
I’m sure everyone this week is thinking about everything you’re thankful for.  When you’re asked this question…

*Sweet Blog Readers-or maybe this is just me?  🙂

These kinds of things always come to mind, right?

I want us to think a little harder today and come up with a few little things we can be thankful for.  You know the things you’d write down if you journaled five things everyday you were thankful for? 

The Little Things I’m Thankful For…
*A new neighbor girl we met this weekend came over yesterday afternoon and played basketball outside with Ebby Lee and Nixon for almost two hours-THANKFUL!  I got work done while they had a blast!
*When I come home from a girl’s night and Tab has all the kids bathed-THANKFUL!
*When Bowen says, “You” instead of “Your”.  As in, “Can I have a drink of you tea?”  He has done this his entire three years of life and I’m-THANKFUL-it reminds me that even though he thinks he’s as big as his siblings, he’s not.  He’s little.

I know you guys deal with some HARD things.  Today, I would love for you to share one little thing you’re thankful for.  There might be some of you going through some tough times and reading something that reminds you of some little thing you can be thankful for too could really brighten your day.  Please comment and share with us all one little thing.  🙂

A couple more things…
I forgot to choose a winner on Thursday for our boutique giveaway, so I just drew.  The winner is….


Clarissa, please e-mail me at and we’ll get your goodies to you.

And…today I’m guest posting over at Colors of Life Blog.  You should go check it out.  I’m sharing one of my favorite things and WHY I love it.  🙂

Have a GREAT day!

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  1. 11.24.15
    lifeaccordingtolaurentruman said:

    As I'm awake in cold Minnesota with my five month old, feeding and trying to get her to sleep, I am thankful for these moments. My husband is traveling for work and it's just me and my sweet girl. Giving her a bottle, cuddling her, listening to her hiccups and even changing her diaper… I am so thankful God chose me to have this sweet girl as my baby. I know (as you point out) someday, I'll look back and miss these sleepless nights with a newborn. I'll miss her needing me to do everything for her and I'll miss the sweet, endless cuddles. So, at 5 am, I am so very thankful. And, grateful to have a blog to read while being awake at the butt-crack of dawn 🙂

  2. 11.24.15
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I am thankful that a sweet mama in Xi'an, China decided to chose life for her baby girl. And even though I'll never know the reasons why, I'm thankful that when she knew she couldn't keep her any longer, she placed her in front of a hospital so that someone would find her and care for her. I'm thankful she chose life and that God chose me to mother that baby.

  3. 11.24.15
    Haley Bishop said:

    I am thankful for YOU, my power business partner 🙂 You are such an amazing, sweet, positive person in my life! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

  4. 11.24.15
    Dustie Day said:

    I'm so hard to just list one thing but I'm so incredibly thankful for happy, healthy kiddos. Do you ever sit back and think, what did I do before kids? I'm not ever really sure! 😊

  5. 11.24.15
    Anonymous said:

    I'm thankful for great friends like you!! Xoxo 🙂

  6. 11.24.15
    Sarah K said:

    I am thankful for the ten minutes of quiet time alone in my car between teaching and picking up my own kids from school 🙂

  7. 11.24.15
    Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said:

    I am thankful for my amazing parents who never miss anything going on in my kids lives. Grandparents are the best.

  8. 11.24.15
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    I am thankful for the fact that although my 7 year old is already too big to hold my hand in public some of the time, he sure doesn't mind snuggling up with me at home. 🙂

  9. 11.24.15
    Elizabeth said:

    I am thankful for every little kick from my sweet baby- no matter the time of day or how bad I have to go to the bathroom 😉 Being able to carry this precious life is a gift I could never take for granted!

  10. 11.24.15
    Unknown said:

    I am thankful for Thanksgiving Break. Thankful for the wonderful people in our lifes during this hard time in our lifes doing what they can to make it easier on us.

  11. 11.24.15
    Unknown said:

    My biggest thanks this year is that my littlest little is finally eating by mouth, after almost 5 years! Just in time for Thanksgiving! I'm also so thankful for life, health, & salvation. And Thanksgiving break…which can not get here soon enough! 😉

  12. 11.24.15
    Laci said:

    I'm thankful that somehow I stumbled across your blog (along with all the other friends you have). It's always encouraging to me and lifts my spirits. Thank You! Have a blessed Thankagiving.

