Happy Monday!
The snow has mostly all melted and we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming here in Texas. I wanna share a little with you today about the newest member of the Slaughter Family, Champion “Champ” Slaughter.
He technically joined our family on December 23rd, 2023 {when we physically got our hands on him}, but let me tell you what else was happening at the moment….I was in WAY over my head! I’d never had an inside dog before let alone an inside puppy who needed to learn how to use the bathroom OUTSIDE of the house, Britt had a major ear surgery and while she’s so tough her little body just doesn’t heal quickly, we added in family coming to visit and stay with us for a few days, plus an ER visit for Miss Britt to get some fluids/meds, did I mention Tab was traveling like he typically does every weekend for football, and is it even possible for a dog mom to get postpartum depression? I’m not sure this is possible but if so, I might have had that. I’m sure it was more of a case of just overwhelmed mom during the holidays who added another living thing to the house she didn’t know WHAT to do with but either way 2023 wasn’t exactly Champ’s shining moment.
However, 2024 was HIS YEAR! This past year he had some major highlights…
*Champ met and stayed with a Rover family I found twice when we were out of town. He absolutely loves them and the feeling is mutual so when we were on these trips we felt so at peace with him being taken care of.
*Champ spent over two weeks at a training/boarding experience while we were at the beach. This experience was TERRIBLE, BUT I do think he had a semi, “Come to Jesus”, moment with himself where he realized he had it REALLY good at home. I kid you not, when he got home he was SO MUCH EASIER. Not with any of the “tricks” or “signals” he’d learned but just more calm throughout the day and with potty training.
*Champ also got to attend two road trips at the end of the year…Houston for football and New Year’s in Missouri. He struggled in Houston with the bathroom but had mostly figured it out by the time we went to Missouri.
*We began the year with him being able to walk around inside a little indoor playpen area, graduated to the living room/kitchen, and now he roams around the house. He’s still only one so every once in a while he gets into something he shouldn’t but for the most part he knows his toys from something he shouldn’t have.
*We crate trained him and I think that’s what helped him understand the bathroom outside versus inside the house. Now we rarely put him in the crate and he does well.
*You’ll never believe this last one…he graduated from the crate to a bed in a room to sleeping at the foot of our bed! Shocking! I know!
I know I’m a little bias but I’m pretty he could be a dog model. What do you think? 😉
Whoever guessed this girl who wasn’t a fan of dogs would come to need this pillow? hahaha!
This picture is a good representation of our life because the boys are the least “into” him while the girls are SMITTEN!
When I look back over the last year, I can recall many highs and many lows, some praises and prayer requests, and some things we did right while others we did all wrong. Champion Slaughter happens to be one thing we REALLY got “right” in 2024. I know we’re probably all thinking of how we can make 2025 THE BEST YEAR YET and we totally should think that way. I’m just here to remind you not to beat yourself up over something you “missed” last year. I’m sure when you look back you can find a few things you did well and “got right” too.
Let this be reminder sometimes God can REALLY change our hearts.
From, A previous non-pet girl to now someone who’s not so sure I didn’t birth this dog. 🙂
What a year! He’s such a cute dog!
Thank you!
ERIKA!!!! I’m smiling SO BIG right now and my heart is SO HAPPY. First of all, I laughed so hard about the idea of postpartum depression with a puppy. I feel like it should totally be a thing. Secondly, Champ should 1000% be a dog model. He’s a perfect mix of handsome and cute. His curls! His white patches! His chocolate brown coloring! His puppy dog eyes! I mean, who wouldn’t want to buy dog products from Champ?!? I also feel like we need to take a moment for the colors and outfits in your family picture. That is some primo coordinating, mama. WELL DONE.
BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THANK YOU! 1. It should be a thing, right? 2. Thank you! I don’t know HOW our photographer captured what she did because for the most part I just remember him sitting and facing us {not her} which made pics with him REALLY hard! When I saw these, I was so impressed!!
I’m so glad you shared all of this! We brought home our puppy in December and it truly feels like I’m going through postpartum depression as the mom who can barely leave this dog’s side. We had a dog for years but this one seems like the exact opposite so far
Mel, I understand you completely!! I don’t know much but it’ll get better. Hang in there, Mom!
He looks like a big stuffed animal toy to me! He is so pretty and cute at the same time! I was just like you about having an animal, much less one in our house. But a big ol’ chocolate lab changed me a few years ago. She sadly is now at the rainbow bridge. We have moved on to cats after a stray loved our garage so much she gave us babies! (We never could figure out how she got in!) So glad you have Champ as part of your family! Pets really become family and love you unconditionally.
Awwww…Gigi! Thank you! So sorry to hear about your puppy but sounds like those cats are filling some of that piece of your heart!
And people say miracles don’t happen?! This is right up there with the burning bush and the parting of the Red Sea. 😉
BAHAHAHAHA!! It sure is!
I got a puppy the end of November and am feeling like a failure with potty training. She prefers pooping in the house and doesn’t give much signal that she needs to go. I’ll take her outside and she will poop/pee inside 5 minutes later. It’s been 7 weeks with 2 weeks of that time with family over holidays. She’s such a love and loves everyone and everything. I’m hoping if Champ can learn, so can Pippa- a Cavapoo.
Oh Kathie! If I could hug you, I would! I understand your pain! I don’t want to say that you should do a specific thing because I have barely any experience with this. We did put a bell on our back door and he uses it. Sometimes he uses it because he needs to go to the bathroom. Other times he uses it because he wants to play outside so…what do I know?! ha! Good luck to you and Pippa!
As a LONG time reader and someone who has been dog-obsessed since birth, The Erika Dog Lover Transformation has been a FAVORITE to continue to read about!!! <3 Champ is so photogenic!
Alyssa, I’m SHOCKED at my transformation!
Your comment about birthing him almost made me spit out my water! LOL. I get it though completely! He is an absolute beautiful boy!
BAHAHAHAHA!! Thank you!!
I actually googled “post-puppy depression” after we got our first dog a few years ago! I was wondering what the heck was wrong with me. 3 dogs later we are finally getting the hang of how to do it!
JENNIFER! Was it a real thing?