Whew! So sorry about my absence yesterday. Mix and Match Travel Agency has been BUSY! {I’m LOVING it-by the way, but I just ran out of time to finish this post. You guys know I’m the WORST sleeper-basically, if I’m wake up at 3:00 a.m. or later, there’s no going back. I’m up! But that also means at 8:50 p.m. every night I start drifting off. #always Needless to say, I crashed and there was no finishing.
I’m very particular about keeping sunscreen on Britt’s scar. We ran out of what we were using so I grabbed this. On this same topic, I ordered this scar gel about a week ago to see if it will help. We haven’t been using it long enough to notice a difference yet, but I’ll keep you posted.
In my post on Monday about The Bible Recap I mentioned ordering a new ESV bible. This is the one I bought.
I have two nail biters in my house and my 2021 plan is to STOP THAT! I’ve applied this twice and I’ve heard, “it tastes horrible”, so I’m hopeful it’ll work. It’s just like a clear nail polish I paint on their nails/end of their fingers every other day. If you’ve had this issue at your house, please let me know what worked!
On January 1st, when everyone I knew started thinking about how they were gonna be more organized in the new year I got a recommendation for these bags. Let’s hope these three bags help me stay organized. #hahahahaha
We’ve never used a storage bag when storing the tree, but I decided this would be the year.
Okay, this dry volume blast doubles as both a dry shampoo and a volumizing spray. I’m a FAN!
Britt got this for Christmas, but I’d say the three other kids along with myself took this over on Christmas night. We played through ALL THE CARDS! I need to get someone the regular edition for Valentine’s Day or an Easter basket.
Ebby Lee’s history class is covering World War II so her teacher recommended this book before they begin. I remember reading this one when I was younger…so good!
Another item my kids are getting for Valentine’s Day or Easter…this pillowcase! We already have two in our house and it’s safe to say they get fought over.
That’s a little look at what’s arrived on my doorstep lately. Hope you have a great day, friends!
My daughter got bit by a dog on the tip of her nose. we used the silicone gel on her nose and it helped A great deal
I love your priming posts and it gives me ideas of things to buy too. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing lol!
YES! Seriously love that pillow case!!!!
There is a great APP similar to Rush Hour – it is called Traffic Jam. I had Rush Hour as a kid and love it, and the app is great for on the go!!
Do you have Kanoodle yet? It is like Rush Hour, but more advanced. I keep it in my purse to play when we are out and there is a waiting time
I've had 2 thumb suckers and I used Mavala Stop for both of them. We got it from the orthodontist when my older daughter was 10(!). She was only sucking her thumb at night. She did not want to use it, but her little sister (6) was ready! She wore it for a couple weeks and was done sucking her thumb. Big sis decided to use it and she was done in a couple weeks. It worked well for us! Good luck! I am a nail biter, but if I have nail polish on, I don't bite my nails.
Awwwww!! Number the stars!! Oh my word!! I love that book!
I loved Number the Stars!