A Little Pantry Organization Talk

Hey There, Ladies! {And possibly the three gents who read here}

First of all, if you missed my What’s Up Wednesday post from yesterday you can check it out here. I know I’ve mentioned before I’m not techy and well-yesterday just proved that I meant it. Good thing I know some really great people who helped me get to the bottom of it all before 9:00 a.m.! If you reached out to let me know my blog was down, THANK YOU! I checked it before I worked out and everything was great. Somehow things went south right after that. So I appreciate your help!

Okay, a couple weeks ago I shared our new pantry. It was a space that used to be our laundry room but we switched our pantry/laundry and ended up making both spaces just a tad bigger. You can read all see our new pantry in this post. In that post, I shared all the details on the decor of the space and just a tad of the organization. But as I was putting groceries away the other day, I realized the organization deserves a post all on it’s own.

For my pantry and kitchen, I actually enlisted the help of a friend, who is an organizer. {If you’re local and would like her number, comment with your e-mail and I’ll send it to you! She was GREAT!}. She really focused on zones and making things as easily as possible for the ways we use these spaces. And she did a really good job!

I’ve always struggled with coming up with the organizational ideas for making things as easy as possible so I’m hoping by sharing mine it might help some of you…

This is our top drawer right under the Keurig in our pantry. It has everything we’ll need to make a cup of coffee, a coffee zone, if you will. These drawer organizers hold coffee pods, tea, hot chocolate, and coffee filters {because our Keurig makes pots as well}. We also have some napkins and sweetener in there as well.

I don’t know about you but socks and silverware disappear in our house. WHERE do they go? Because of that, I have some spare pieces and a gold set I use when I’m trying to make things nice. She used these sets of silverware organizers {and I have them in my kitchen as well} to keep them all separate. The thing I love the most is not only can I see what I have but when we have people over I can just grab the fork holder and sit it out. It makes people grabbing silverware really easy!

These clear lazy susans can be used in every space…bathrooms, craft closets, and pantries. We didn’t have enough space to house another canned good organizer so this gives us space to hold anything else we need.

I can’t find my exact shelf organizers but these are similar. In our old pantry, I had the organizer that kept the cans rolled horizontally. I could only see the cans in front so other than making the space look more aesthetically pleasing they weren’t super helpful. These organizers are different. I can see everything on the shelf…it holds canned good, spices, and really anything that’s about that size {including Trader Joe’s BBQ Sauce}.

We have several spaces that hold kids’ snacks and they’re all close together. Typically the ones rustling around in the pantry are one of the four kids and this little basket holds containers that keep the snacks organized on the inside rather than all the snacks be thrown in leaving only the top ones to be eaten.

I don’t wanna sound dramatic but these cereal containers have been life changing. If I ever take a kid with me to grab groceries, odds are they’re asking for cereal. This helped me realize some cereal absolutely NEVER gets eaten {I’m looking at you Christmas edition of whatever cereal I got talked into}, how low we are on our favorites, and it helps the kids see this option when they walk in the pantry.

I have two sets of these wooden bins. This set holds crackers in the top and individual chips on the bottom. The other set holds bread, tortillas, buns on the top and peanut butter/nutella on the bottom.

Another great zone-lunch preparation zone. It houses sandwich bags, ziplocs, lunch sacks, and a few extra things. This drawer organizer is similar.

Do you guys have any organization tips for the pantry? Or great ways you keep things as easy in this space as possible? We’re all moms helping each other out so please share if you do!

Happy Thursday, Everyone!


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  1. 1.26.23
    Elspeth said:

    I love an organized pantry!!! So useful and practical too!

  2. 1.26.23
    Sheaffer said:

    Well, my pantry needs some serious help, and I have major pantry envy. I’m thinking I might burn mine to the ground and start over. I’ll keep you posted. 😉

  3. 1.26.23
    Tiffany B. said:

    I absolutely love my wooden organizer which houses all of my different sized baggies. I also have one for saran wrap, waxed paper and foil, with built in cutters, and I love it equally as much.

    • 1.26.23
      Erika Slaughter said:

      This is brilliant!

  4. 1.26.23
    Nancy said:

    I got the bamboo organizers for the drawer the holds the baggies, from gallon size to snack size. It really straightened out that area and there’s still room for foil, parchment paper,etc. Just be sure to get one that is not attached so you can configure what’s best for you and get the one that has a specific quart size box!

  5. 1.26.23
    stacy said:

    Your pantry looks great! It’s constant trial and error with the organizing the pantry. We have the same issue with missing silverware. I’m thinking the kids are tossing them in the trash by accident.

    • 1.26.23
      Erika Slaughter said:

      That’s what I think happens too!

  6. 1.30.23
    Kim N said:

    Oh good – I was hoping for a peek inside the pantry drawers! Thanks for sharing more of your organization ideas. We have the tiniest little pantry (probably our least favorite thing about our house) so I am always looking for ideas on how to best use the space we have (and drooling over large gorgeous pantries like yours)!