Baby Names

Hey Girls!  I’m having a super girly moment today.  Doesn’t discussing baby names sound like fun?  I mean no matter what your age it’s fun to play the “what would you name your baby” game.  I think I’m going to split the post up into two.  Today we’re talking BOY baby names.  Next week we’ll chat all about the GIRLS.  From the day Tab and I were married I absolutely LOVED playing the “let’s name our baby” game.  Tab…not so much.  He would suggest things like Ernest or Pee Wee.  

I must be clear.  I am NOT pregnant.  I just think it’s fun to play this game!  Hopefully we’ll come up with some goodies and someone out there will find the perfect name for their little man.

I think I should share with you how we came up with our boys’ names.  First up…is Nixon.  (Random, but you guys know Nix has always had a thing for dogs.  Check out this hat I had him wearing when he was days old!  Maybe that’s why?  hahaha!)

On the rare occasion I got Tab to discuss names (in a serious way) he’d always mention his friend, Todd.  When Tab was in elementary school one of his very best friends was killed in a tragic farm accident.  Tab had always wanted to use part of his name in his son’s name.  His friend’s name was Todd Nix.  I was a HUGE fan of the Nix.  We just thought it was maybe a little short for a first name.  We both loved the idea of using “Nix” so “Nixon” was born.  

Nixon’s middle name is Talbot which is also Tab’s middle name.  (Long story…but Tab’s real full name is John Talbot and his parent’s always called him, “Tab”.)  A very southern thing to do is use a family name.  I wasn’t super on board with the family name thing, but I’ve always liked “Talbot”.  We quickly agreed on “Nixon Talbot”.

The second time around was a little harder.  Tab really wanted a “Texasy” (I’m making that a word) name…like Beau, Barrett, or Walker.  I like all of them, but I just didn’t feel like it was the one.  He had a hard time looking past Beau.  He kept going back.  This is where a friend came in…thankfully!  Shay is all about baby names.  I’ll never forget it.  I was five months pregnant with Bowen and away at “camp” with a bunch of other preschool teachers at a retreat.  We had some down time.  Shay called and told me that she’d just heard a name Tab and I might both agree on.  “Bowen”.  I heard it and just knew!  It was the one!  I think I did some squealing and other ladies looked at me like I was crazy.  haha!  I immediately called Tab who was a fan and baby had a name!  Just like that!  

His middle name is a family name on my side of the family.  “Hency” is my mother’s maiden name.  My grandparents had three girls, so I thought it’d be great to pass down their name.  Tab with his love of family names quickly agreed.  “Bowen Hency” it was!

I must say that I tend to think a little more “out there” when it comes to names.  But…today I’m highlighting some of my very favorites!  I found this information online.  Want to take a guess at the most popular boy baby names in 2014?

Most Popular Boy Names in 2014:

When I was working on this post, I asked the kiddos if they have a baby when they grow up what they want to name their son…
Ebby Lee would choose to name her son, Jake.
Nixon would name his son, Michael Butler.  We have some friends with the last name, Butler.  Nixon is in a stage (I hope it’s only a stage!!) where he knows he should not say, “butt”.  It just doesn’t sound good when you’re four.  Anyway, he’ll say, “BUTTler”.  So that he can kind of say a naughty word, but he doesn’t get in trouble.  I’m pretty positive that’s why he chose, “Michael Butler”.  That kid!

I kept a running list of boy names I liked when I was pregnant with Bowen.  Here are some of my faves…

Teague-this is my number one FAVORITE!!  

Brick-I REALLY wanted this one when I was pregnant with Bowen.  Not one single person agreed with me…friends or family…hahahaha! 









I couldn’t narrow it down to only three.  I wanted to include all my faves.  Okay, now it’s your turn.  Please play the game with us today!!  Just a leave a comment telling me your favorite boy name.  If you had a baby boy today (I know.  I know.  Just play along!) what would you name him??  

I can’t wait to read all your names!!  Thanks in advance for participating!  This is gonna be fun!

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  1. 1.20.15
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I must admit, I think this is why Bowen loves me so very much…I gave him such an awesome name (that and I try to spoil him rotten because he is perfect). XO

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Maybe it is??? I never thought of that! I agree! Probably because you spoil him. 🙂

  2. 1.20.15
    Liz F. said:

    My husband and I opted to not find out the gender of our baby. In life we agree upon so many things/have so much in common I never dreamed that agreeing upon our child's name could be so contentious! We were deep inn girls names but when it came time to choose boys names we were at an impasse. We were getting closer and closer to my due date and the bickering continued. FINALLY we agreed upon a name: James Edward (a combination of our father's middle names, Tab would be pleased). It was awesome, as it was the first time in months I felt I could relax–if we had a boy he would have a name! Ooh, what I should mention is our last name is Foley. Two days after we decided upon 'James Edward Foley'–ISIS beheaded a journalist named James Foley. I did not know what to do–I pictured myself with a newborn in my arms with images of that poor man in his orange. jumpsuit about to meet his terrible fate. Cut to the chase, we were still undecided upon boys names while I was in labor at the hospital!!!! Thankfully this story ends with a daughter 🙂

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Oh my goodness!!! What an awesome story! So glad you shared! God knew the boy name thing just wasn't working out. :).

  3. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    My sons are Cohen and Weston.
    I am a teacher, so I took extra precaution in my name choices if you know what I mean! Haha!

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      I completely understand the teacher thing. :). We have a little friend named Cohen. I love those!

  4. 1.20.15
    Katie said:

    This is the perfect post for me today!! Im due with a baby boy in 7 weeks and he is still nameless!! Bring on all the suggestions!! 🙂

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Ooh!!! I hope we can help!!

  5. 1.20.15
    Dani {Adventures of a Pharm Girl} said:

    I love this game and play it all the time too! Even though I am farrrr farrrr from having kids hahaha. I love the name Creighton !

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Love it!!!

  6. 1.20.15
    Leslie said:

    Love this post. Before we were married, I loved the name Madeline Marie for a girl and then I married a Morgan. And we knew a girls initials would be MMM and we wanted to stick with that for a boy too. My husbands name is Matthew and we will use that for any boys we have. Our sons name is Mason Matthew Morgan. Other favorites for future baby boys:

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Madden is one of my faves!!! Love those choices! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  7. 1.20.15
    Cheryl said:

    I'm way, way done with kids….but two boys names I loved were Carson and Mitch. My husband? He didn't love them so much 🙂 We used Cody for our son.

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Hahahahaha!!! That happens doesn't it?? I completely understand! Cody is a great choice!

  8. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    My son's name is Levi Matthew. My other choice was to name him Bode (pronounced Bodee) I changed my mind because I couldn't find a spelling I liked and didn't want people to call him 'bode' lol!

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Okay…I understand because when I first read it, I read it as "Bode". I love Bodee!!! But I completely understand what you're talking about!! Thank you for sharing!! 🙂

  9. 1.20.15
    Kimm said:

    Love this!!! Naming our babies is so hard! My favorite boy name …Harrison! I loved it 19 years ago when I named my sweet boy and all these years later it's still my favorite

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      We know a Harrison too! I agree! It's a great name!

  10. 1.20.15
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    I don't remember any other names we were tossing around! NONE! I can hardly wait until Chris wakes up to see if he remembers! I'll report back if he does…

  11. 1.20.15
    Erika Slaughter said:

    Yes, please do!!!

