Friday Favorites-1.24.25


Andrea and I are here with our FAVORITES from the week! I hope you join us!

Do you guys know what’s coming to an end?? NFL Football! While I’m sad to be on the couch without it, having Tab home every weekend is gonna be a HUGE plus for us! We have a small pocket of time before baseball kicks off for us to watch a show or two. We keep hearing Landman is a go? Do you guys have any other recommendations?

I’ve got a new dose of FIVE FAVORITES…

First up is this sweet baby Brooks! Having lunch with he and his mom {one of my college roomates} last week was definitely a FAVORITE! I’d told the kids I was meeting him while they were at school so we took this picture to show them. I didn’t notice his cute little scowl until I was home. ha!

This was back in 2012, when Erin came to hold baby Nixon.


I’m not sure what this says about my 41-year-old self but these socks are a new FAVORITE! Typically, when I go to the gym I wear no show socks but IT IS COLD OUTSIDE! Amazon recommended these, they had me hook, line, and sinker and I love them.


My FAVORITE #15 had a great defensive basketball game last weekend! WAHOOO!!! All those years of having two older brothers are paying off. ha!


Did you guys see my FAVORITE pants I shared on Wednesday? I introduced you to Colette? Someone asked me about my vest and boots…similar sweater vests and my boots are old too but these are similar for under $100.


I dropped my FAVORITE fourteen-year-old off for baseball tryouts at school on Saturday morning. Spoiler alert-he made the team! WAHOO! Practice has started, I’ve joined all the parents groups, signed up for the Sign Up Geniuses, and am officially READY for our first high school baseball season!


We have DNOW at church, our first big high school baseball event, a second grade basketball game, two birthday parties, and a husband who gets to be here to help with it all! 🙂

Hope you have the best weekend! See you back here on Monday, friends!


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  1. 1.24.25

    Aww! Baby cuddles are the best, how adorable, even with the scowl. hehehe
    It’s cool now to have your socks on show, well at least here in England. All the kids wear them like that.
    Congrats to your 14 year old for making the baseball teen! Have fun with it.

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Thank you! Kim, it’s cool here too which is why I kind of waited. My teens don’t want me to be trying to hard to be cool. ha!

  2. 1.24.25
    Elspeth said:

    What a fun week! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Thank you!

  3. 1.24.25
    Sheaffer said:

    So I never ordered the Colette pants this week. I became paralyzed and couldn’t decide which ones to get! A regular denim and these plaid ones are top contenders.

    And those socks are CUTE!

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      You will love whatever pair you decide on! They also go on sale periodically when Anthro does sales…certain styles/prints will be disounted.

  4. 1.24.25

    I cannot emphasize this enough, Landman and Lioness were MADE FOR THE SLAUGHTERS. They’re Taylor Sheridan shows. You guys LOVE Taylor Sheridan shows! Also, who is more excited that Tab is home more now you or Andrew? I think we both know it’s Andrew. Hahahaha!

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Lioness is our next show! We started Landman last night!

  5. 1.24.25
    Rachel K. said:

    Have you watched Lioness yet? Its only two seasons I think and was pretty good.

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      I just heard that too! Thank you for suggesting! It’s next!

  6. 1.24.25
    Jenny N said:

    I got my first pair of Colette pants a couple of months ago. I ordered the petite since I’m only 5’2″ and used a code and got them 20% off. I love them and can’t wait to wear them when the weather gets warmer with some wedges.

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      YES! They often go on sale in select prints and such. Glad to hear that!

  7. 1.24.25
    stacy said:

    I love both of those sweater vests you are wearing.
    Congratulations on your son making the team!

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Thank you, Stacy!

  8. 1.24.25
    Joanne said:

    Aw, sweet baby snuggles are the best! We really enjoyed Landman and thought Bookie was pretty funny too.

    • 1.24.25
      Erika Slaughter said:

      I’ve never heard of Bookie! I’ll have to check it out!