Hey Hey Friends!
Thanks for popping in today for Let’s Look, the monthly link-up where Shay and I take a peek at our lives and we invite you to share a little bit of your life with all of us.
It’s funny the topic today is all about OUR CALENDARS, because I gotta be honest…I’m a bit in that stage of barely surviving all the things. You know that feeling of just needing to catch up for a second? The truth is I’m living in that stage this week and now here we are talking calendars. Oh, the irony.
It’s funny the topic today is all about OUR CALENDARS, because I gotta be honest…I’m a bit in that stage of barely surviving all the things. You know that feeling of just needing to catch up for a second? The truth is I’m living in that stage this week and now here we are talking calendars. Oh, the irony.
Every time I head out of town or return it takes me a bit to get back into the swing of life…laundry caught up, blog posts written, etc. Thanks to my amazing weekend-I’m living on the struggle bus this week. The good news is-I haven’t forgotten a practice, game, or more importantly, a child all week-thanks to my trusty calendar.
This is the calendar I purchased for this new school year. The Happy Planner. I was walking the aisles prior to school beginning and got sucked into the new school supplies section, which happened to have a ton of planners as well as accessories. I really liked the size of this particular planner…the monthly layout gives me plenty of space for all the things.
A little peek at my calendar…
A few things I’ve finally learned about myself-
*I will NOT remember a date. Even if I try my best so I e-mail myself the date and when I’m at my desk can quickly add it to my calendar.
*I keep a large desk calendar on my office desk which houses all birthdays. I see it daily while I’m working so this totally works.
*Going back to the first one, I don’t carry a paper calendar with me. They’re too big and too bulky and let’s be real-I’m not carrying a purse.
And that’s a peek at our September life/calendar.
Next month we’re chatting yummy fall recipes! Can’t wait to get some new ideas! If you joined us, please link-up at the bottom of the post.
I can’t end the post today without this…September 11th, we’ll NEVER FORGET. This past year I was able to make it to the 9/11 Museum on two different trips. While I haven’t been to a wide variety of museums, the 9/11 Museum is the most touching museum I’ve ever visited. I was brought to tears by these citizens bravery, strength, and courage. To all those whose lives were directly impacted by this tragedy, please know you’re in our thoughts and prayers today.