What I’ve Been Priming Lately

Hi Everyone!

It’s good to be back after a long weekend.  We had a great, pretty chill weekend and I’ve gotta be honest…it was nice to have some downtime.

It’s no secret Amazon Prime makes my life as a work-from-home mom SO MUCH EASIER!  I pretty much am down to skip any in-store shopping if my BFF, Amazon Prime, can deliver to my house in two days instead.  #yesplease  

I shared back in February my latest Amazon orders, again in April, and then in June.  I’ve gotta be honest, you guys seemed to love taking a peek in my Amazon cart.  And I don’t blame you one bit because I was begging you to share your cart with me.

This is What I’ve Been Priming Lately…

This is embarrassing but I must tell you…my name is Erika and I have cracked heels.  I’ve dealt with it for years and it gets better after I pull out all the stops but the second it does I back off and then it’s bad again.  Anyone else?  A friend, who also gets dry heels {I’ll keep his/her identity to myself-ha!} was recently giving me a pep talk so I ordered a few new things to get back on track.  I’ve tried this foot peel before and I liked it…didn’t love it, but decided I’d give it another try.

At our Meet the Teacher Night, most of our teachers add some “Wish List” items to a bulletin board for parents to grab {if they’re interested}.  This year I grabbed, “hand sanitizer” and Amazon Prime made that shopping trip EASY!

I read about this product somewhere online…maybe an article?  Pinterest?  blog post?  I can’t remember and I ordered it because my main skin care concern is black heads and large pores.  I haven’t used this one yet but I’ll let you know what I think.  Has anyone tried this?

After my confession above, I’m not sure this picture needs any explanation.  🙂

This year my kiddos are eating later then before at school so I ordered these to make sure their lunches stay fresh and cool until lunch time.

I ordered all my kiddos a few new books for the school year.  Each kiddo has to read 20 minutes each night so having a new book or two to read makes that assignment a little more fun.

Britt’s hair is slowly growing in so we cannot afford to have any ponytail holders or hair ties pull any of her precious hair.  I found these that keep her hair from being pulled.  My favorite way to use these is to put her hair in a high pony with a big bow.

My college minister recommended this book to every couple who got engaged.  Tab and I worked through this study {I’m pretty sure there’s both a book and a study} over the phone while being engaged long distance.  One of our favorite couples just got engaged and I ordered this book for them.

I think that about wraps it up for What I’ve Been Priming Lately.  🙂

Now it’s YOUR turn…what’s in YOUR Amazon cart?

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  1. 9.4.18
    Tanya said:

    I ordered that pedicure tool (or cheese grater as my husband calls it) and it worked wonders on my dry feet. Summer is tough on feet for sure! I have a link up today called Prime Purchases for all those online shopping posts. Come check it out! Hope you have a wonderful week! Tanya – The Other Side of the Road

  2. 9.4.18
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    You and Andrew have the same Prime list. Hahahahaha! 😉

  3. 9.4.18
    Jordan said:

    Have you ever tried bag balm?? So it’s actually used on animals but works WONDERS! You’ll see a huge difference after just once! I slather it on and then out on (old) socks.

  4. 9.4.18
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    Okay, so let me know about the blackhead/pore potion….and the bag balm….because I'm guessing you've already ordered it. 😉

  5. 9.4.18
    Anonymous said:

    Keep us posted on that Blackhead treatment! I’m so curious to see how it works! Great Amazon list!!

  6. 9.4.18
    Kelly S said:

    This post is dangerous- because I'm a Prime addict. But I have the pedicure tool, and it works awesome. Keep it in your shower and just use it a few times a week. BUT BEWARE- it works well and go easy because you will saw your foot off if you use it too rough or in an aggressive way. 🙂 But it works great.

  7. 9.4.18
    Kathy Lang said:

    I definitely want to hear how that blackhead/large pore potion works because I have the same issues. I sure hope it works!

  8. 9.4.18
    Heather said:

    Ok, you'll have to report back on the Babyfoot peel when you try it again. I tried it once after reading all the amazing reviews and it was a total dud for me. My feet peeled everywhere EXCEPT my rough heels! I'll have to look into this bag balm, too.
    My husband doesn't like these Amazon posts because I always fill my cart up with more stuff afterwards! 🙂

  9. 9.4.18
    Unknown said:

    Love this post! Keep them coming!!

  10. 9.4.18
    Alayna said:

    regarding scaly feet LOL:) BUY THIS STUFFFFFF!!! My dermatologist told me about it for my nasty elbows and it's a game changer. I started putting a lite coating on my feet about 2-3 nights a week and my feet are perfect. That's the first time in my life. It used to be prescription only, but now you can get OTC.

  11. 9.4.18
    Simply Tish said:

    Prime is a lifesaver at our house!
    Simply Tish

  12. 9.4.18
    Kelsey Peacock said:

    I have HORRIBLE cracked heels too and I'm so self conscious about it. If I work at them every day they stay okay but if I stop at all they go right back to horrible. Can't wait to hear how that stuff works for you!

  13. 9.4.18
    Bri Runde said:

    How does the foot file work?! I have the roughest feet ever and should order that if it works well.

  14. 9.4.18
    SMum said:

    Yes to Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing! I just read the first two books this summer with my 9-year-old boy (who has a pesky 2-year-old brother) and he loved it. I can't remember if it's in this one, or the next, but be fore-warned that there is some talk about where babies come from (nothing specific, but you might get some questions), and about Santa not being real :).

  15. 9.4.18
    Amanda @ That Inspired Chick said:

    I've got bad heels too! And I don't get pedicures because I'm so ticklish that it's anything but relaxing for me! I have a foot file and I get a weird pleasure in seeing all my dead skin come off. Hahaha!
    That Inspired Chick

  16. 9.4.18
    Leslie said:

    Love that you recommended the Parrott marriage book and workbooks! We loved them!

  17. 9.4.18
    realbamablonde said:

    I just Primed the Lysa Terkeurst Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl book because of Shay's book review! I've also ordered dog treats, cupcake sprinkles, and a letter board! 🙂
    I love how random these Prime orders can get! I ordered the BabyFeet things last year and have yet to use them because I'm nervous about the peeling! Let us know how you like them!!

  18. 9.5.18
    Unknown said:

    Erika, you have ro order Kerasal intensive foot repair for your heals from Amazon! It literally will change your heels overnight. It’s a super thick ointment so you need to wear socks while it’s on. I have used it for years!

  19. 9.6.18
    womaninthemirror said:

    I don't know if you have a TJ's close to you but their Rose Facial Spray (definitely not the right name but you get the gist) has worked wonders on my skin and large pores. And, it was $4.