  12. 1.20.15
    Catie said:

    I never comment but I just had to this time!!! I LOVE discussing baby names and made my husband start the second we got engaged! He hates it :). Of corse, we had a list of girl names and we have three boys ;). Anyway, reading your story about the name "Brick" reminds me of my love for the name "Levin" (taken from the novel, Anna Karenina). All of my family and friends hated it so I never got to use it, but I still think it's a great name!!! Instead I have a Stuart, Timothy, and John David 🙂

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Hahahahaha!!! I totally understand. You chose three great names though! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  13. 1.20.15
    Katie Paladino said:

    I love this Erika so fun! I name our future kids all the time! I think I might be the opposite of you in that I love super traditional:) However, we also like to use family names like you! My first son is named Joseph Costigan (Joseph for my hub's grandfather and Costigan is my grampy's last name) and we call him Joey. My second son is named for another grandfather and my dad(huge daddy's girl) Edward John but we call him Teddy! I'm all about the nicknames:) Some names I like for future boys would be: Micheal, Vinny, Mackie, Johnny. I'm excited too see other suggestions!
    Also love the stories behind your kiddos' names! I always feel like that makes them so special 🙂

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      I love these names! My very favorite is your sons middle name. Love that! Thanks for sharing, Katie!!

  14. 1.20.15
    Jessica said:

    I just had s baby girl 2 weeks ago but if she had been a boy, the would have been Watson Hayes.

    • 1.20.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Congrats on the new baby!!! I'm a big fan of that boy name! Thanks for sharing!

  15. 1.20.15
    sara said:

    Ohhh so fun!! I love baby names. We have a couple baby names on our list. Our boy names include

  16. 1.20.15
    Erika Slaughter said:

    Oh you know I'm a big fan of Bowen! :). I've never heard of Hutton but I love it too! Thanks for sharing this list!!

  17. 1.20.15
    Amber said:

    I love talking about baby names! Boy names were so hard for us. We didn't find out the gender of our first so we had 3 boy names and 3 girl names picked out. My doctor picked which one he liked the best and that's how we got Jackson. The next pregnancy I had to find out the gender because we were having twins. Before we knew the gender we still had 2 boy names and 4 girl names. Our twin boys are Miles and Carter. I wasn't a fan of matchy names but they had to go together. Each boy has a name we like and a family name.

  18. 1.20.15
    JulieAnn Greenfield said:

    I love this! We don't have any kids….. Yet but I'm like the rest is you and have already asked the hubs his ideas. So we both love Michael Roy. Both are family names. Roy is a name that most males in his family have as either a first or middle name. Then Michael was my uncle who died at a very young age due to SIDS. My mom was five at the time and always told me stories of her brother Michael. I loved the idea of a baby brother and finally after 8 years I got my own 😄
    My grandparents had another girl and I wanted to pay tribute to a little guy who means so much to my family. Thankfully Adrian is on board with the name too.

    The second name we like is Samuel Thomas. Two more family names.

    After reading some of these super cute names I might need to share this list with the hubs!

    Hopefully we will be able to use one of these names at some point in the future! Thanks for this post!

  19. 1.20.15
    Shelly @ The Queen in Between said:

    I always loved Cade and it just never worked out when either of my boys were born. When I was pregnant with my oldest son I also really love Quinn and had a super hard time letting it go.

  20. 1.20.15
    Andrea Munding said:

    I love to hear how everyone comes up with names! What a fun post. I'm a traditional gal who loves the name Jonathon right now. Our son's name is Luke, which is super popular now. I also like Mark 🙂

  21. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    So fun! I don't have any boys BUT I laughed hard at Michael BUTTler. silly Nixon! 😉

  22. 1.20.15
    Jessamyn said:

    I used to like really trendy names growing up, but now I'm so traditional! The name has to be a family name, or at least biblical or named for someone influential in our lives. Our daughter is Avery Elaine after the woman who led me to Christ and my late mother-in-law! My name is all family names…probably for a boy I'd pick Aaron Lucas after my brother…or Jackson Lucas – 7 generations of Jackson going strong in my family – why does it have to be so dang popular right now?! 🙂 fun way to start the day, Erika!

  23. 1.20.15
    Megan said:

    This is so fun! I love baby names! With my first I knew immediately his name…Jagger! I have always loved this name and it was a given if it was a boy that was his name! I also love the names Jett, and Jude! When I airlifted at 26 weeks with my 2nd one, we did not have a name picked out! We could not agree on a name..Matthew would say one, I would say one..nothing stuck! Once we realized he would be born very soon I started looking on the internet..I went to Pottery Barn kids and looked at monogramming and thought Hudson looked so cute on the pillows! I told Matthew the name and he loved it! I mentioned it to a nurse and she started calling him Baby Hudson! So we have Jagger and Hudson, but again I love the names Jett, and Jude!

  24. 1.20.15
    Lauren and Eddie said:

    We have a James and a William – both with middle names that are family names. James' name was definite, but Will's name wasn't figured out quickly so on our list we also had Jacob, Sam, and Henry. Bowen is my stepdad and mom's last name and my stepdad passed away last year so if we ever had another boy we'd probably have a Bowen as well!

  25. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    Okay this is definitely one of my most favorite games! I don't have children yet but I bug my boyfriend with this game ALL THE TIME! And it must be a guy thing because he never wants to take me seriously! Aha I find boy names harder than girl, so this is really fun! My most favorite boy name is Hudson 🙂

  26. 1.20.15
    Carolyn said:

    I have a 15 month old son named Clifton! We played with several names before he was born and once we saw him we knew Clifton was right!

  27. 1.20.15
    Amber said:

    I am a family name kinda girl ~ AND when you teach school…a child can RUIN a name for you…harsh sounding I am sure…but I am sure other teachers can relate! 🙂 Every first born on my husband's side for the last 4 generations was "Dalton" ~ we had a girl…so "Mary Dalton" was born! We call her the double name…HELLO SOUTHERN or Mary D. Now that she is 10, some of her friends call her "MD" ~ My son was born 17 months later and we used "Jackson David" ~ Jackson is a family name and also the city where I met my husband! David is my husband's middle name, so both children are named after their Daddy!

    We are DONE with babies, but I love the name game!
    My favorite Boy names are ~
    Weston and Sykes ~ family names of course! 🙂
    My girl names are Liza Kate and Sarah Sykes, or Sara Scott ~ All family names! 🙂

  28. 1.20.15
    Mrs.M said:

    My boys are Carter and Landry.

    Asher is another I loved.

  29. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    Oh I love talking baby names! My favourite boy names (first & middle names) right now are; Daxton Ford, Roman Smith & Lincoln Jude.

    But I also love: Griffin, Case, Talon, Grey, Greer, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Boone too but being from a city in Canada everyone tells me it's to redneck or Texasy as you said lol

  30. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    My daughters name is Brynleigh (Brinley). If I had a boy I would go with Zain. What a fun game!

  31. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    I am due in a few weeks with a second boy… we have Anna and Grant. With a common last name (mitchell), we are thinking Landry William Mitchell.
    William after my dad's middle name. Thoughts?

  32. 1.20.15
    Ashley W said:

    Ft Worth gal here – people tell me my boys have "cowboy" names, but when in TX, right? 🙂 We have Trace Bennett, Rhett Garrett, and Lane Brantley – all southern one-syllable first names with a family last name as their middle name! Love baby names!

  33. 1.20.15
    Amy J said:

    I like the more classic names: Henry, Harry and I REALLY like Theodore now! We went with a Charles though, named after my husbands late father. My little (6 yrs old) Charlie totally lives up to the name though! He also has 2 middle names. James (a family name on my side) and Miller – as in Miller Brewery 😉 My husbands favorite beer and we also visit the brewery every year on our way to our week at the lake in Wisconsin! HAHA

  34. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    We had such a hard time coming up with boy names. We had a plethora of girl names though. We would lay in bed on the weekends, man I wish that was still a reality, and talk names and then we'd do the "yell" test to see if the first and middle name worked. My 18 month old is: Greyson Michael. We are leaning towards Graham Oliver or Graham Alexander if we have another boy.

  35. 1.20.15
    AbigailCarter said:

    Love all of your names! My two favorite boy names from when I was a tiny girl were Dane, Penn & Dugan (my hubby & I met at the Dugan Library in college). After years of trying to have a baby, I thought there would be no baby to match my dream names. We adopted a precious little boy as a newborn a year ago (domestic adoption) & we were both in the delivery room and got to see our Dane Tyler's sweet face for the first time! YAY babies!

