Friday Favorites-4.3.20

 How has your week been?  We’re settling in to our new normal at least for the next month since our Texas schools are closed through April.  I’m having moment after moment of Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.  Spoiler alert-it’s one of my least favorite movies because I dislike watching the same part over and over!

I’ve got some FAVORITES for you to hopefully brighten your day!  I’ve partnered with Andrea and Narci and hope you join us!
Throwing one of my FAVORITES out in case you need this reminder today.

 I’m so thankful for these FAVORITE faces {and Nixon’s but he was MIA for the pic}.

The girls and I drove to M’s neighborhood for a change of scenery walk/bike ride.  Getting out of the house was a FAVORITE for us all!

 I’m happy to report all four of my students passed their first week of online learning.  ha!  A full class with passing grades…a FAVORITE!  It’s actually gone really well but I have plans to change it up a bit next week.  This week started feeling REALLY monotonous with trying to keep the same schedule.  I’m thinking maybe twice a week we have flip it and have school in the afternoon or they work in their beds one day, or we do all of our school work outside?  I’m not really sure yet what we’ll do but I’m gonna change things up a bit.

Another day, another walk…I attempted a picture because I wanted to show you Miss Independent back there thought her best shoe choice for the adventure would be her flip flops and you can imagine how well that went.

But when I got the camera out she went from being upset about her shoes to ON.  Can you tell?  This extra time with my girls is a FAVORITE.

A birthday parade over the weekend for a FAVORITE friend.

This quote from my FAVORITE from the week.

Photo challenges are my FAVORITE…you should join us for April!

And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my FAVORITE 91-year-old!  Happy Birthday to Grandpa Hency!  We love you SO MUCH and wish we were there celebrating with you!

Have the BEST weekend!  See you Monday!

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  1. 4.3.20
    Joanne said:

    I thought that photo challenge sounded so fun… my boys, however, did not! LOL. Teenagers.. they're a whole different breed. Of course it's also like 30 and rainy so playing outside is not an option today anyway. It looks like you are all making the best of it. We often take our schoolwork outside onto a blanket or the patio table when it's warm and sunny out. The change of scenery is nice.

  2. 4.3.20
    Sheaffer Told Me To said:

    Fun ideas to switch school up! I tried to get carter to do 2 days of school yesterday so he would have today off, and he was all “I like my schedule”. #partypooper 🤣

  3. 4.3.20
    Unknown said:

    These parades are the highlight of our week!! They're all so much fun!!!!

  4. 4.3.20
    Cristina - Memories of the Pacific said:

    All these smiles surely brighten my day 🙂

  5. 4.3.20
    Toni :0) said:

    I’ve been saying this is like Groundhog’s Day all the time. So funny as I hated that movie as well and it starred Bill Murray, not Tom Hanks. ☺️

  6. 4.3.20
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    Congrats on making it through another week. I hope you have a good weekend with your family.

  7. 4.3.20
    Erika Slaughter said:

    Toni-Hahaha! You’d think I’d know that since it shows him over and over! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ll change that! Thank you!

  8. 4.3.20
    Kim S. said:

    Tom Hanks wasn't in Groundhog's Day – it was Bill Murray

  9. 4.3.20
    Diane said:

    I’ll be surprised if Texas schools reopen this year with Tx, especially Houston, predicted to be the next hotspot in the country. Thankfully Governor Abbott finally put shelter in place for the entire state. Prayers for good health to all🙏🏼!

  10. 4.3.20
    Amanda @ That Inspired Chick said:

    That Target meme was spot on!!! I’m so ready to be normal again!!! The parade y’all set up for Sadie was so sweet! I teared up as we drove by! And yes…Groundhog Day-everyday. 😩 That Inspired Chick