I’m BACK & Let’s Look in 2022!

Hey! Hey! Hey! You GUYS! I’M BACK! And my goodness it feels so GOOD!! While a break was nice for my soul, it feels nice to be here! If you sent me a message, e-mail, or comment asking what had happened, I appreciate you for thinking about me and my family! Seriously! I know everyone’s busy and just knowing I was missed is the sweetest!

I’ve been working with some of the most technical blog helpers and basically as they were explaining things it took me twice as long to really understand. haha! The plan was to just use the two week Christmas/New Year break to do some blog updates here but two weeks quickly spilled over into almost four! EEK! Needless to say, I’m glad to be back with you today!

What do you think about the new look? I’m gonna be real honest and raw…things might keep moving around for a bit, pictures might be crooked, the font in certain parts of the blog are bigger than the font underneath pictures {and for the life of me I can’t figure it out this second} because I’m getting used to the new updates and well, apparently I’m a really slow learner. But that feels very “on brand” for not only this little blog but my life as well. 🙂 I decided after ten plus years of doing things one way it was time to shake things up a bit. So here we are…

Today, Shay and I are kicking off a brand new year of Let’s Look posts! Every month we team up to share a little peek at how we handle something from outfits to decor to organization. We have twelve new topics we get to dive into this year and hopefully we all take something new we can apply to make our lives a little easier. That’s always the goal, right?

Before I dive into the new Let’s Look {since it’s been SO long} I wanted to catch you up on a little of our Christmas Break…

I spent my days with these four. Before Christmas I met up with my sister-in-laws to have a friend take pictures of the cousin crew for gifts for the grandparents. The color scheme was red, black, and grey and I was totally feeling their vibe. I’m restraining myself from posting a group picture because the other four grandchildren are high school/college and they’d prefer to not be shown, I’m sure.

We got to watch the cutest Christmas program with our eyes glued on this girly. My favorite thing about this performance was the 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s all stayed out on stage the entire time. Loved getting to see our kiddo sing the entire time!

One of our FAVORITE annual Christmas traditions happened late this year-I’m talking after my bedtime, but it was so worth it. Bed times the week before Christmas are for the birds, right? At least that’s what I told myself but we met up in our Christmas pajamas, took a late drive down to Dallas, and got in the Christmas spirit with our besties.

We spent A LOT of time in Christmas pajamas!

Ebby Lee got to perform in her first choir concert where she wore the choir dress. The concert was SO good! All the middle school groups performed and I was so proud!

These girls have my heart! We met up with the Shull girls at the nail salon for Christmas nails!

My sister-in-law happened to decorate THE CUTEST cookie I’ve ever witnessed with my own eyes. Please tell me you’re as impressed as I was!

My handsome date and I had two Christmas outings in Dallas to celebrate the season. SO MUCH FUN!

Can you tell from Ebby Lee’s face how happy she was to be there? When you have two younger siblings that believe then you get to be in the Santa picture too.

Due to our Christmas travels our Christmas Eve looked a little different. This year we got up and went to my in-laws for a Christmas brunch and presents with them before going to the Christmas Eve service at church that evening.

We followed it up with our Christmas Eve dinner out in Dallas. And then I promise to share more about our football trip soon!

This whole post was touch-and-go….leaning way more “probably not happening” considering at 7:30 p.m. I was texting for help! So, if you’re reading this-GOOD NEWS! I’m making progress. ha! The prompt today is HOW WE GET ORGANIZED IN THE NEW YEAR! And I can tell you about how that looks at my house with a few simple steps. It really doesn’t take much!

I started using this family calendar app called, Cozi app, right before school started. I add appointments, practices, games, choir performances, meal plans for our weekly dinners, and more. It’s been such a nice way to stay more organized with all the kids’ activities. At the beginning of the year, I always sit down with my calendar and add everything I know of happening in the spring semester. This is KEY to me staying organized through the busy spring.

My picture quality in this brand new post in 2022 is killing it, don’t you think? But wanted to show you something else I do…DECLUTTER! I try to go through every space during the winter months to get rid of anything that’s accumulated during the year. The winter seems to be the best time for me because we have the least amount of activities-but maybe it’d be better for you in the spring or summer. Growing up we always did this in the summer because my mom was a teacher. I try to hit it all…refrigerator, closets, cabinets, pantry, junk drawer, etc. On this particular day, Britt and I cleaned our her toy cabinets. She has the cabinets underneath the television where she keeps toys for downstairs. Check out the before…

And the after! {Another quality pic-ha!}

I try to be realistic when I’m organizing for the New Year. Continuing to keep a closet clean and organized through the year is not one of my spiritual gifts, but I know that about myself. So, when I’m working on closets, drawers, etc…I try to keep things as simple as possible for my disorganized self. 🙂

And really, that’s it! Get it all planned out in your calendar/planner/phone or whatever you use, declutter, and be realistic!

We’d LOVE for you to join us next month! I know I’ve said this before but I’d love to talk about what your favorite dinners are to cook your family, what you eat for lunch, and how you get breakfast quickly to your people each morning. Some of my favorite topics are coming next month!

THANK YOU for reading today! Thanks for bearing with me when I get this new system figured out! I appreciate YOU so very much! I’ll see you tomorrow, friends!


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