  36. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    We have two boys Brodyn Jasper and Sawyer Anthony. Both middle names are family names. If we have another boy I really like the name Hudson.

  37. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    ok. This was so funny. The very first thing I thought was oh she's pregnant! So I just love your picture calm down I'm not pregnant. (But it would be so exciting if you were pregnant! its always fun to welcome a new baby into the world!) also I love that story about Nixon wanting to say butt. More than hilarious. Anyway I really like the name Quentin.

  38. 1.20.15
    Courtney said:

    Love talking baby names! So fun! Just had a baby boy and we named him Alden (pronounced All-den) Matthew. We used Matthew after my husband's brother who was killed in a boating accident when we was 12. We knew right away we wanted to honor his brother in our sons name 🙂 I also liked Lincoln & Fletcher.

  39. 1.20.15
    Chelsa said:

    Our boys names are Brycen Hunter, Andon Joseph and Corbin Fisher. When I was in high school I saw the name Brycen in our church bulletin and fell in love with it!

    If I had a boy today I would want to name him Miller or Holden.


  40. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    I always said when I had kids I would name them names I could shorten. My name is Lisa and its boring and you can't really shorten it. That being said I didn't do it! Aiden was born in 2003, we thought it was totally inquest and we were wrong. It was the most popular name that year! Along with jaden, Brayden, Caden! He has to now be Aiden I. When my daughter was born I had her name picked for years, Gracyn. I had heard the name before on tv. And as a man's name, Greyson. I changed the spelling and wouldn't budge! My husband didn't love it, but I said our first son was named after him, mark Jr, and all of them have his last name, so fair is fair! Hahaha! But I would probably do an oldie name for a girl now, like Francesca, and call her Frankie!

  41. 1.20.15
    Kim said:

    I have a 3.5 year old little boy…Harrison Riley. Harrison is my husband's middle name and his maternal grandfather's first name. Riley was his paternal grandfather's middle name. This was a name we chose when we first started dating. People always said he would be called Harry, but so far Harrison as stuck. It's different, but not unheard of. I love it!

  42. 1.20.15
    Meredith said:

    Our son's name is Camden Kipling. We call him "Cam". Kipling is a family name. If we have another child and it's a boy, I would love to name him Gibson. I also like Rhett. I'm glad to see another person who boycotted "Beau". My husband loved Beau. Me, not so much!

  43. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    Loved Tuff, Kelly and Lane for boys. Got outvoted! Have Barry, Kellen and Samuel!

  44. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    My son is Talon Sterling. Talon we just loved and Both my father in law and my husband have Sterling as a middle name so we knew all along we would be using it. We also loved Graham, Rocco (all my family and friends disagree!) and my husband really loved Ryder, but I don't love it.

  45. 1.20.15
    Dawn said:

    I literally squealed with excitement seeing this post! I am OBSESSED with baby names!! I keep a running lists of names, even though I may or may not have any more children. 🙂
    My son's name is Owen Jennings. Owen was just a name we liked and Jennings is after my husband's grandfather.
    My daughter's name is Lily Caroline. We call her the double name, Lily Caroline which is sort of a thorn in my side because even though I'll tell people her name, they will only call her Lily! My husband says that I send them the "evil eye" when that happens…but to me, she's not just Lily…she is Lily Caroline. I'm okay though if people call her "LC". We are from South Carolina so we are all about double names here! 🙂
    Some boy favorites of mine are:(let me consult my list, lol)
    Our last name starts with a "B" and I love alliteration so I'm thinking a B name for a possible baby boy #3 🙂

    • 1.20.15
      Unknown said:

      I know we are talking boy names – Love your boy names by the way- but I have to comment on Lily Caroline. We have a Lillian Grace, But we call her Lilly Grace. It drives me crazy when people want to call her just Lilly so I totally get the "evil eye" thing. LC is adorable and we also use LG a lot too. I can imagine it will be a whole new battle once we start school and everyone starts calling her Lillian.

    • 1.21.15
      Dawn said:

      I'm glad I'm not the only one! Love the name Lillian!

  46. 1.20.15
    Emily said:

    Ok…I'm new to your blog and have to admit that my mom pointed me in your direction after I picked out the name "Bowen" for my 3rd pregnancy (ended up being a girl!). Loved Bowen/Bo for short. We're from KY so we had to go the southern/family route. We have a Jaxon Trey. Jackson was a family name, but we didn't want a Jack Jr./Jack Sr. so we "modernized" the spelling and now have a Jax. Trey is my husband's name so that is his middle name. I loved, LOVED Tyson/Tyse for short, but NO ONE else did so that was out. =( Other names we tossed around were Lawson, Jett, Kohlson/Kohl, and Boston. About Boston, my hubby played college football and he thought "Boss" would sound cool once our son started playing sports. Haha! (Insert dramatic eye roll here!) Anyway, our next 2 babies were girls so I will save those names for the next post! Love your blog!

  47. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    We are all done with having babies :(. My son's name is Jack Henry….family name. I love it so much and it suits him perfect. If I would have had another boy, I would be pushing Dean Thomas as a contender!

  48. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    I would use: Rider, Judson, Jedd, Garrett, Holden, Wyatt, Ethan, Silas, or Coulter…I really love the nickname Scout for a boy, also. Middle names would probably be Reed, Justice, Vance, Thomas, Thatcher, or David. 🙂

  49. 1.20.15
    Susan H. said:

    We had SUCH a hard time with boy names! I like more unusual names whereas my husband likes old man names – and not the good ones either. We settled on Lucas Ryan, which I love now and can't imagine him being anything different. But if we have another boy, we're in trouble – I'll need to find a Shay in my life to help me out 🙂

  50. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    I love to talk baby names!!! My daughters name is Hanna and I have a son named Slayden!! My friend was going to name her daughter Timber. I like the name Cathen for a boy..

  51. 1.20.15
    josehilary said:

    Glad you shared this 🙂 I am currently pregnant and my hubby and I were having the HARDEST time coming up with a boy name… God knew all along and we found out we are having another girl, phew! The only two boy names we were actually debating were Mason and Luke, just like the McNally's. Love hearing some others I haven't heard before. The southern ones are all so cute, even though I'm as north as can be in Minnesota. We have Myla and Adalie (rhymes with Natalie) so we'll see if we have a boy in our future. I will refer back to this post and comments!

  52. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    My son is Ethan, most of my pregnancy he was Cohen, but at 8 months my sisterr in law threw a fit, and said that was her name (she wasnt married, or expecting).. It caused a little drama, so we Changed it to Noah, but when he was born her looked like anEthan!!
    My sil had a boy 2 years later… And didn't use Cohen lol

    • 1.20.15
      Unknown said:

      Oh wow! All that drama for nothing. I really like Cohen- maybe you could use it later if you are planning on having more. May even be cute for a girl! Ethan is a good name too!

  53. 1.20.15
    Keri said:

    So I have no kiddos yet…far from it, lol! However, I LOVE playing this game and always have. My top boy names are Dane and Asher…and actually they fit pretty good together – Asher Dane or Dane Asher. I love reading the name choices of everyone else! Fun game, Erika!

  54. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    Love seeing all these boy names! We're expecting our second boy this spring. Having a much harder time deciding on a name this time….but our favorites right now are Madden, Everett (Nn: Rett) & Brycen (nn Bryce).

  55. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    Ps… If I had another boy.. Which i'm not, it would be McKay jackson

  56. 1.20.15
    Shawnee said:

    I have a Tucker Lane and a Tate Matthew. If we'd had a 3rd boy his name might have been Austin Traylor. Sad that I can't remember the other names we considered…..but my boys are 14 and 10 so it's been a long time since I've thought about baby names.

