Tuesday Talk-Organization

Hey Hey Friends!

It’s time for TUESDAY TALK with Fancy Ashley!  Each month we host up link-up inviting you to join us to chit chat about anything and everything.


I want to be the first to tell you with four kids and a somewhat traveling husband I do not have my stuff together all the time, but I can share what works for me.

{Planner on the right is a Happy Planner from Wal-Mart and who knew it has a cult following?  There are accessories for your accessories associated with that planner.}

*First up-I used to have just one planner that held everything.  Not anymore!  This year, I’m trying to have one work planner {as well as Google calendar} AND a family planner.

In my work planner-I keep all of my important work dates, balance due dates, my schedule to call clients, etc.

In my family planner, I have all practices written down, baseball games, soccer games, etc.  Now you wanna know when my planner gets all wonky?  When the baseball league decides to switch a game or change up our schedule.  That’s when I can really mess things up.  I try to remember to go change it in my planner immediately, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen.  The more I have it written down, the more it helps me remember.  🙂

*Get help!  I’m always texting other mamas about practice, games, etc.  And other mamas are asking me about reminders as well.  We’re all in this together, friends!  Find your tribes of school moms, activity moms, and sports’ moms…you need them all in your life!

*At any given moment my closets are probably a mess and my pantry needs to be reorganized but my calendar and organization game is strong.  With a family of six, we all work SO MUCH BETTER if I have our lives scheduled out.  It doesn’t take much, just a few minutes a week to get us all organized and it helps TREMENDOUSLY! 

What about YOUR FAMILY?!  How do you stay organized during your busy seasons?  Please share! what you do!


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  1. 8.20.19
    Lauren D said:

    I'm obsessed with my Happy Planner! I love the layout and how easy it is to jazz it up with the stickers. I've even written several posts about how much I love them, like here: http://www.allaboutthatmommylife.com/2018/08/current-obsessions-getting-organized.html?m=1
    Good luck staying on top of everything this year! I'm so impressed you can do it with a family of 6, we are just a family of 3 and sometimes I struggle.

  2. 8.20.19
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I cannot live without my daily list and my Erin Condren planner! Those two things help keep me organized!

  3. 8.20.19
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    The game changes get me too!!!!!

  4. 8.20.19
    Kasie said:

    Every time I think I have a good organization/planning system down, something changes and I'm all over the place again! But one thing that works for me every.single.time is using the Reminders on my iphone. I put down everything from when to change the air filter in our furnace to if I need to make a call later that day to what color my Kinder is supposed to wear tomorrow. With so many things to keep track of and changes happening all the time, I just whip out my phone and type it in quickly.

  5. 8.20.19
    Anonymous said:

    Okay, I’m so excited to read the comments here. I have an app that controls all of my session scheduling and work calendar, another app for our sports, and a paper calendar for family stuff with daily calendars and such. 🙂

  6. 8.20.19
    Rachel Embery said:

    Google calendar totally. Different color for different kiddo, event, etc… and alerts! I’d die if my phone didn’t alert me to an event. You can set up to 2 alerts so one the day before, one an hour before, or whatever combo works for you. Our phones are always near so why not use them as tools! Plus google calendars are easy to share with grandparents and spouse!

  7. 8.20.19
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    I use a planner for school and then iCal-on my Mac and iPhone to organize meetings, appointments, blog stuff etc.

  8. 8.20.19
    The Stantons said:

    Beg your kiddos teams to use the ap “Team Snap”! My son plays competitive soccer and i would die without it! It sends changes, reminds you of practices, there is a chat feature that you can ask what color jersey, which field., etc. There is a calendar that you can check (recheck because you forgot) what time practices and games are. Love it!

  9. 8.20.19
    Lolly said:

    I'm sorry, no disrespect, but I honestly do not understand people who still use paper planners. You said it yourself, you don't remember to update the planner with schedule changes. And it gets messy with cross-outs and erasures if you are using pencil. And as your kids get older and more into sports, those changes are always happening.
    Just use Google Calendar, different color per person, when the alert of schedule change comes into your email or text, open calendar (you are already on your phone/computer and don't have to dig around or look for planner), change it, done! You get an alert an hour before the event so you don't forget. Easy peasy. Take advantage of the technology.

  10. 8.20.19
    Nicole in WI said:

    I am a huge fan of using Cozi. You can get the app for your phones to send you reminders. You can create sports schedules. Each person is assigned a color, and if they join with their email/get the app – you can set up reminders for them too. Being a divorced parent, this is how we keep all of our households on the same page!

  11. 8.20.19
    Amanda @ That Inspired Chick said:

    I used to buy a cute new planner every year and then I'd use it for a couple of weeks and forget about it. 🤦‍♀️ It was never near me when I needed to jot something down so I just started using my phone calendar instead. I still love a cute planner though…I just wish I actually used it more!
    That Inspired Chick

  12. 8.20.19
    Becky Cowen said:

    I use google calendars for EVERYTHING! I have a separate calendar for my kids sporting events, my personal stuff (things I only want to see), family trips, meal planning, etc. Different people are allowed to see different calendars. For instance, grandparents are allowed to see the sports calendars… My husband allows me to see his calendar so I can plan around his schedule as well. I keep it all in one calendar and it helps me so much! I too am a working mom of four and my husband works long hours. 🙂

  13. 8.20.19
    Unknown said:

    Weird question, but where do you keep your planner? Here is my problem every time I try to start with a planner: I don't like having it always setting on the counter, but that seems like the most obvious place to see what's going on for the day. But then you don't have it when you need to write something down like an appointment you make. So do you keep it in your purse? And then take it out to check each morning? I've overthought this so many times!

  14. 8.20.19
    Joanne said:

    I use two giant wall calendars to keep me organized; one for all the family activities and events and one for just my blogging stuff. Luckily I have a somewhat photographic memory so I don't need the calendar in front of me when we're out and about. I tried a planner once but kept forgetting to bring it anywhere with me!

  15. 8.21.19
    Mindy said:

    Google calendar. Color code different activities and/or kids. No need for paper anything!! Reminders and updates are easy too.

  16. 8.21.19
    Deena said:

    Every time I try a paper I stop using it after a month or two. I like the Outlook calendar but couldn’t get it to sync on my phone so now use the Google calendar. I love that it syncs on my phone, iPad, and laptop no matter which one you add it to. The notifications save me and you can also do reminders with it.

  17. 8.22.19
    Chrissy G said:

    As much as I love, enjoy, and depend on my phone, there is nothing like paper and pencil and the bible of a calendar sitting on my countertop. The whole family references to it. Example: My teenagers will get a bbsitting job, and won't confirm, until they look at mama's calendar. I get it. We can do this thru phones and apps and calendars. But you know what…they look at those all the time. Come home. Read the print. My (black, At-a-Glance) calendars that I've been using for 20+ years do not tell a lie. And make for good alibis, as I've kept them all;)