What a WEEK-Homecoming 2024

Hey There, Friends! Happy Tuesday! I’m a day late on this post. I saw this meme…

I’m not sure I’ve ever identified MORE with something. This past weekend Nixon had a baseball tournament and we were at the fields SIXTEEN hours over the course of two days. I’m gonna say that again. We were there for SIXTEEN hours! WHOA!

Basically I need a cute little graphic that says, “You can go to your kids’ games and tournaments, or you can have a blog post up on Monday. You can’t have both.”. 🙂

Two weeks ago BOTH of my high school students had Homecoming the exact same week. We HOCO asked, we mum/garter exchanged, we black light pep rallied, we festivaled, we paraded, we won a freshman football game, and then we hit Friday night. Two Homecoming football games and two Saturday Homecomings…

Since Ebby Lee got to cheer at the McKinney Boyd football game, our family {minus Nixon} went to that game to watch her. While we were there, we got to watch one of Britt’s favorite girls win Miss Congeniality.

We got to see our FAVORITE sophomore cheerleader on the sidelines!

And even neighbors and sweet friends were excited to see her on those sidelines! Melted my heart that others who love her were excited for her too.

Such a great night for a football game AND a coronation!

Saturday, Nixon’s group got things going first with some pics with McKinney friends before heading to meet up with the Lovejoy Homecoming crew.

He even agreed to a pic with mom. #kindof

We’re so thankful for this group of boys!

Nix and his date ready for Hoco 24!

His group took pics, had dinner, attended the dance for a bit and then enjoyed an afterparty.

Meanwhile, I got to get pics with Ebby Lee as well.

Her gorgeous group of friends.

They took pics, had dinner, pickle balled, and then enjoyed an after party.

I’m so thankful they both had amazing Homecoming weeks! If you’re in the midst of Homecoming yourself, I feel you, mama! You got this!

I’ll see you back here tomorrow for What’s Up Wednesday!

And one more thing before I sign off…if you see this gorgeous mother-in-law of mine, please wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you, Marla, and hope this is the BEST YEAR YET!


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  1. 9.24.24
    Elspeth said:

    What a fun and memorable week! Love it!

    • 9.24.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Thank you, Elspeth!

  2. 9.24.24
    Stephanie said:

    Looks like you guys had a fun Homecoming! Can you please link the shorts you wore for homecoming pictures? So Cute!

  3. 9.24.24

    We homecoming-ed HARD, friend! That being said, the entire week sounds a whole lot easier than 16 hours of baseball. 😉

    • 9.24.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      BAHAHAHAHA! Girl, it might have been!

  4. 9.24.24
    Kimbrough said:

    Do your kids go to different high schools? I assume it’s a sports thing?

    • 9.24.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Hi Kimbrough! No, not a sports thing a what’s better for each kid thing. Nixon’s high school is smaller and very much what he needed. Prior to this, I always thought it was odd when kids in the same family went to different high schools BUT now I get it. What is the best for one isn’t necessarily the best for another so while it’s not super convenient, we’re trying to do the best thing for each kid.

  5. 9.24.24
    Amy Azza said:

    I love all the pics, and your kiddos look GORGEOUS. Does Nixon go to the same high school as Smith, or does he go to the same high school as Ebby Lee?

    • 9.24.24
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Hey Amy! Thank you! He goes to the same high school as Smith!