Come on In-Playroom

Hey Girls!!!  I’m linking up with my friend, Andrea, for another edition of Come On In!!  It’s all about playrooms or offices today.  In our new house we’re currently forgoing an office so that each kiddo can have his/her own room.  I really think the boys will share when Bowen is a little older.  But until then…we’re sans office.  

Our new house does have a playroom that gets LOTS of use!!  This is where our family hangs out at nights.  After the kid’s baths, we all just hang in here.  

When we moved in, we used old furniture in this space.  So it’s super eclectic!  This room is on my “needs a little lovin list”.  I’m hoping to get LOTS of ideas today!!

From the French doors looking in…

Like how those toys are thrown on the shelf??  I just told the kiddos we have to organize their toys this week!  haha!

My cousin, Ty, made that awesome ruler.  If you’re in Missouri and want his information, e-mail me! Hanging it on the wall is still on Tab’s “to-do” list.  🙂

EEK!!!  We have work to do!  Hahahaha!

Nixon’s room is the doorway in the background.  It’s right off the playroom.

Bowen’s saying, “Thanks for visiting the playroom.”. 🙂

We have a lot of baby toys we need to get rid of.  Bowen prefers the big kid toys ANYWAY! ha!  I’m so anxious to see how you guys organize toys/games/craft stuff!!!  Those things gets thrown in any space available in our house!!  YIKES!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

I’ll announce the winner of the Honey Pie Accessories Giveaway tomorrow!!

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  1. 8.12.14
    Kimm said:

    What a fun room! Love the ruler!!!!

  2. 8.12.14
    Lexy said:

    The ruler is nice! I feel like I ALREADY need to toy purge and the boys are only 18m. I feel like I need to keep everything for the new baby though. Nice to hear Bowen likes the big boy toys — maybe I can get rid of a few things!

  3. 8.12.14
    Unknown said:

    Love that ruler!

  4. 8.12.14
    Rachel Zimm said:

    Fun room!!
    The couch looks very comfy and inviting 🙂
    I have the flowery IKEA pillow on the couch in our playroom, too!

  5. 8.12.14
    Katie Smith said:

    I love this space!!! Your pillows are precious!! The ruler is so cool!!:)

  6. 8.13.14
    audra wray said:

    Playrooms are the best!