Chantilly Lace? White Dove? Pure White? Alabaster? Greek Villa? Snowbound? Oyster White? Swiss Coffee? Cloud White? Simply White?
You guys is your head about to explode as well?! For the last two-ish weeks, I’ve been laser focused on paint colors. So much so that the local paint guy who’s been mixing up my samples and I realized just that we’ve seen each other every single day for the last five days. Four of those days happened to be right there in the store because I couldn’t make up my mind! The other day we bumped into each other at Chick-fil-a. He was on his lunch break and I’d popped in to grab a quick bite. I didn’t mention to him that I took seeing him there as a sign the colors I thought I’d liked the day before must not be, “the ones”. For real though, who bumps into your paint guy at lunch?! Back to the store I went yesterday to grab a few more.
I think I’ve decided on the perfect colors for my house, my light, and even my direction {do you know there are articles and such suggesting if your house faces one way you need a certain color versus another}.
There are so many articles online about the best interior paint colors, so many suggestions, and so many options. My goodness! The options were limitless! I could have spent almost our entire life savings on sampling ALL THE COLORS! And let me tell you, my personality almost attempted it because WHAT if the one color I didn’t try happens to be THE COLOR?!
I’ve really learned a lot about myself during this house renovation…I strongly dislike making so many decisions. I much prefer being given about three options over limitless options {I’m looking at you, paint colors} which stress me out. And when I get a little too overwhelmed instead of going into quick-decision-making-mode, I turn into pretending the decisions don’t even have to be made. Sometimes I just need a second. Who am I kidding? Sometimes I just need more like 259,200 seconds which is more like three days to decide on something.
I was beating myself up a bit about this trait. Definitely not my best attribute! But I was reading in my quiet time yesterday and this is the verse I had to reread.
Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
“For we are God’s handiwork…”
Me. Myself and my terrible decision making? God created me JUST like that.
Do you even know how many times I’ve had similar conversations with my kids about how we’re all different but God created us uniquely? MANY TIMES! And yet somehow with my own self it can just slip my mind.
I wanted to share in case you’re feeling this way or like me are annoyed with yourself for such slow decision making skills. For YOU are God’s handiwork too, friend.
Here’s to hoping we all remember that today when we’re fretting over that perfect warm white paint color.
Happy Thursday, Everyone!