Hey There, Monday!

This is going to be a WEEK!  Our school starts virtual learning on Thursday and I think we’re all anxiously awaiting how that really will look.  Mix in some kids’ practices, a husband who has a work trip {it’s been so long}, and a special BIRTHDAY today and you have our week.  We have no idea how that will look exactly but I’m trying my best to be flexible and am ready to roll with it!

Rolling with it might just be my motto for this school year.  🙂
 Today, it’s our FAVORITE guy’s BIRTHDAY!

Happy, Happy Birthday, TAB!

He brings all the extra fun to our family and keeps us laughing.

 We’re so thankful we have him as the leader of our family.

Favorite things about Tab…{I asked the kids}

Ebby Lee-“He pushes me to do my best.”
Nixon-“He loves sports.”
Bowen-“He says, ‘yes’, to everything.”
Britt-“He throws me HIGH!” {she’s referencing the pool}
We love you BIG, Tab Slaughter!  Hope you have the BEST BIRTHDAY!


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  1. 8.10.20
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    What a fun post! Happy birthday Tab!!!! Can’t wait to see how you celebrate!

  2. 8.10.20
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    He really is the fun one of the group 😉 . Happy Birthday, Tab Slaughter! I hope you have the BEST day!!!!

  3. 8.10.20
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAB!!!!! Hope your people spoil you rotten!

  4. 8.10.20
    Rightupmyaliway said:

    Happy Birthday, Tab!! 🙂

  5. 8.11.20
    Laurel said:

    Happy birthday Tab!

  6. 8.11.20
    Raj said:

    Beautiful funny family photo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Have a nice day.God Blessing you & Family. I pray to God have healthy, Wealthy.I am so happy &glad.