Hey Hey Monday!
You GUYS! We had the very best weekend. Tab’s been out of town for what felt like weeks even though that isn’t completely true, but with two ski trips, a work trip, and another football season {yes, he’s officiating in that new XFL} his nights at home have been few and far between. This weekend our agenda had a whole lot of NOTHING on it. We spent every evening on the patio with the most gorgeous weather and it was MAGNIFICENT! Back to back movie nights with the heaters on and fireplace blazing…well, who knew but apparently that’s my idea of the perfect night.
I hope you had a great weekend too! My kiddos are out of school today and the weather is supposed to be showing off again here in Texas. It’s gonna be a great one!
I’ve shared all about our New Year/Rose Bowl vacation numerous times. If you missed them, you can check them out here…
Day Three-Santa Monica Pier was on the agenda.
Day Five-Was New Year’s Eve in California!
Day Eight-Disneyland Part One.
Day Nine-Disneyland Part Two.
Throughout those posts, as well as on Instagram I received questions about our trip. I’ve compiled a little Q and A from the questions I got and am answering them today.
Did you pack a car seat for Britt on this trip?
No, we rented a car along with a car seat for Britty on this trip. It was super easy and I’d highly recommend it over packing one. If you are renting a car, I’ve had lots of travel clients use this travel booster.
Did you take a stroller or buy a cheap one in California?
We only used a stroller on our Disneyland day so we just rented one for the parks. Really I think we used it more as a place to hold our jackets more than Britt actually rode in it. While she’s tiny, she’s also four so she actually has good stamina and can hang with us walking, for the most part. I did carry her quite a bit walking to/from the Rose Bowl parade just because the crowd was moving quickly. When my kids were younger, this stroller was always our favorite for travel.
What were your favorites?
Britt-Mickey at Disney
Bowen-The Incredicoaster at Disneyland.
Nixon-The GAME!
Tab-The GAME but his “family” answer was Disneyland. He was technically not spending Game Day with us. 😉
Any must-packs for Disneyland?
A portable phone charger!! That’s always a must at any theme park!!
What did you like about Disneyland versus not like in comparison to Walt Disney World?
The WEATHER was my favorite thing about Disneyland! It was GLORIOUS!
Are the Rose Bowl tours open to the public?
The tours for the float barn are open to the public. You just have to purchase tickets. I did a little searching and I think you can schedule a Rose Bowl Stadium tour but I’m not sure those are offered all year. Right now, it looks like those stadium tours happen the last Friday of every month.
I got lots of questions about how Tab got into officiating. Most of those can be answered in this post or this post.
Among the top questions were THIS COAT and THIS PURSE {mine is from the fall but this purse is similar and screams SPRING}!
Thank you for e-mailing and messaging questions my way!
Remember-Mix and Match Travel Agency specializes in Walt Disney World vacations so if you’re looking to head there anytime soon, please let us help! E-mail mixandmatchtravelagency@yahoo.com or check out our website to learn more!
Happy Monday, Everyone!
I love, love, love a Q&A!!! I can only imagine that the weather in CA was gorgeous!!
Yesterday morning I walked out onto my porch to get a package, and a neighbor from a couple of streets behind me was walking by with her kids. I loudly exclaimed "Oh my word! It is SO GORGEOUS outside today!" Keely was in her backyard and heard me, but she didn't hear the other neighbor's response, so she thought I was just proclaiming it to the world! Lol! 🙂
Loved your answers- they are super helpful. Any particular portable charger you recommend?
I really enjoyed reading the Q&A! I've never been to either (disneyland or disney world) but I'd much rather prefer disneyland for its location! Bringing a portable charger sounds like a great tip!
Thanks for sharing!
Ellibelle's Corner
Love these posts. 🙂
I am curious if your husband also works a "regular" job, additionally, or if he transitioned to this being full time. I am just always curious about how other people live with jobs that aren't your typical jobs:-)
What a fun post to read! Have a great day!