  57. 1.20.15
    Erin said:

    I have 2 boys Zane Tyler (almost 4) and Weston Cole (almost 2). I like Beckett (if I ever need another boys name!)

  58. 1.20.15
    V @ X-tremely V said:

    Well I of course like Xavier since that is what we named our little guy three years ago 🙂 I knew it was the one before he was born! I wouldn't even consider another name for him. lol!
    If I had to name another boy it would be really hard. I like Lincoln, London, and Renn. Friends of ours have a little boy named Hutch, and others have a little boy named Crew 🙂

  59. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    We have two boys and a girl. All of our kids have boy names and start with a C.

    Connor Michael – oldest
    Caden Glenn – middle

    both include family in their name some how. If we were to ever have another boy his name would start with a C and his middle name will probably be Christopher (hubby's middle).

    Cooper, Corbin or Cohlson

  60. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    I love the idea of using family names. Unfortunately, we are having a hard time coming up with one we like that isn't already really popular. We just have a girl for now and her name is Lillian- she goes by Lilly Grace and I'm Leah so I really want to stick with "L" names but my husband doesn't necessarily agree. Anyway, my boy "L" names would be Levi (happens to be Leah's son in the Bible), Lane (think Lane Frost), and Lander (taken from a family name (Rylander). Too bad my husband doesn't really care for any of these so who knows what we will name our boy if we have one. Love this game!

  61. 1.20.15
    Krystin Carey said:

    My baby is Hutch McCade …love all your choices! I have Ramsey (girl) and Knox is my other boy…if we had another boy it would be Hawkins!

  62. 1.20.15
    MM said:

    I had a heck of a time getting my husband to agree on any boy names, so luckily we had two girls. My list of boy names from 19 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby was:


    I'm half Scottish…so I wanted a name that represented that part of me. My husband is very traditional. We finally decided on a name at a restaurant in Disney (my husband took me there as a surprise when I was 31 weeks pregnant, I rode on every ride that I was allowed to). We each wrote down 3 names on napkins and had the waitress pick. If the internet had been what it is today, baby naming would have been much easier for us.

  63. 1.20.15
    Jersey Love said:

    I never really solidified a name for my future (near future hopefully) son until my dad suddenly passed away. My brother is named after my dad, and his son after him (he's actually the 5th!) so I can't name him directly after my dad. But my dad and I shared a love for British cars…specifically the Austin Healey. My first car was an Austin A-40 and now I have a Austin Healy Bugeye Sprite that I drive when its warm. So I want to name my son Austin Frank – Austin for the cars we shared a love for and Frank after my dad 🙂
    I hope God gives me a little boy so I can honor my dad like that 🙂

  64. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    I love the baby name game! With our first we didn't know gender and we had Jack William picked out. William was a family name and we loved the way Jack sounded…sophisticated and manly but cute too! But she was a girl…then our next was a boy and he became Jack! We also liked Max. Then with our third we actually found out the gender while I was pregnant and it was a boy! My husband wanted a sporty name and as I was reading my guilty pleasure People magazine I found the name Dash. So Dash Robert it was! Robert is my dad's name and he had two girls so it was fitting. Plus he is my dad's twin! We also had Gunnar on the list. This is a great post!! Amy

  65. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    Oh and my husband also liked Steele! Amy

  66. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    We are expecting our first baby this May and are having a boy! We decided on the name, Keegan. 🙂

  67. 1.20.15
    The Rodriguez Crew said:

    lovvvvvvvve this post!!! DAWN!! Our next boy name was BANKS, and I have NEVER heard of someone else liking that name!! I love your taste!!! And Ford is one of my all time fave names too!! 😉

    I have 2 boys, Jagger & Breck (like Breckenridge, which is where we got his name!). We are having a third, a GIRL! But it would have been John Banks (call him Banks) for a boy, and will be Whitney Parke for this sweet little sister!! 🙂

    I also LOVE LOVE Crew for a boy! And Marco, but NO ONE agrees with me on that one. hahaha. 😉

    • 1.21.15
      Dawn said:

      Thank you!! Love your names too!! If it was solely on names I loved, I would have 50 kids 😉

  68. 1.20.15
    Cara Carroll said:

    I have two boys and our little family is complete (unless God has other plans), but I still LOVE the name game!

    We both knew we wanted our dad's names to be our boy's middle names, so we tried to pick out names that would go well with them (Patrick & John). I had been teaching for a few years at the time and there were a TON of names I had to veto right away 🙂

    At the time, Meet the Barkers was one of my favorite shows and I had a huge crush on Travis Barker. His little boy's name was Landon and I didn't know ANY Landons at the time…praise Jesus! So we named our first Landon John. (My husband doesn't like me to tell people we named our kid after a rock star's child, but it's not like we were naming him after Justin Beiber, so I have NO problem admitting that ;))

    Then our second came along and we wanted something that would go well with Landon, but we didn't want them to have matchy-matchy names. Some of our contenders were Miles, Hayes, Gage, Brody, Sawyer, Luke, Grey, & Davis. Our top contender was Brody.

    A friend of mine told me about the Swistle Baby Name blog (have you heard of it?!?! You would LOVE IT!!!! You write in and she helps you pick out names and offers lots of her own!) SO, I wrote in to her and she picked my 2nd son's name…a name that wasn't even on the list. We ended up with Grant Patrick and we LOVE it! And it fits him to a T!!!

  69. 1.20.15
    Kendra said:

    Teague and Beckett… Love! Some of my favorites are Payson, Ryder, Grant, and Finn! I'm kinda iffy about Finn for a boy or girl but I love the name! I love this post Ericka, so much fun!! 🙂

  70. 1.20.15
    Amanda Carroll said:

    Such a fun post! We have three kiddos and had such a hard time naming all of them. It is just so hard for me making that decision knowing they would have to live with what we picked for the rest of their lives. With that being said, I literally named my daughter (first born) the day before she was born. Actually my mom came up with the name. And my two sons, well the first we couldn't decide at all and the hospital told us to go home and come back the next week to do his birth certificate. I couldn't see us leaving the hospital with a baby with no name so we decided a few minutes before walking out the door that he would be Jayce Samuel (could have easily been Jake instead and Samuel was a family name). With my youngest, my whole pregnancy I was stressed thinking I do not want to give birth to a nameless child but low and behold here we were headed to the hospital and still hadn't decided from a list of a few names we had. In the delivery room we decided he would be Hayden Scott (Hayden because I liked the name and Scott is my hubs middle name). I loved the names Layton and Chance too. They were my top two.

  71. 1.20.15
    Caty Roberts said:

    We had our boy name as soon as I found out I was pregnant! Well first name that is….. We agreed on the name Nolan from the very beginning! My husband is a huge baseball/Texas Rangers fan so obviously he loved the name Nolan! I wanted the middle name to be my maiden name which is Austin but my husband was not a fan! He was determined that our poor child's middle name would be Ryan 😁 after much disagreement we decided we should go with the middle name Don since we both have grandpas with that name! A week before my scheduled c section as we were getting ready for bed, out of nowhere my husband said he didn't want Don for the middle name… Back to square one! He was determined that our son would have the middle name Ryan….. We compromised.. Our poor child now has 2 middle names! Nolan Ryan -Austin Roberts ( Roberts is our last name) Thank goodness Nolan loves baseball and playing the game of baseball too 😉

  72. 1.20.15
    Stephie Chipp said:

    Baby names are so fun! I love playing this game… Wilson Theodore is our boys name! Wilson is my husbands mothers maiden name and Theodore is my grandfather name and my dad and brothers middle names. I love it!

  73. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    My husband and I have been married right at a year and half and have plans to have a baby in the next year or two. We play this game daily! I love it, he hates it. We are southern, so we are always try to work around family names, but there are some definite southern family names we will not go near ha!

