Questions Answered-3.18.21

 A few weeks ago I asked for questions you might have for me via Instagram.  I answered many in Round One so if you missed that post, please be sure to check it out!

I’m starting with an easy one!  Hands down-a bath and a book at night.  I just finished, The Look-Alike, which was GOOD if you’re into thrillers!

I’m the worst breakfast chef.  There’s just something about my kitchen being all clean in the morning that makes me want to make breakfast be the most simple meal of the day.  I make my kids a lot of waffles via the toaster with peanut butter, nutella, honey, etc. My go-tos are any frozen egg bite that requires just a microwave {Trader Joe’s cauliflower are my FAVORITE with hot sauce on the side}, frozen protein waffles {the Van’s brand are good}, or a protein bar.  For lunch, I usually eat leftovers.  This week I’ve had a sandwich, leftover sloppy joe meat topped with spicy pickles {I’m having a moment with spicy pickles}, and leftover chicken and rice.  

I’d start by researching adoption agencies and deciding which agency you want to help you during this process.  Congratulations-by the way!  Adoption is so near and dear to my heart.  I love hearing about other people adding to their family through adoption.

AAAHHHHH!!!!  I feel you, Mama!  So much of our consequences depend on the child but depending on what works for your kid-no screen time, extra chores, alone time in his/her room, etc.  Those are all my go-tos when we’re working on correcting behavior.

This year has been tough!  It’s hard to interact when parents aren’t really allowed up at school much.  I’m Bowen’s room mom {I share the duties with another mom friend} so I am in and out of his room much more frequently than I’m in Nixon’s class.  For Bowen’s teacher I try to stay in contact via e-mail letting her know I’m available to help anytime.  The co-room mom and I were up a lot during the holidays to help with parties but I haven’t been in his room since Christmas.

This summer we’re doing something completely different than ever before and we’re heading out west…Utah {we’ve been to Utah before but we’re seeing a different side of it this time}, Montana, and Wyoming.  My boys are so excited about it-Ebby Lee has her doubts.  She was vying for a beach.  If you’ve done this kind of vacation and did something you loved, please share!

Our COVID numbers spiked here in July and then went back up around November-January.  Since February numbers have been much lower.  Now I must tell you I live in a county with a lot of people so the actual numbers are pretty relative to our area.  And when my mom who lives in a much less populated country county shares her numbers they’re WAY different.

9!  Can you see that via the pages of this blog?  

Remember you’re ON THE SAME TEAM!!  I needed someone to tell me this in those early years of marriage {especially during those tired mama of two babies, I was exhausted days}, because I often found myself keeping score.  There was no need!

My first suggestion would be to just take the jump and get started by setting up a blog, sharing things you’re passionate about, and then encouraging friends/family to read.  My biggest tip is to be consistent no matter what or how you decide to do it. {Says the girl who is the most inconsistent poster on Instagram 😩😩}

Did you see my post on Monday?  I didn’t do a big play-by-play recap because we really and truly got lots of work done.

I’m a solid 5-day-a-weeker.  😉  I will say that during quarantine when I had all the time in the world with no place to go, yes, I worked out everyday because I had the time but with life more back to normal and kids’ tournaments covering my calendar on the weekends I typically only work out Monday-Friday.  Twice a week I go to the gym to do more strength training/weight lifting.  The other three days I ride the Peloton, run/walk, do a Peloton app workout, a Pinterest workout, etc.  My motto right now is to MOVE my body and do something I enjoy for 30-45 minutes five days a week.  

I think I have one more installment of questions coming up next week and then I’ve hit them all!  Thank you so much for following along!

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