  13. 11.24.15
    Mother Henn said:

    I'm thankful when my 3 year old says, "Mommy, you're my best sister!"

  14. 11.24.15
    Reba said:

    My oldest son (he's 3) has Type One Diabetes. I am very thankful for insulin to keep my son alive. This is such a tough disease to fight, but it truly puts things in perspective and reminds us how much we have to be thankful for.

  15. 11.24.15
    Sarah Shaneyfelt said:

    I am thankful for sweet friends at church who have helped me grow in my relationship with Christ! I love that we have a friendship rooted in Christ–it makes it much sweeter and truthful!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  16. 11.24.15
    BronteReed said:

    I am thankful that some of my Dad's family (he passed away when I was seven years old and my mom and I never really kept in touch with them) found me via Facebook and reached out to me. It's nice to know I have a bunch of family that cares and wants to get to know me even though I never really knew them growing up. It's also really comforting to get to hear stories of my dad since I only have limited memories of him.

  17. 11.24.15
    Carrie said:

    I'm thankful for my family's health. We can never be thankful enough for that!

  18. 11.24.15
    Kel said:

    I am thankful that, as a mom of 2 boys, I am going to have my first little niece to love on soon! I can't wait to experience a baby girl.

  19. 11.24.15
    TorontoSAM said:

    I'm thankful for the little dusting of snow we got overnight and the sweet boy who crept down the stairs to see me while it was still dark out, and his excitement in seeing the snow.

  20. 11.24.15
    Lauren said:

    I am supremely thankful for knowing to listen to my gut. It's gotten me out of plenty of potential pickles. (Say that 3 times fast!)

  21. 11.24.15
    Kimm said:

    i am thankful all that I have. In a world lately where we are all too quick to compare ourselves to one another, always wanting more, what someone else has, I am truly thankful for all that I do have. I have a home, a husband and 5 happy healthy children, and I know that is so much more than some have. So I am just plain thankful! Happy thanksgiving Erika !!!

  22. 11.24.15
    Danielle Mcdermott said:

    I am thankful that I was able to run a half marathon on Sunday, and that so many people were proud to see me run.

  23. 11.24.15
    Clarissa said:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 11.24.15
    Clarissa said:

    I am thankful for my husband shoveling (that snow was super heavy)

  25. 11.24.15
    Megan said:

    When Baker asks for anything and I say – 1 more minute; he always replies with – no I want all those minutes. For example- I wanna cuddle for all those minutes. It reminds me to be thankful for this crazy time when he wants his mama for all those minutes.

  26. 11.24.15
    Simply Stephens said:

    I am thankful for sweet laughter of my children, nothing warms my heart more ❤️

  27. 11.24.15
    Unknown said:

    I am thankful for you for guest blogging today. Seriously! 🙂 Or the fact that I have bloggers like you who challenge us to think of the little things in life that we're thankful for. I love the quote "Happy people aren't thankful, thankful people are happy." I totally believe it! Happy Tuesday!

  28. 11.24.15
    Elise @ Her Heart and Home said:

    I am thankful for your blog!
    I am thankful for the way Nancy snorts and scrunches her nose.
    And I love that little Bowen expression. "…you tea?" BLESS.
    Happy (almost) Thanksgiving, beauty! xx

  29. 11.24.15
    Lindsay's Sweet World said:

    I am thankful for my amazing husband, our two sweet babies, and our good health. There are too many people out there who are struggling with health issues and I'm so incredibly thankful that isn't something that we are currently experiencing.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family!

  30. 11.24.15
    Leigh (Balancing By Faith) said:

    I am thankful for my health – and my families health. So many struggling with so many health issues, thank you Lord for blessing us!!

  31. 11.24.15
    Lisa C said:

    Thankful for healthy parents at 79 and 83!

  32. 11.25.15
    Katie said:

    Today I am thankful for a sweet email from the momma of one of my 2nd graders that said her son has "smiled more this year so far than all his previous years of school." I am thankful that my principal placed him in my class and that I've been blessed to bring out his smile. 🙂

  33. 11.25.15
    Sara Lynn said:

    I am thankful for my job that I enjoy working at and allows me to provide for myself and my family!