  74. 1.20.15
    Erin said:

    Love your list of names! I had a baby this past summer and we didn't know the sex. Baby was a girl but the boy name we had picked out was Madden Mathew! My maiden name was Mathewson so we thought it would be fun to pass it on and use Mathew. My husband had no interest in passing on his name so I jumped at the chance…which didn't end up happening anyways 😉

  75. 1.20.15
    Katie Oman said:

    I love baby names! I keep a running list on my phone 🙂
    We have two boys right now – Jaxon and Jace. They both have family middle names. Nixon is on our list for the future along with Finn and Sawyer, the only problem is they don't follow our 'J' trend 🙂

  76. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    My sons name is Jameson Brent. I still love his name! My husband wanted a J name with the middle name as Brent so that he could have the same initials and middle name as he and his dad. I don't know where Jameson came from. I think I just saw it on a baby list somewhere and thought it was a real cool name. I don't like names that are super popular and it wasn't although I think it's becoming more popular.

  77. 1.20.15
    Chelsea V. said:

    So glad that you did this post! I am 16 weeks pregnant and we do not intend to find out gender.
    At this point we have narrowed it down to Fletcher Boyce or Linus Boyce??
    Boyce was my grandfathers middle name, so it is a must. My husband and I met in Fletcher Hall at our college, and Linus was the pick of our 5-year old, Jack Parker.

    • 1.21.15
      Anonymous said:

      I love the story behind fletcher! Would totally go with that one 🙂

  78. 1.20.15
    Megan said:

    I need to introduce little Nixon to my father in law- Michael Butler. Babahhaha. Love it. Well you know we have a thing for weird names too. If we have another boy I love Briggs. It was in my list for Baker and Fisher. Love it. Briggs Butler. Perfect. 🙂

  79. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    First of all, I love names that are "out there". I have a son named Traice (pronounced Trace) and 18 years ago the only other Trace was Trace Adkins. But if there were to ever be another son (which there isn't), I love the name Jude!

  80. 1.20.15
    Jen V. said:

    I have two girls but my boy name has always been Henry, I love it!!

  81. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    I love the name Oliver!

  82. 1.20.15
    Sarah Smith said:

    Cooper James is my top boy name, however I can't get my husband on board! He is convinced baby boy would be called cooper pooper scooper or something along those lines. Haha boy names have been difficult for us to agree on to say the least. We have two girls names we love though…. Finding out the gender in a few weeks 🙂

  83. 1.20.15
    Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said:

    What a fun post! My son's name is Carter Riley. I loved the name Carter and Riley is a family name. I also loved Jackson but our last name is Hewitt so we would have a Jackson Hewitt, like the tax place…and I am an accountant so that just wouldn't work! My other favs are Quinn David and Cooper Patrick. David after my Dad and Patrick after my husband's great grandfather.

  84. 1.20.15
    Kristen Gerdel said:

    Landon, Mason and Declan were my boy choices but I had two girls instead;) Glad I'm not the only one who loves playing the baby name game:)

  85. 1.20.15
    Holly said:

    My 20 year old son's name is Jared Edward. Jared was the only first name we could agree on and the Edward was my dad's name and he was so excited when he found out we were doing that. My dad passed away suddenly in October. He and Jared were very close and I am so glad we gave him that name

  86. 1.20.15
    Olivia at Joyfully Prudent said:

    Well of course I'm biased to my boys' names! Beckham Ryan and Maddox Cade! I love Beckett, but glad I went with Beckham as it's similar but not as popular. Boy names are hard I think. Ryan wanted Jackson as a name…I put my foot down on that one though…I didn't want him to be one of six Jacksons in his class or sports teams. Cute name though. We were SO close to going with Liam for Beckham because he looked like a Liam (???) when born, but glad we waited a couple days and went with Beckham. Can't wait to read the rest of these boy names.

  87. 1.20.15
    She's a big star said:

    Oh my goodness, look at all these comments! Ok, my boy name…

    I definitely thought when I had kids I'd give them creative names… not really 'out there' names like in Hollywood, but definitely a little more creative. Turns out? Notsomuch! Ha! When I was growing up, I always just KNEW that the man I was going to marry would be named 'Ryan'… I don't know why I thought that, I just knew. And then I met my husband (now ex – oops!;)) and his middle name was Ryan! I definitely had a 'whoa' moment when I found out his middle name when we first started dating. Fast forward a few years and it was just a natural fit for both of us to name our son 'Ryan'… there was never much discussion either. From the very beginning, it was Ryan and that was that. His middle name is a different story… we couldn't agree on that for the longest time, or ever, actually. I really wanted to name him 'Ryan Andrew' but my then-husband didn't like 'Andrew'… he had a few middle names he liked but nothing I liked. Finally, one day late in my pregnancy I was having a rough day (rough pregnancy!) and he felt so bad that I was having such a tough time and he said 'we can name him Ryan Andrew'… I think that was his way of just trying to make me feel better because I was just not loving pregnancy at that point. So that was the plan, I was going to have my Ryan Andrew. Until he was born and the hospital office called up to our room while they were filling out his birth certificate… my husband answered the phone, answered all the questions/spelling, etc. and then they asked what his middle name was. My husband paused, looked at me, and then said "Anthony!" (one of his choices) into the phone. And thus, we have Ryan Anthony… it flows but I absolutely do not like the name Anthony – haha!

    Idk what I'd name a boy now but hopefully something a little more creative!

  88. 1.20.15
    Life in Bucklesberry said:

    I only have girls and that's probably a good thing. My husbands name is Emmitt Eugene…I know how awful!!! He took on a family name so our boy would be the third. Luckily my hubby goes by Gene!
    I love thinking of baby names so if I could choose any boy names it would be Chase or Gavin.

  89. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    People probably shouldn't tell their baby name picks before the baby is born otherwise people try to talk you out of it. My boy favorite names are Alex and Benjamin.

  90. 1.20.15
    Bri Bliss said:

    We're in the throws of this game right now. We don't know if we're having a boy or girl yet, and I insist on discussing names even though my husband wants to put it off. I'm obsessed with the boys named of Maddex Parker, but I haven't sold him on it yet. Fingers crossed he'll get on board if it's a boy!

  91. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    My 17 year old son is Zackery Briggs. I love love love the name Briggs. My three year old nephew is Jackson Briggs and he goes by Briggs.
    When I was in high school I loved the names Cavanaugh (Cav) and Harrison for boys.

  92. 1.20.15
    Erin said:

    I have three boys: Aiden Kinnick, Brennan Joseph, and Tate Andrew. I've always loved the names Jack and Jake but my husband nixed both of those. We also had Hudson and Marshall written down. Fun game!

  93. 1.20.15
    Jessica said:

    I have a Caleb and and Owen. If we had another boy, I really like Garrett or Carter. We give our kids family names for middle names as well.

  94. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    I love this post!!! My boyfriend and I JUST had this discussion this past weekend. We went for a trip to Chicago and it was our dinner convo. He actually brought it up and said "I know we are a ways off, but do you ever think about it?" It was sweet and I was impressed he started it but names are a big deal to him. We aren't married and aren't even close to having babies, however I've always loved baby names and we are headed in that direction. I've kept a running list ever since I was in junior high. He has two boys from his first marriage, so we feel like any future kids need to mesh with their names too. His first son is named Maddax Carpenter. He and his ex wife couldn't agree on a name. She really wanted Dax. They finally decided on Maddax (after one of his favorite baseball players) and then they could call him Dax. They've never called him Dax but it got them to agree on a name anyway. Carpenter is after his best friend who was killed in a car accident. It's his last name. His second boy is Taze Bowman. Taze is after his favorite hockey player (he really likes sports) and Bowman is his ex's maiden name.

    So that leaves us with right now. Boys were a sinch for us to agree on. We felt they would need similar strong names. We love Oxley (Ox), Trigger (Trig), Knox, and Hawk. I also really want to use my Grandpa's name as a middle name. His name is Floyd, which isn't something that is conventional but it's my grandpa and he's the only grandparent that hasn't been named after.

