In May, Britt had her first week of swim lessons with Mrs. Sally. The big kiddos have all gone to Mrs. Sally and learned to swim well from her. We love her big. Britt didn’t feel the Mrs. Sally love until later in the week but by Friday she was jumping off the side of the wall!
And Baby Bowen walked across the preschool graduation stage headed for kindergarten. WAAAAAHHHHH!
May 15th is a BIG DAY in our house…Britt’s GOTCHA DAY! Right now she doesn’t understand much about what that day means but I hope she sees how thankful all of our faces look in that picture. So very thankful for our Britt Bradford.
And we ended the month enjoying Memorial Day weekend with some of our favorites!
Ebby Lee wrapped up her spring season of dance with the cutest dance recital.
We ended second and third grade on high notes and were READY for summer days!
And Bowen decided to play a season of soccer to see what it was all about.
We spent a week of FAMILY TIME at Rosemary Beach, where we fell just a bit in love, ended every day with rosy cheeks, and made some amazing memories.
We celebrated big for Independence Day in McKinney with our local parade in the morning and an afternoon pool side.
The kiddos and I spent a few days in Missouri visiting family and enjoying summer!
Shay and I took the kiddos on our first annual ROAD TRIP! We hit up many stops along the way and ended at Hyatt Lost Pines Resort complete with a fun pool, slides, and great food!
Tab and I celebrated THIRTEEN YEARS of marriage with a fun date night.
We did what we could to soak up the very last bits of summer with a trip to the JW Marriott with our framily right before school started.
Marla hosted the cutest little birthday celebration for me and Tab. The kiddos were the wait staff and they took care of everything. {AKA-Marla took care of everything.} 😉
And just like that…summer was over and we were sending the three big kids off to school. Ebby Lee to fourth grade, Nixon to third grade, and Bowen to kindergarten.
We hit up the North Texas Fair and Rodeo for the first time and had a BLAST!
In September, Britt started preschool!
Ebby Lee and I snuck off on a girl’s trip to NYC to celebrate Kensington’s tenth birthday!
And we ended the month ringing in fall with our town’s Oktoberfest.
To kickoff the month of October, I headed down to Austin to accompany Shay to her Happy Hour Live with Jamie Ivey event. Twenty-four hours of mama time? It was good for my soul!
And then it was time for one of my favorite days of the entire year…our trip to the Texas State Fair.
I hosted a fun Halloween dinner for some girl friends…such a great night! I’m already brainstorming about my 2019 theme!
And we trick-or-treated HARD on Halloween night!
I headed to New York City with some girlfriends for a fabulous few days of girl talk, great food, and good times!
Britty turned THREE and we celebrated Tutus and {Breakfast} Tacos Style with her friends.
The kiddos and I tagged along to Tab’s football game at the University of Texas.
We spent Thanksgiving with family here in Texas and loved getting to host them for the holiday.
And we celebrated Bowen turning SIX with a party at the gym!
In December, we did our best to squeeze in every ounce of Christmas cheer we could muster…a visit to Santa.
A night out looking for the best Christmas lights in all of McKinney.
A carriage ride with our FRAMILY to check out even more gorgeous lights.
Britty had her first Christmas party at school along with a Christmas performance.
We watched the Christmas parade in downtown McKinney.
And we got to enjoy Christmas parties at the big kiddos’ school too.
On Christmas Eve, we went to our church service and then a nice dinner out with G and M.
On Christmas afternoon we headed over to G and M’s house to spend time with them. My kiddos got these Fat Heads and we couldn’t stop laughing!!
We had the best Christmas evening with family.
Thank you so much for following along with me!
See you back here tomorrow for a recap of our Nashville trip!
Erika! What an amazing year!!! Britt not only grew physically, but her little personality BLOSSOMED!! I loved this look back at 2018!
What an amazing year!! I loved reading back through it all. 🙂
Welcome back!! What an amazing 2018!
Such a fun year!
I somehow missed the original birthday post for you and Tab so I went back and read it.
Such an amazing mother in law and super fun grandma to do something so nice I love it!
Well, y'all have had an absolutely fabulous year! And I'm DYING at those fatheads! Hysterical!!!
Happy 2019! 2018 looked wonderful! I am looking forward to another year of post! I love all the glimpses of life, advice and tidbits.
Um….Cuteness Overload!!!!! What a great year!!!! Can’t wait for the next mystery dinner!
What a great 2018!!! So fun to look back over your year!
Simply Tish
What a fun year and great pictures to remember it! Looking forward to seeing all the fun in 2019!
Such a fun year!! I can't decide which is my favorite…Bowen's face in the bowtie in February or sweet Britty in April! So sorry I missed you guys at the game yesterday!! My old lady back problems are ruining my life at the moment. 😉
That Inspired Chick
what a fun year!!! So glad you are back!!! Missed reading your blog!!! Can't wait to see what 2019 brings!!!!