Friday Favorites-6.7.24

Happy Happy Friday! Someone told me yesterday we’re hitting the longest, brightest/lightest days of the whole year right now. We were on a walk the other night at 9:00 p.m. and the sky was still well lit! Hope you’re enjoying ALL the rays of sunshine you’re getting where ever you may be. I’m here with a dose of FAVORITES from our week! As always, I’m teaming up with Andrea and we’d love for you to join!

First up, Britt had two camps this week…softball in the morning and volleyball camp in the afternoon. Check out our Camper of the Day from softball camp the first morning! She enjoys many things but softball is her FAVORITE!

Something extra fun was the poster she received had a couple of Ebby Lee’s friends on there. She thought that was extra cool!

Last day of softball was just as much fun as the first!


And she scored a Camper of the Day duck at volleyball camp later in the week as well! Camps with friends are her FAVORITE!


This pic is blurry but that kind of sums up my week. hahaha! If you followed along on my Insta-Stories from Wednesday, I have a couple things to share…

  1. That’s not every summer week for us. Just the first two weeks are a little extra crazy every summer due to camps. I also wouldn’t be able to handle an entire summer like that!
  2. I could not do it without carpools and drivers/sitters. There were times in my day on Wednesday where multiple kids needed rides at the same time. So, if you asked how I do that, I don’t. :). I have help! Mom friends and I help each other out and it saves us all!
  3. Now onto the most important…YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! THANK YOU!! I asked you about advice for Champ. He was up to sleeping nine hours at night like a {yeah, here I go} Champ. ;). But about two weeks ago he started waking up between 5-6 a.m. and barking. He sleeps in the office and we close the blinds, cover his crate so it’s super dark, and play a sound machine so he hears nothing from the rest of the house. I was asked to share your recommendations and some of you mentioned those things we were already doing {which I do think helped because he’s been sleeping through the night since he was little}. The most common recommendation was that he could be hungry. You guys…I decided to feed him way later than normal on Wednesday night after reading those AND HE SLEPT UNTIL 8 A.M.!!! I’m doing it again tonight and will report back {typing this Thursday afternoon}. When he was a tiny puppy, we were told to feed him earlier in the day so he wouldn’t need to use the restroom as much at night and that worked but times are changing and his teen self was HUNGRY! If you’re dealing with this too, lots of people mentioned walking him or exercising him plenty during the day. He might need to go to the bathroom. And even just ignoring him, which is what we were doing but he woke EVERYONE up. Our house is plenty big for six people but if a dog is barking at 5:00 a.m., we can all hear it! So, I want to THANK YOU…you guys are a FAVORITE because hopefully you solved the mystery!


This FAVORITE picture of Bowen was sent to me this week. He’s two-years-old in his preschool class and due to all the tattling his teachers implemented a “tattling ear” where the kids could go tattle. This particular day Bowen must have had LOTS to tattle about because his teacher caught him mid-rant with the tattling ear.


While we’re taking a walk down memory lane, another FAVORITE picture {remember what Bowen looks like in the pic above}…

Is this picture of Tab with his grandpa. Do you see the resemblance?! hahaha! Kind of scary, isn’t it?!


Last year about this time Tab and I headed….


And WHAT A TRIP!! We loved it all!

This weekend we’re setting out on this year’s getaway to a warm weather destination. Like Iceland, it isn’t a place that was on our Bucket List to visit but we’re super excited about all our activities and what’s to come. My parents are rolling into town today to watch the kids for the week. Thank you, parents! I’m sure I’ll be checking in on Instagram as I only find the time to update often when I’m out of town. I’d love for you to follow along with our trip!

With that said, I’ll be signing off today and will join you again in this space June 17th.

Hope you all have a great week! See you soon!


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  1. 6.7.24
    Elspeth said:

    Have a great weekend and trip!

    • 6.7.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Thank you, Elspeth!

  2. 6.7.24

    Would it be weird if I went with you and Tab next week? The three of us would have SO much fun, and I really want to go too! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

    • 6.7.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      BAHAHAHA! Not weird at all! 😉

  3. 6.7.24

    It seems to be just getting dark here at about 9pm, I love the lighter nights.
    The camps sound like a lot of fun and it’s good that you have a lot of help with the carpools and sitters.
    I am glad you solved the mystery about champ.

    • 6.7.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      ME TOO!!

  4. 6.7.24
    Sheaffer said:


  5. 6.12.24
    Marian Emch said:

    Glad feeding your pup later is working, but have you thought about putting his crate in your room and having him sleep with you and Tab? Puppies get lonely (they are pack animals) and just knowing that you are close by may soothe him.

    • 6.16.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Hi Marian! No, we might move it in there. I’m afraid if I get up though it’ll wake him up so that’s a whole other thing!

  6. 6.14.24
    Alyssa said:

    Feeding later at night is a game changer! My dog is 80 pounds, super active. I started splitting his dinner in two– I feed him half around 4-5 and then the other half at 8-9. In the mornings, I have to wake him up!!

    • 6.16.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      I think this might be key for us as well!!