On Monday, I did my very first PHOTO EVERY HOUR over on Instagram. I tried my best to snap a picture almost hourly to share a bit of our life with you. The feedback I got over on Instagram was great. You guys seemed to be fans! I promise to bring this back {hopefully} monthly and just post more over on Insta-Stories and Instagram in general.
You can follow me on Instagram at “slaughteren”. I tend to accidentally take big posting breaks from Instagram, but I’m trying to stop doing that. 🙂
In case you missed it, here’s a peek into my Monday. If you’re new here I want you to know I’m super nosey so these posts-similar to a “Day in the Life” are some of my favorites to read. Hope you enjoy it!
5:30 a.m.
You guys I had my alarm set for 5:00 a.m. and I woke up around 2:30 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep. I was awake for way too long so during that time I pushed my wake up time back by thirty minutes. I got asked a lot about my 2:30 a.m. alarm. Haha! To be honest, I have no clue why or when I woke myself up purposefully at 2:30 a.m.!
6:30 a.m.
I went in to wake the kiddos up and Bowen just wasn’t feeling getting out of bed. I couldn’t blame him.
On this morning, we woke up to a crazy cool McKinney morning! BRRRR!!! We turned the fireplace on and got ALL the blankets while they watched a morning show. My kiddos would prefer I wake them up thirty minutes early just so they have time to be lazy in the morning. I totally get that. #theygetitfromtheirmama
7:30 a.m.
All four are ready for the day! We loaded up and dropped the two big kiddos off at school.
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
I freshened up just a bit, washed my face, and added some make-up before getting my crew at childcare.
Shay had a speaking engagement at a local MOPS so I offered to take her girlies with us for the morning. I busted them out of childcare and all but ONE were excited to take a picture. Can you guess which one?
11:00 a.m.
We had a busy after school and I knew there’d be no time for whipping up dinner then. I had bought all the ingredients needed to make Shay’s Steak and Wedge Burgers. {And if I’m being honest, my ground beef needed to be cooked THAT day or I was afraid I’d have to throw it out.} So I turned them into meatballs instead, followed her recipe exactly-just in meatball form, threw them in my slow cooker, and they were ready to eat after all the activities.
12:30 p.m.
After starting some laundry, getting a few phone calls in, and unloading the dishwasher it was time for this girl’s nap and work time for me!
She was feeling it…can you tell?
1:30 p.m.
I was on the phone with a travel client and Bowen thought it’d be funny to WAKE BRITT UP FROM HER NAP! YES! He LOST his mind, went into her room, and got her OUT of HER BED!
2:00 p.m.
It was complete chaos at this moment. Bowen and Britt pulled out all the blankets, Britt was drawing all over with a marker, and they were both playing at my feet. #workingfromhomeproblems
5:00 p.m.
We picked up the big kiddos from school, had volleyball practice, and grabbed one quick, blurry picture before leaving the gym.
5:15 p.m.
Can you guess?
6:00 p.m.
Nixon had a baseball game so we darted over there right after volleyball and cheered him on!
8:30 p.m.
After the game, a quick dinner, and baths we took a few pictures and were off to bed.
A BIG GOOD NIGHT from our crew to yours!
I loved this so much!!!
Fun to see your day! Oh and BOWEN!!! You don't wake a sleeping baby, dude! Ha!
Yep. Totally nosy over here too, so I love these posts! Bowen! What were you thinking? #notcool 🙂
This was so REAL.
Loved it! There is nothing like the lack of sleep + love we experience as moms. So incredibly crazy 🙂
Nothing in the world can mentally prepare you for a child waking up early from a nap! 🙂
Now I want meatballs for breakfast! Yum!
Love seeing how people “do” their day! It oftentimes actually helps motivate me or gives me good ideas on things to do etc. quick question for you; do you lay out your kids clothes the night before or anything like that? Cause we’re very last minute in the morning, I don’t know how we’d manage if we watched a little show. I’m noodling this concept to see if we should try it…
Always lay out clothes. Helps the insanity.
Loved this!! Naughty little Bowen for waking up Britt!! 😉 That Inspired Chick
What a fun, busy, & completely normal day. I love these posts because I feel as though there are other mamas in the trenches with me. 🙂
Love these posts! Sweet Bowen will probably never do that again! The older I get the more I become a morning person but also want to be a night owl and stay up after kids are in bed and house is quiet. Do you go to bed when your kiddos do?
And I heard Shay speak at a MOPS event and she is AMAZING! I girl crushed HARD! haha! Thanks for sharing your day! 🙂 Simply Tish
on your meatballs- did you just mix with the steak sauce and roll them into balls to cook? Anything else added? How long? Looks easy and quick!
I used Montreal steak seasoning with the ground beef and dumped a can of chicken broth for them to cook in (because that’s all I had). I cooked them on low for almost eight hours. I served them on iceberg lettuce with bleu cheese and a bit of Ranch. Delish!!
Oh! I left out the bacon because I was too lazy! 😉
You are a one woman force of energy! 🙂 I would love to read a post where you share your tips on how you get up so early and keep going all day looking so great – some kind of pseudo survival tips! You never look tired! So basically I need to know (hahaha :)) – your brand of coffee, brand of under-eye concealer and anything else you can tell me as you got to have some major tricks up your sleeve lady :))) RESPECT! Really fun post, love reading your blog – find it v inspiring, fun and motivating. The #workfromhomeproblems cracked me up as I work from home half the day – my son is at school but usually it is pets fighting or pooping on the floor next to me or ripping something up! Have a LOVELY Friday – looking forward to reading your Friday Faves – all the best from the UK – Joanne x
So weird–I follow you on Instagram and didn't see any of these! I even went back and looked at your feed and it doesn't show any pictures posted since the Easter picture you posted. What am I missing?