This year our school first day of school landed on a Thursday {which in my opinion is pure genius}!! We had the first part of the week to soak up the last bits of summer with a day at the pool, one day FULL of errands, and then one day to do absolutely nothing before school started. It was fabulous!
On Tuesday-I took these cuties to get a quick hair cut before school.
I hadn’t made Britt an appointment, but she sat patiently watching everyone else get their hair cut. Each time someone got down out of the chair she’d say, “My turn?”. The sweet hair stylist was determined to get her in for a little cut too. She just cut off all those long uneven pieces and I couldn’t LOVE it more! Can you tell Britt was a fan as well? She sat so still in the chair smiling the entire time!
Is it just me or does it make her look more grown up?
That evening was Meet the Teacher and check out this cute FIFTH GRADER!
Guess who’s in Bowen’s class this year?? ASHBY!
I saw Ashby at a flag football game the first evening of school and I was all, “So, Ashby…did Bowen get in trouble today?”. I think I’m gonna like this arrangement. 🙂
My crew looking forward to a new school year!
Wednesday-I let this crew be as lazy as possible! But that evening ALL THE FALL SPORTS started. Two had dance class and two had baseball practice. Can you guess who is who? 😉
And a look back because…
Ebby Lee-Kindergarten
Can you believe she was this tiny?
Ebby Lee-First Grade
Ebby Lee-Second Grade
Nixon-First Grade
Ebby Lee-Third Grade
Nixon-Second Grade
Ebby Lee-Fourth Grade
Nixon-Third Grade
Check out these big kiddos…
Bowen-First Grade
Ebby Lee-Fifth Grade
Nixon-Fourth Grade
We’re love Bowen’s first grade teacher and are looking forward to a great year!
This is the LAST year for Ebby Lee at our elementary school. I’m gonna be a nervous wreck next year! She also has great teachers and is looking forward to having a great year!
Nixon has one new {to us} teacher and one of Ebby Lee’s from last year but we’ve heard nothing but amazing things. He can’t wait to experience fourth grade.
This cutie will be headed back to preschool soon enough.
Bowen was all smiles at drop off!
Nixon was mortified I was taking his picture…hahahaha!
And just like that…another first day in the books!
After drop off, Britt and I met a lot of mama friends at Spoon’s for breakfast.
I made these Smores Cookies for an after school treat.
And pigs-in-a-blanket too. Right before the kiddos got home I added mustard and ketchup to that middle bowl. They thought this was super fancy.
And just like that…we’re back to school.
Happy Monday, Friends!