I’m so very thankful you guys are interested in my family. I’m going to do my best to share a little update about each of us right now. This was so much easier to do when they were little and didn’t care about what I shared on the internet. Nowadays, I have to be much more careful to honor their privacy. Please know I’d love to tell you more about their struggles {because trust me when I say our family has struggles} but they’re at the age where they don’t want that posted for all to read. I can’t blame them and totally get it. Just don’t want you to read this and think those Slaughter kids are all sunshine and roses. :). We have hard days here too. Hope you guys understand!
Britt is in second grade and is doing great! She’s currently playing on a little basketball team made up of school friends and she’s improved so much since last year! We’re a long way from the WNBA giving us a call but she’ll get in there and steal the ball. Super proud of her! She’s also busy working on a little dance number with some school friends for the upcoming school talent show. We can’t wait to go watch her perform. This is totally outside her comfort zone but she’s excited about doing it with friends! Softball season will be here before we know it!
Bowen is halfway through sixth grade. How is that even possible?! He absolutely loves the independence that middle school allows. His first season of tackle football was this past fall and his baseball team has been having a few workouts. This week starts the first official week of practices for the upcoming season. He keeps us on our toes by bringing home new phrases we’ve never heard of before and he has us laughing most of the time!
Nixon has one semester down of high school. He managed to handle the transition to a new school even better than I could have imagined. It’s been such an answered prayer. We found out just this weekend he made the high school baseball team so we have many exciting days at the baseball field to come. In just a few months, he’ll be able to get his driver’s permit. I’m. Not. Ready.
Ebby Lee turns sixteen in just a few months! EEK! How are we already here?! She’s been busy this year with cheer, her friends {so thankful so many of them can already drive}, and her classes. She adds in babysitting any chance she gets and she’s busy helping a group of third grade boys work on their talent show number every week.
Meanwhile, I continue to drive, shuttle, and carpool these four around to as many places as you can even imagine. I often get teary in the car thinking about how special these times are though so while they keep me running ragged and way too caffeinated I love every minute of it. I spend my days planning vacations, doing laundry, and keeping our house running smoothly. Tab’s football season is coming to an end and we’ll all have to transition to getting to have him home on the weekends. {I get so used to him being gone every weekend that it often takes me a minute to get used to him being home every weekend.}. He’s busy with Darr during the week and is about to start spending many, many hours watching our three youngest on the diamond {baseball + softball}. There’s nowhere else we’d rather be.
Thanks for letting me share my people with you every week.
I love these life updates! Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you!!
That is a great picture of you and Tab! Thanks for the update – the kiddos “need” you in such a different way as teenagers than when they NEEDED you for food and shelter as toddlers 🙂 No less important, though. What a special family you have.
Hey Jenni! I completely agree with this! It’s harder for me to get away now than it was when they were toddlers because I feel this! And thank you!
Awww! I love these little tidbits and updates. I love me some Slaughters 🙂 .
Thank you!!
I love this updates. My boys are just a few years behind yours, it’s like getting a sneak preview of what life will be like in a few years.
It also blows my mind how grown up everyone is! In my head, we all still have little babies.
Awwww…Jessica! A little preview. I love that!
What a sweet family you have. Enjoy the week!
Thank you, Joyce!
Once again, I feel like it needs to be said that your ability to pull together outfits for family photos is something. You should teach a class.
Love all the pics!!!
Thank you, friend! My tip would be to scramble, panic, and last minute buy way too much just in case. :). Think that’ll be a good class?