Summer Interviews

We’re officially four days into the greatness that is SUMMER BREAK!  We’ve been working on a SUMMER BUCKET LIST but in the mean time I wanted to know what my kids are looking forward to this summer.  When they think about what’s to come, what are they the most excited about?

Well, here we go, friends.  These were their responses…

Britt:  “Spending time with my family.”
That answer sums her right up.  She loves school, loves her friends, but she REALLY enjoys her people here at home the most.

Bowen:  “Getting to eat Bang, Bang Shrimp.”
One of the local restaurants here change their menu every season and last summer Bowen discovered his love of bang bang shrimp.  He’s been talking about it all winter long and is counting down the days until they bring it back.  Fingers crossed it’s soon!

Nixon:  “I’m looking forward to our summer trip.”
This summer vacation to Yellowstone has Nixon’s name written all over it.  All the kids will enjoy it but I truly think Nixon will love it the most.  I’ve been thinking that so it warmed my heart he’s been thinking the same thing.

Ebby Lee:  “SLEEPING IN”.
She is twelve, after all.  Last night she asked around 8:00 p.m. if it was fine if she went to bed because she was so tired.  I remember doing that growing up…Wednesday nights were my one night in high school where I had no late sports’ practices, games, etc. so often when my parents left to go to Wednesday Night Bible Study {there wasn’t a youth program} around 6:40 p.m. I’d say, “Good night”…knowing I would be fast asleep by the time they got back.

Tab and I are both looking forward to weekends spent by the pool, all the extra time with our kids, the relaxed pace that always comes with the summer days, and all the memories we’ll make over the next few months.  

What are YOU looking forward to this summer?!


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  1. 5.27.21
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    What a fun idea! I’m looking forward to time spent outside and with family!

  2. 5.27.21
    Natasha said:

    I'm looking forward to (hopefully) having our restrictions lifted so we can spend time with friends and at the pool and playing baseball (for my son). We're near the end (we hope and pray) of our third lockdown (which has lasted two months) and I'm ready for Covid to be done.

  3. 5.27.21
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I'm looking forward to a relaxed schedule and lots of time by the pool!

  4. 5.27.21
    Taylor said:

    Weekends at the lake!