!

What I’m Working On

Our November/December Calendar….I know that might sound crazy but if I don’t add things on the calendar then we miss out on some fun. I’m adding Christmas parties, sporting events, birthday parties, and even chill nights at home so we can enjoy everything about the season.

What I’m Excited About

What I’m Reading

All the Colors of the Dark-I’m ALMOST finished with this book. It is a long one!

What I’m Listening To

I’ve been on a BIG 90’s Country train since that Garth Brooks concert. If you see me singing along to something in my car, odds are real good it’s 90’s country.

What I’m Wearing

The North Texas weather has been confusing me! I showed up at Bowen’s football games and one of my friends said, “Erika, you’re under dressed”. hahaha! I’d rather be cold and bundle up in a jacket or blanket versus be too hot and just have to suffer. Needless to say, I’ve been doing my best to turn some shorts into a more “fall look”.

White shorts {on major sale}

belt {this says, “red”, which is why I snagged it but it’s definitely more maroon. if your school color is maroon this is cute!}

short sleeve sweatshirt {sized up for length}.

Did you see my post yesterday where I shared SOME NEW SHOES I’ve been wearing?!

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Watching this.

But I’ve gotta be real honest…we’ve had some BUSY weeks. Should the rain decide to arrive in North Texas by Saturday morning I wouldn’t be mad about it. 😉

Latest Amazon Purchase

This is such a random list so I wanted to share them all.

Mouthguard-Bowen has 1-2 more football games and OF COURSE his mouth guard just broke.

Free People Fleece Dupes-I love wearing these over a workout top with leggings in the fall/winter. They come in so many cute color combos and are a fraction of the Free People price. Great gift idea!

Christmas Plaid Puffer Vest-Mine is arriving this week and I’m EXCITED!

Christmas Pajamas-I’m not sure how Ebby Lee will feel about the matching Christmas pajamas I bought her. hahaha! Time will tell but they’re REAL cute!

Yours, Not Hers-Kari Kampakis is an amazing Christian mom of girls who has the best advice and she’s written a new devotion for teens/college age girls that comes out in January. I pre-ordered it for Ebby Lee.

What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month

Next month this crew is headed out of town to celebrate THANKSGIVING!

Hope you guys have a GREAT Wednesday! Thanks for reading today!


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  1. 10.30.24
    Elspeth said:

    Have a fun and festive Halloween week!

    • 10.30.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      You too!!

  2. 10.30.24
    Kristen said:

    Do you have a link for the plaid vest? It doesn’t show the item on the link.

    • 10.30.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Yes! So sorry about that! It’s here….https://rstyle.me/+hI0wAybhQHB7OZIKqMNVCg

      • 10.30.24
        Kristen said:

        oops meant to say , that the xmas red is no longer showing. bummer! The one you ordered is no longer there?

        • 10.30.24
          Erika Slaughter said:

          OH NO!! You’re right! It’s sold out in the red plaid!

  3. 10.30.24

    I can vouch for your awesome stadium chairs. The Shulls are so grateful now to have them too! They are freakishly light and yet super comfy!

    • 10.30.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      A unicorn stadium seat of sorts. 😉

  4. 10.30.24
    Sara said:

    Agree! If Saturday turns out to be rainy, I won’t for one second be mad about a day at home!

    • 10.30.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      GIRL!!! I’d LOVE IT!