    Next week for the girls will be more of an issue. We both really like last names for first names and family names. Since the boys have (or will have) such strong names we think any girl will need either just as strong a name or something that is super girly.

    Loved this post so much!!!

  95. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    My husband and I are also about family names. We have decided on Larren Winfield-Ira. My FIL's name is Larry and my MIL's name is Karen. The middle name is a combination of our grandfather's names.

  96. 1.20.15
    Lori said:

    My husband really wanted to name our son after his father Richard Alan, but all I could picture were people calling him Richie! So we named him my maiden name, Dalton. His middle name is Alan. I think he is the only Dalton in his school! 🙂

  97. 1.20.15
    Emily said:

    I'm not married nor do I have a boyfriend but I love this game! I love the name James Patrick but it's my brother, dad and grandpa's name (dad's dad) and then my mom's dad's name is James along with two cousins. With that said, I love the idea of passing down my husbands name when the time comes assuming it's a good name. I love Caden Samuel and William Thomas which is a family name. I also love what you and Andrea did by putting maiden names as middle names but we have terrible last names in the family. I like my own, Landers but think it might be strange as a middle name.

    I like River, Efhan, Lane (Lane Frost), Browning, Case and Rhett. 🙂

  98. 1.20.15
    Rachel said:

    Ha! So fun! My dream would be to have twin boys and name them Zechariah Timothy and Benjamin Jakob. Here is the story: My husband and I have one sweet boy named Peter Nathaniel (Peter after my husband/his dad and Nathaniel because it means gift from God). We had him after 3 years of trying — our little miracle! We are almost 2 years into trying for another child. I don't know how God will answer our prayers, but I hope He will! Anyway, Zechariah means "God remembers" and Timothy means "Gift from God" (Timothy is also my dad's name, so it would mean a lot to have a family name in there). Benjamin means "son of my right hand" (okay, nothing special, but it is a Bible name, which I love) and Jakob means "holder of the heel". Again, nothing too special about Jakob, except that it is another family name on my husband's side. My favorite part: Peter Nathaniel calls himself Petey, so the other boys would need short names, too: Zeke and Benji.

    More than you wanted to know, I'm sure, but those are my dream names! 🙂

  99. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    So our son's name is Landry James. After Tom Landry and my dad, James. I'm currently pregnant with a little girl, but if she had been a boy, she would have been Grayson Joel. I love the name Grayson and my husbands name (and his dad) are Joel. Love keeping family names for middle names. Although, right this second if I were having a boy… I'm loving the name Witten. Can you tell we're big Dallas Cowboy fans in our house?

  100. 1.20.15
    MAK said:

    We have a 2.5 year old named Bowen too. My husband suggested Beau but I like more of the not so common names so I threw out Bowen (which I had heard on KLove). He said maybe so I just started calling him that and it stuck =) He gets called BoBo at school which I don't mind so much but it drives me crazy when someone calls him Bo. I need you to hurry up with the girl name post! I'm due in April and we have had the HARDEST time agreeing on a girl name. My husband hates this game too and never wants to have a serious discussion about it 😉 We agreed on Kate as a middle name and I really wanted to use Coley (family name) as her first name but he refused to agree. I think it's going to be Harper Kate but I'm anxious to see what makes it in your post!

  101. 1.20.15
    Brittany said:

    I loved reading about how you chose your boys' names! I was cracking up about Nixon saying BUTTler. So funny. I wanted to share fun baby naming blog that you might like! It's People write her letters with their baby naming dilemmas and then she responds! It's so interesting! I have to warn you though, you might spend way too much time reading it!! 🙂

  102. 1.20.15
    Dawn said:

    I am dying to see what Carrie Underwood names her baby boy…

  103. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    My sons are Cayman James (James is my husbands middle name) and Camden Kai (I really wanted Kai as a first name but my husband didn't so we used it as a middle name)! 🙂

  104. 1.20.15
    Nina F. said:

    My very favorite boy names are Landon, Easton, Wyatt & Levi. I admit- I'd have a hard time choosing between one of those if I were to have a boy today!

  105. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    we are naming our little boy jaxon allen (allen after his daddy and pawpaw!)

  106. 1.20.15
    Lauren Spinelli Truman said:

    My husband and I have been struggling with having a baby, BUT, it'll happen in God's time. When we take road trips we talk about names and I have a "notes" section in my iPhone dedicated to baby names… So I LOVE this game(post!)


  107. 1.20.15
    Lisa said:

    My son is Luke Robert. Luke is a name i always loved, strong for a boy or a man. Robert is a family name and when he was born, 3 of his great-grandfathers were living, and all named Robert. It was only right that he have their name.

  108. 1.20.15
    Brooklyn said:

    My favourites right now: Linden, Mattias, Markus, Luc (all after hockey players that played here for the Vancouver Canucks), Everett, Lukas. I have way more but those are my favourites!

  109. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    I have always loved the names Michael and Charlie. I love how unique all your kids names are though! Even though I live up north I would love for my future children to have some southern names!! Love reading all these!

  110. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    I love the name Bodi. I got out voted when we had our second boy two months ago. His name is Jacob.

  111. 1.20.15
    Lindsay D. said:

    We didn't find out if we were having a boy or a girl when I was pregnant. I loved Tegan, but my husband not so much. We then picked Liam for a boys name. That was about 7 years ago and Liam was in about the top 75, so I thought perfect. Now it's in the top three!!

  112. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    If our girl (Keira Juliette born 8/29/14) was a boy, the name would have been Jensen William. I got the name Jensen from the formula 1 race car driver Jensen Button. It also means "son of Jen" and my name is Jenna. William is my husbands middle name and my FIL's first name. Other names on our list included Brandt, Talan, and Dylan.

  113. 1.20.15
    Meagan Ruse said:

    What a fun post! I love boy names! I need another boy so I can name him Graham…or Brock…My last name was Thompson. I didn't even think to use it as a first name until recently. That would have been a neat boy name and call him Tommy (like from Brothers and Sisters). Tim likes the name Edge. It was his grandfather's brother name.
    Great post Erika! Now my uterus is aching.

    • 1.21.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      Hilarious, Megan!!! Love that your uterus is aching!!

  114. 1.20.15
    Unknown said:

    I've always loved playing the baby name game!
    I have a Treyton & a Brody. (:
    Other boys names I love…
    Kyler, Hudson, Ryder, Cooper, Talyn, Bo, Nixon and Camden.

  115. 1.20.15
    Sara Claire said:

    Love this post! I don't know anyone named "Hutch" but wanted to share – my last name is Hutchins, and my mom calls my dad "Hutch" for short. I don't think I've ever heard her call him by his first name haha. So I thought it was cool Hutch was on your list!

  116. 1.20.15
    Courtney said:

    I'm so glad you brought up names because I have never known how to pronounce Bowen! Is it Beau-en or Bow (rhymes with wow) en? We have a Tristan James and "we" also like Grayson, Stone (close to Brick!) Bennett, Hudson, Toby, Grafton, McClane.

    • 1.21.15
      Erika Slaughter said:

      We pronounce it Beau-n. 🙂

    • 1.21.15
      Dawn said:

      Love Mclane

  117. 1.20.15
    Anonymous said:

    After 3 girls we were blessed with a boy 2 years ago! Hallelujah!!
    I don't like many boy names. Boys need to have a strong not cutesy name. We used my favorite name. Mason. Unfortunately it's getting popular, but of course it is 🙂
    Other 2 I would only consider is Jack & Adam.

