Let’s Talk…New Year

EEK!!  It’s our very first “Let’s Talk” of the year.  Andrea and I are hoping you’ll chit chat right along with us.  Today we’re chatting about 2016!  What we’re looking forward to, excited about, and what goals we’ve set.  Can’t wait to read what 2016 has in store for all of you.

 Ebby Lee will turn 7 in just a couple months and I can’t wait to watch her perform in her spring dance recital.  I CANNOT believe she’ll be starting second grade later this year!!  She’s a sweet, sweet girl and seeing her personality shine is so much fun!

This handsome dude will turn 6 soon.  WHEN did he get so big?  He’ll be in first grade before I know it.  I love getting to watch Nixon play sports…basketball, baseball, and even flag football are on the list this year.  This kid keeps me in stitches laughing and on my toes.  He’s a smart one.  😉

 The baby turns 4!!  Bowen is a little mix of us all-he got Tab’s charm, mixed with Nixon’s funny shenanigans, and topped off with Ebby Lee’s loyalty. I can’t wait to see him come into his own more and more.

This guy and I will celebrate 11 years of marriage this summer.  We’ll be the first to tell you marriage isn’t easy, but I am one blessed girl to get to do life with this guy by my side.  

 Yeah, this is pretty much the same thing as what I’m looking forward to, but just go with it.  🙂

We’re setting out for a Disney Cruise with the Shull family over Spring Break.  I’m not sure who’s more excited…the kiddos or Tab and I.  haha!

Another thing I’m excited about is my new gig!  Back in the summer, I signed on to help Shay with her Mix and Match Travel Agency and we have been BUSY!  I’m loving getting to work with you guys to help you plan some amazing Disney World and Disney Cruise vacations.  Just this week I got pictures via text from sweet clients at Disney World.  Let me tell you those are the best texts.  It’s going to be a great year for the Mix and Match Travel Agency.  If you’d like help planning your upcoming Disney vacation, please e-mail us at mixandmatchtravelagency@yahoo.com.  We’d love to help your family plan a magical vacation.

I’m not exactly sure when but I think this guy and I will sneak away for a little vacation just the two of us.  🙂

And we haven’t 100% decided on a fun little summer vacation destination, but we’re 99% sure we know where we’ll be headed.  We’re taking a break from our usual Florida beach spot and are excited about a little change.  I’ll keep you posted.  🙂

This was supposed to be something I was excited about last year.  haha!!  I’m excited about seeing this fireplace COMPLETE!!  There are so many things we want to update in the new house it’s kind of like playing eeny-meeny-miney-mo.  (Sidenote:  How do you SPELL that little rhyme??  haha!)  We had big plans to change the stairs back in the fall.  We got an amazing bid and then the guy must have realized he way underbid the job.  We aren’t really sure what happened, but he pretty much changed his mind.  Then when we got another bid that was WAY more than our first one.  So…we decided to put that on hold for just a bit.  We moved to the fireplace.  We’ve been told the stone will be delivered this week, but that means ABSOLUTELY nothing.  One thing we’ve learned about ourselves is Tab and I would make horrible contractors.  Horrible.  But…this year I’m excited about seeing this job finished and hopefully we get several more things knocked off our list!

I shared earlier that I didn’t make any earth shattering resolutions this year.  Mine is simple.  My word this year is“Better”.  I want to be a better…

No matter what the subject is….I just want to be better.  We’re given one shot on this earth.  I want to do the very best I can.  That’s it.  Pretty simple.

I have some big goals with my Rodan + Fields’ business!!  I want to add two consultants to my team before March.  Ladies, if you’ve been just thinking about the business side-e-mail me!  I’d love to chat more about how the business works.  (alittlebitofeverything83@yahoo.com) I have some big cash bonuses for the next two team members who join!

I’m placing an order on Friday for our Multi-Function Eye Cream.  It’s $60 and I’ll cover your taxes and shipping.  If you’d like to be a part of my bulk order, please e-mail me and I’ll get it to you asap!

I also have small goals-like no clean laundry piles in 2016!  Put it away, ASAP!   But I won’t bore you with all of those.  🙂
Thank you for joining us today!!  If you linked up, a BIG thank you to you!  I hope you have a great day!  XOXO

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  1. 1.26.16
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I love your new link up! I can't wait to link up in February with you ladies!

  2. 1.26.16
    Unknown said:

    Loving This link up! Love your goals too:)

  3. 1.26.16
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    Well, that was fun! I'm fine with the big kids turning 6 and 7…but Bowen turning 4 is UNACCEPTABLE.

  4. 1.26.16
    Sandy said:

    Can't wait to hear all about your Disney cruise! I have thought we would do that someday instead of the park, but I don't know anyone that has gone on the cruise! We celebrate 11 years as well this year! 2016 will be great!

  5. 1.26.16
    Unknown said:

    Let me know if you need help with your remodel! My contractor does outstanding (timely) work!

  6. 1.26.16
    Anonymous said:

    Super fun!! I'll definitely link up next month!! Also, Bowen being 4?? No way!!

  7. 1.26.16
    Shelly @ The Queen in Between said:

    Such great pictures of your kids. They have grown up so much since I first started following along. Thanks for hosting!

  8. 1.26.16
    Cari said:

    Cant wait to read about your cruise. I really want to go on one someday hopefully soon!!!

  9. 1.26.16
    Leigh (Balancing By Faith) said:

    Oh man – being your own contractor is HARD!!! We have had so many bids on different jobs, to never have the sub show up – its crazy!! I don't think we are that difficult to work with – but maybe they are telling us different! Here is to a finished fireplace in 2016!!

  10. 1.26.16
    The Queen said:

    We have a ton of house projects on our list, too… the problem is I convince my sweet husband that we can do it ourselves and then try and then… well you can guess the ending. We're also hoping to get away just the two of us this year – maybe even across the pond! Thanks for such a fun link-up!

  11. 1.26.16
    Grace said:

    Ohmygoodness how is Bowen turning 4????? I could have sworn he was just 2… Also I'm so excited to see all the pictures from the Slaughter-Shull Disney Extravaganza!! Have a great Tuesday Erika❤️

  12. 1.27.16
    Christina Lea Loves said:

    The Disney cruise will be SUCH fun and I can't wait to see where you decide on for the new summer spot! Birthdays are always the best – I love celebrating anyone's because it's a celebration for all!

  13. 1.27.16
    Unknown said:

    You are gonna love the Disney cruise- we went last January and it was great! Are you going to participate in the fish extender? It's a little work on the front end but it was so much fun coming back to our cabin and finding treats 🙂

  14. 1.27.16
    Living In This Season said:

    Love this link up! Looks like some great things to look forward to- a getaway with just the husband will be so great!

  15. 1.27.16
    Erin Peyerk said:

    Can't wait to hear about your Disney cruise! We are hoping to take our little guy to Disney World in 2017. 🙂

  16. 1.27.16
    LaliMama said:

    Disney cruises are so much fun! Weʻre hoping to go on one in 2017 for my kidʻs second birthday…itʻs perfect for the littles–thereʻs so much to do, but it also keeps them contained and entertained!