Come On In…

Hey Everyone!

Can you BELIEVE there are EIGHT DAYS until Christmas?!  I always feel like those weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas just fly right by and this year is no different.

I want to invite you guys in to take a look at our house all decorated for Christmas.  I’ve gotta be honest… I LOVE the twinkling lights but I do NOT love the actual decorating of the house.  Every year I think it’ll be this crazy magical moment of decorating the tree as a family while Christmas carols are playing in the background.  Let me just say…THAT IS NEVER HOW IT HAPPENS.  hahahaha!  There’s always a super tangled strand of lights or half of a strand that stops working.  You know…something really fun.  😉

But come on in and take a look around…

Note to self…remember to take these pictures when the kiddos are NOT at home.

 This is my favorite room all decorated for Christmas…probably because it doesn’t get used much so it’s always clean.  True story!

 Please note yesterday after church the Cowboys’ game was on so we opted for a quick picnic lunch at home with the game on rather than lunch out at a restaurant.  

 This year we bought a different tree {at the very last second}.  Since my family was coming for Thanksgiving, we decided we wanted a thinner tree in this room.  Our regular tree takes up so much space we have to get rid of some seating and we didn’t want to do that with family in town.  I’m gonna be ready to go on December 26th with buying a nice tree for this room.  The plan is we’ll move this one into that front room next year.

 Someone fell asleep while watching the game.  And when you fall asleep in the middle of mom’s photo shoot, you’re out of luck.  🙂

 This little tiered stand is one of my favorite things to decorate each season.

 I told you guys about our little Christmas Vacation Snow Village. 

 Our elf visited the village yesterday.  🙂

This cutie and I thank you guys for stopping by today!

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  1. 12.17.18
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    Your house looks BEAUTIFUL this year!! Every time I walk in, I want to sit and stay awhile. Maybe watch a Hallmark movie? And drink that cider you have? 🙂

  2. 12.17.18
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    Your house looks so festive, BUT OMG at that last picture of Miss Britt. So cute!!!

  3. 12.17.18
    Anonymous said:

    It looks absolutely gorgeous! If you need me today, I’ll be watching movies and working from your couch. Haha!

  4. 12.17.18
    Dustie Day said:

    Looks so good!!! Love the garland on your steps 🙂

  5. 12.17.18
    Simple Purposeful Living said:

    So cute! It's all so beautiful. We have the same JOY stocking holder and I was thinking about what we would do when Quincy came home from China. 🙂

  6. 12.17.18
    Brittany Salmans said:

    It looks beautiful & so cozy!!!! Britty looks so adorable in her jammies♥️

  7. 12.17.18
    Andrea Nine said:

    It looks spectacular, just stunning!! The tiered tray is a favorite of mine too to decorate. Have a very MERRY MONDAY!

  8. 12.17.18
    Unknown said:

    Your house is beautiful! Where are your stockings from? I’m wanting to buy new stockings after this year.

  9. 12.18.18
    Unknown said:

    I love the style of your furniture! Very Restoration Hardwareish! So awesome!

  10. 12.18.18
    Unknown said:

    Hi Erika, do you have trouble keeping your sofa clean in the tv room given your young kids? It's gorgeous- could you share the brand?

  11. 12.18.18
    Erika Slaughter said:

    Ashley-YES!! I wouldn’t recommend it. Haha! I’ve learned that I’m not a light couch kind of person.

  12. 12.19.18
    Unknown said:

    Erika, I love your tiered stand in the dining room. I've seen the galvanized stands at Pottery Barn, but I like the wooden one that you have decorated. I would love to know where you purchased it. Thank you.