  118. 1.21.15
    Charla Liedahl said:

    Fun topic! I am so glad I didn't have my kids names picked out in high school, because I sure didn't expect my hubby to have the STRONG opinions he did! The man went out and bought FIVE baby name books, just to make sure nothing was missing. Ha! Neither of our boys were named til they were about 2 days old, although there were contenders. We both wanted to see the boys personalities a bit before officially naming them Anyhow, my boys names are Nolan Carter and Soren Christian. We really love those names and think they fit perfectly. If I were to have more boys (which I am most certainly NOT at 42!) other names I love are Riggs, Maxwell, Whitt, Rhett, Oliver and Silas. Girl names I could talk about FOR DAYS…so I'll save it for another post?!

  119. 1.21.15
    Melissa Watkins said:

    Right now I have 2 girls but if we ever have a boy my favorite names are Luke and Dominic. But I also love Renton, Grant and Kashden.

  120. 1.21.15
    Thomas Lovin' said:

    I'm in love with Beckett! I think I need around 8 kids just to get all the names I love! So far, we have Camden, but I love the name Turner for our next. Being with the last name Thomas, I want names that are not common. But Camden is on the rise, so not sure how long I will avoid common names for.

  121. 1.21.15
    megk said:

    We love love love the name Bo- we decided to name our first little guy Bode Ryan pronounced Bodee. We loved Bowen and Boden too. We are due with our second in 7 weeks and if it is another boy, we are going to name him Rocco- however I love the name Brooks. Anxious for the girls names section 🙂

  122. 1.21.15
    Kim Taylor said:

    Well, I am 50! so I would name this imaginary baby boy…Cole Harper Taylor (Harper is my husbands middle name and his mom's family name and I love it!) Cole Harper Taylor. Has s nice ring!

  123. 1.21.15
    Lacey Salmon said:

    I love names!! Soooo hard to come up with one to agree on though! I love Bruce Scott for a boy!

    Some unique ones I've heard lately have been Trafford, Willing, & Tagstrom (Tag)

    Yay for names!

  124. 1.21.15
    Sarah Shaneyfelt said:

    My husband and I have talked about names before so if we ever have a boy it will be Harrison Booth. Harrison because I really love that name and Booth was his grandfather's name! Coming in second is Davis Hemming…Davis because I just like it and Hemming is my mom's maiden name. We're from Alabama so we're all about keeping it in the family, too!

  125. 1.21.15
    Sarah said:

    SO many great names here! I love your kids' names! They are different–but not weird–which is exactly what my husband and I were going for when naming our two boys! We have a Brantley Carter and a Holden Beckett. Totally bookmarking this post for a future Baby #3! 🙂

  126. 1.21.15
    Erika Slaughter said:

    I couldn't keep up with these but I'm loving them all!!! Thank you ladies for sharing!! XOXO

    • 1.21.15
      Dawn said:

      This was fun!! I can't wait til next week for the girls!! Going to have to have another so I can use a fun name 😉 lol

  127. 1.21.15
    Anonymous said:

    When I was a little girl I loved babies. One of my babies was always named Christopher Michael. The second or third time I went out with my husband Chris I asked what his middle name was. He said "Christopher Michael". I knew it was meant to be. 🙂 we married a year later. Fifteen months later our son Christopher Michael was born. Our other son is Cooper McKenlee. Love!!!!

  128. 1.21.15
    Unknown said:

    It's funny, but growing up, I only did this with girl names. I use to name my dolls those names. My older sister loves reminding me of all the silly names I use to pick. 😉 Now I have two boys, Cameron and Austin. If I had another boy, I'd name him Grayson. But I'm done!!! Thank goodness!

  129. 1.21.15
    Unknown said:

    This post is awesome! I think about this all the time and I am not married and I don't have children, but you've totally got to be prepared!! I have been loving the name Jackson so much, but I know not everyone is a huge fan of that name. I lost my dad to cancer about two years ago, so I really wanted to include his name in somehow. However, he has really strong names (Gerald Raymond) so I had thought maybe giving my last name as my child's middle name (my last name is Day). I'm obviously really far away from this stage of life, but having lost a parent it is something I do think about 🙂

  130. 1.21.15
    maureen said:

    My first son was born 30 years ago, my husband's name was Randy and he insisted on naming him Randy also. But my husband didn't have a middle name, WHAT? I really wanted our son to have a middle name and thought of so many (Jared, Michael, William were my favorites at the time.) The night before my son was born my husband told me he had watched an old TV show where the characters could not agree on a middle name for their son. (It was the Dick Van Dyke show and it was an oldie even back then!) Anyhow, he said it gave him an idea for a REAL family name for our son's middle name. So our son was born Randy Jerowm. Jerowm is for Joyce, Edward, Randy, Olivia, William, Maureen! Our parents and us! My son has always loved his middle name and the meaning it holds!

    After my son grew up and went away to college I started adopting children. I have adopted 6 children, 4 girls and 2 years ago I adopted twin boys and it was really exciting getting to pick out names for them! I named them Hudson Charles and Beckham Matthew. We call them Huds and Beck and they are all boy!

  131. 1.21.15
    Karla said:

    Laughed out loud at "buttler" my 5 year old son says the exact same thing, It cracks me up every time I hear him say Harvey "Buttler" 😂 p.s I'm in Australia,so it's obviously a worldwide boys joke.

  132. 1.21.15
    Brantlee said:

    I have twin sons named Blake Jasper and Boone Lee. Jasper and Lee are the middle names of my uncles who are also twins.

  133. 1.21.15
    Holly @ Coordinator of Chaos said:

    Wow! There are some great names floating out there – some that I've never even heard! When we were pregnant with out third, we didn't know what we were having but if it was a boy, he would have been named Landon. Oh, how I love that name! But, God blessed us with a little girl that we named Hope. My other daughter is named Holden – I've seen it on a few of the above lists and really love it. Our first born son is Colby Daniel – strong first name followed by a family middle name.

  134. 1.21.15
    Carrie Darney said:

    I have a little girl named Hazel…if she was a boy she would have been Beau or Hank…

  135. 1.21.15
    The Sweet Life said:

    I have to admit, I have fallen in LOVE with the name Smith for a boy. I first heard it because Shay named her cute little boy that and I absolutely love it. My fiance and mom aren't so hot on the name but I am working on them. 🙂 That's a question for Shay.. If there was any push back from Andrew or their families on the name Smith?

  136. 1.21.15
    Corinne said:

    I'm 26 weeks with Baby Brother right now, and I love to play "let's name the baby." Sadly, my husband HATES that game! When we had our first baby (a girl), we picked a girl's name and a boy's name. We kept them both a secret, and saved our boy's name in case baby #2 was a boy. He is, so we didn't even get to play the game this time around. Baby #2 is Enzo Michael. My husband has a very challenging last name, so we were aiming for simple and unique. It's really the only boy's name we have ever agreed on.

  137. 1.21.15
    Anonymous said:

    After four sons, we have a pattern on names for boys. A Biblical name plus the name of someone who really made a difference in our lives. So we have a Joshua David (in honor of my dad). Joshua was the name we picked out while dating and I couldn't sway my husband from it. Made a pact that next time we had a son, he would be open to more "creative" choices, including my favorite, Which was Noah. This was fourteen years ago. Both of us were teachers at the time and had never met a Noah. Now of course, the name I fought so hard for is the most popular in the land. Anyway, his name is Noah Brian, after my bil. We were pregnant with a boy and had a late term miscarriage a couple years ago. We named him Levi Paul, in honor of our best friend from college. Four years later, we were blessed with another boy who we named Ezra Matthew. The Matthew is in honor of his older brother in heaven. I didn't feel comfortable with using his brother's actual name so we went with a variation on it. As Matthew in the Bible was also called Levi and that is the Hebrew form of the Greek name Matthew.

  138. 1.21.15
    Katie said:

    When we were pregnant with our first, if it was a girl, she was going to be Nixon. I loved it. Instead, we had Luke Thomas (all grandpas are Thomas). With the 2nd pregnancy, we found out she was a girl, and my husband assumed Nixon. I just wasn't feeling it. She'd have to have quite the personality to live up to that name, so we ended up with Juliette Kathryn (I'm the 5th generation Kathryn). We call her Juj though. Number 3 is Devon James. We always comment though, that we should have gone with Nixon. Juj is a spitfire. She could have rocked that name!

