Friday Favorites-11.4.22

Talk about limping to the Friday finish line. Whew! The Slaughter Six are just a tad ready for the weekend. One kid hasn’t felt so great, one kid has a playoff football game along with a baseball tournament this weekend, one kid is resting up after a big football season, one kid is living her best life, and one adult is still in shock this home renovation has three more weeks. See what I mean about being ready for the weekend? 😉

Andrea and I are here to host a line up of Friday Favorites! Each week we share a list of our faves and invite you to join us! I’ve got, “A Little Bit of Everything”, for you today….

First up this meme is a FAVORITE from my week! This meme made me LAUGH because it’s so true! North Texas in the fall often looks very much like that bottom picture.


We had some FUN this past week…definitely some FAVORITES to share! Our Halloween Night was such a good one. The Shulls invited us over to their house for a delicious dinner. Then the four big kids had places to go and people to see so we trick-or-treated with the younger four kids in their neighborhood. Our costumes were all over the place. Gone are the days I can persuade a bit, if you know what I mean. ha! At the VERY last minute {like I’m talking October 30th right before the store closed} I popped into a Halloween store and snagged a “Good Girl” and “Bad Boy” costume for Tab and I. We had absolutely nothing and well, it’s always a little more fun if we get into the Halloween spirit with a costume. Next year I’ll do better. Ebby Lee and her crew all wore matching Halloween pj’s, Nixon asked for a scary mask, an alien attempted to abduct Bowen all night long, and Britt was the prettiest mermaid.

The sweetest girls ready to get some candy!

The whole crew ready for some FUN!


The fun continued on Tuesday night with the end of football season for Nixon and Ebby Lee. I snapped this picture right after the Lions finished celebrating. Lots of lessons were learned, team bonds were made, and some memories will probably last a lifetime. As a mom, it was extra special when the schedules aligned and we got to see both kids out on the field {or sidelines} at once. Those are some of the memories that will last me. :). It was a FAVORITE kind of season…the kind where all the good by far outweighs all the early mornings and hard lessons.

These boys all went to the same elementary school and fought all football season long for the Lions. They were a fun crew to watch!


Our Place Ovenware Set Ceramic Measuring Spoons | Oven Mitt | Festive Juice Glass | Brass Salt Mill | Tree Cutting Board | Simmers Cookbook | Acacia Utensils | Apron | Instant Dutch Oven | Our Place Always Pan  | Wooden Tray 

Every week my plan is to share some FAVORITE things our family already owns or some things we have on our own Christmas Wish Lists. Either way, you should be able to grab some new gift ideas for the people in your life.


I’ve been finalizing all the wallpaper selections and you guys-I’m giddy about some of this wallpaper. I have two absolute FAVORITES and this happens to be one…

Isn’t that wallpaper CUTE?! I’m in love! And I’m certain if my laundry room walls are covered in this then I’ll be dying to get in there and do laundry. Don’t you think? #atleastthatswhatimtellingtab


Next FAVORITE is my new Instagram follow. Do you follow Kari Kampakis? I feel like everything she posts is straight from the Holy Spirit and it’s aimed directly at us moms or our middle schoolers! Her words are all SO GOOD! Sometimes the things we already know to be true or even the thing our kids already know to be true still feel really good when spoken over us. Know what I mean? With two kids in middle school, she’s my FAVORITE IG follow at the moment.


Okay, friends! I’m off to get my car to the shop STAT! It’s making a sound no car should ever make each and every time I brake. Hope you have the best weekend!


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