  139. 1.21.15
    Maggie C. said:

    Oooh, I love the name game! My husband does not share my enthusiasm though. My favorite boy name is Landon Tyler and has been for a couple years now. I also really like Cohen, Landry, Kellen, and Logan. I also love Ty (I'd name him Tyler and call him Ty) but only if I didn't use Tyler as a middle name for Landon.

  140. 1.21.15
    Katie said:

    Love hearing everyone's names for their kids!! My son's name is Ty Alexander. Nothing family related…. Just a name we could both agree on. Of course being a teacher, I had a boy named Ty and 2 Tyler's that same year I had my son. I didn't let it bother me though as I still agrees for our son to be named Ty!

  141. 1.21.15
    Unknown said:

    I love this Erica! I had to REALLY think about this! I don't have any kiddos at the moment, but I do teach Kindergarten and it is SOOO hard to choose a name I like, and one I haven't repeated day in and day out ten thousand times. After looking at all your comments and searching through hundreds of names, I like the name Isaac Reid and call him Reid. It's simple, different, but not off the wall.

    This was so fun! Great post!

  142. 1.21.15
    Anonymous said:

    I want so very badly to have a boy that I can name after my granddad. His name was John Hinds (a double name). I'm obsessed and want to use it as a double name whenever it's time for me to have a child. Fingers crossed whoever I marry will like it enough & not let me down! 😉

  143. 1.22.15
    Megan said:

    OMG this is perfect! I am currently "stuck" in the baby boy name department! We are due with baby boy #3 at the end of March and still haven't agreed on a name!

    My boys are Oliver & Finn, I absolutely love them and knew right away….this name is so much harder and still trying to find something that goes well with them!

    Some names I like are…

    I just hope we have a name before he arrives! If he decided to play an April fools joke on us (due 3/31) and was a girl we are all set there 😉 haha

  144. 1.22.15
    Megan said:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. 1.22.15
    Valerie Cox said:

    My friends and I always played this game in college…so fun! I've always liked super traditional names, and some of my favorites are Jack, Max, Alexander, Griffin, and Colin.

  146. 1.22.15
    Kirsten said:

    My son is Clayton. Which I adore, and they're aren't so many of them around. If i had a boy (which won't happen ever – sadly) I'd name him Crosby.

  147. 1.22.15
    Ashley said:

    Erika, this post is SO much fun! I'm married, but no kids yet. I am scared to list any names (oh, and I do have a list!). lest I jinx myself before any babies are actually on the way.

    I will say I love seeing the name Tage on your list…my friend named her son Tage, and I had never heard it before. His name rhymes with "cage"…I remember thinking I wasn't sure if it was pronounced with a hard g or a soft g.

    Megan, I think Sawyer or goes perfectly with Finn and Oliver. My friends have a Sawyer. Wesley is also very cute. If I had been a boy, my name would have been Blake. 🙂

    I have 5 nephews/nieces and taught elementary school for 8 years, so I feel like a lot of names are "out" for me! hahaha! I admit I had to Google "Lane Frost" because people kept listing him on this thread…you can tell I'm from the Midwest! 🙂 Families names are very popular up here, too!

  148. 1.22.15
    Savannah said:

    My husband's name is Garrison (LOVE), and we named our first child that. So strong and masculine and not trendy. 😉 Perfect. If we have another boy, I absolutely adore the name Gresham.

  149. 1.23.15
    Tabitha Coker said:

    What a super fun post idea!! I can't wait to hear the girl names. I love your kids' names. I don't have any kids, but my sister and I LOVE to play the name game. If I ever have a son, I want to name him Miller James. Miller is my paternal Grandmother's maiden name and James is my paternal Grandfather's middle name. I love family names and I names that aren't quite as traditional. I also love Finus. That is my Grandmother's favorite uncle's name.

  150. 1.25.15
    Unknown said:

    Yay!!!!! This is perfect. An anonymous reader who has a six month old may or may not have found out she is expecting last night. Hahahaha! Thank you for this post!

  151. 1.25.15
    Maureen said:

    We have three little boys: Cooper, Carter, & Calvin!

  152. 1.27.15
    Elizabeth said:

    My all time favorite boy name is Rebel. Not one person liked it when I suggested it. My husband HATES it! We ended up naming our son Calum Brooks. Calum is pronounced with a short vowel "a" like Calvin. Other favorites are Bradshaw, Conrad, Gunner, Cooper, Sawson, Reed, and Duncan.

  153. 1.28.15
    Liz | Ellie and Addie said:

    I love this game! We named our son Jude Carter. We've always just loved the name Jude and Carter is a family name!

  154. 2.3.15
    Angela Ellingson said:

    Boy names were so hard for us! My husband really liked Isaiah but I could never make myself get on board. We finally decided on David. Although a popular name, not as popular these days. I loved that he would have a strong name as an adult but loved the idea of calling him Davey as a little boy. So we thought we'd do Isaiah for his middle name since my husband liked it so much. Our last name is Ellingson and soon after deciding on David Isaiah I realized his initials would be D.I.E. DIE!!! 😮 We ended up naming our son David Michael. Michael is my hubby's name. I wasn't a huge fan of naming our kids after ourselves, but Michael already had to give up his favorite name so I thought I could give him this one. Haha

  155. 2.8.15
    Ashley Ponder said:

    We had a girl and a boy name picked out so when he came out Jack Henry it was. If he had been a girl she would have been Elliott Reid. I really wanted Jack's middle name to be Reid but my husband wanted his son to have his middle name (like having his last name just wasn't enough). I liked Reid because I'm a librarian so I thought it would be cool.

  156. 3.13.15
    Abbey said:

    I came across this (awesome) post and I was so surprised by your #1 pick! I love my last name, but I can't tell you how often people mispronounce it…pretty much every.single.time. PS you have a beautiful family 🙂

  157. 5.27.15
    stacey said:

    My little boys name is Rylan Blake. He was going to be Rylan Grant for the longest time until my husband thought that it started to sound like a soap opera name. He wanted something a little more masculine, so we came up with Blake. I was bound and determined to call him Rylan, but our last name is Taylor and was kind of a mouth full to learn how to say, so he goes by Blake Taylor!! (until he gets in trouble, then it's Rylan Blake)

  158. 9.15.16
    Unknown said:

    I know im way late lol but I recently came accross this! Im NO WHERE near having children but i love thinking and picking out names. Im more into weird or unusual names. I would go with Adonis Ni'ayre (ny air), J'ayre Montana(jay air) or Trey D'Anthony (only normal name)

  159. 6.24.19
    Unknown said:

    I realize I’m a few years behind, but I just stumbled upon this post when I googled “sibling name for Bowen.” I loved your post and all the comments! First, I’m also Erika with a “k” — rare! Bowen was our top boy name when I was expecting our first child. Couple of years ago. When we found out we were having a girl, we decided to keep it anyway, so we have a sweet little girl named Bowen — and we call her Bo! Now, I’m just more than 4 months along with Bo’s baby brother and we are at a loss as to what to name him! We love Bode, but fear it’s too similar. So glad to have found your blog and I really look forward to reading now. Thank you for sharing this fantastic post! -Erika M.

  160. 2.10.20
    Jamie said:

    ERIKA!! I remembered this blog post from years ago and came back searching for it as we are due any moment with a baby, don't know the gender and are STRUGGLING with boy names!! Lo and behold, our boy name right now is "Briggs" and I think it literally might be a sign that it was on your list.. omg!! We haven't shared our name ideas with family or friends… do you remember how people reacted to Briggs? We like it, but I worry it's a little too unique. Thank you!!