The last two weeks we’ve had fun playing the name-your-baby game. In case you missed it, we named baby boys HERE and baby girls HERE. Today I thought it’d be fun to change it up a little bit and talk about things that make us uncomfortable!! EEK! Just thinking about that breaks me out in hives! Seriously…on my first post-college interview I had hives ALL over my neck. It was horrible! Needless to say, I didn’t get the job! Think about your top three things that make you uncomfortable….this was super easy for me!!
#1 Public Speaking
That is by far my number one most uncomfortable thing to do in the entire world!! I can carry on a great conversation with a couple people at a time, but put me in front of a room and have everyone look at me! No way!! I need to be wearing a turtleneck to hide the hives!! My mind freezes up and I can’t remember one thing I was supposed to say!
#2 Myself or Witnessing Someone Falling in Public
Here’s the thing we’ve all seen this happen. Either we fall OR we see someone else fall and what are we really supposed to do? Do we pretend like we didn’t see it? (To make the other person not feel so bad?) Do we rush over and help them up? Do we wait to see their response and then laugh with them?? I’m telling you….I need someone to write a guidebook for this exact occurrence. I get so uncomfortable I tend to freeze and not do a thing.
In college, we had lots of crosswalks where cars stopped so students walking to and from class would have the right away. My first college roommate came back to our room one day uncontrollably laughing. She had a HUGE bloody mark on her jeans. She said that cars stopped to let her go across the crosswalk and while she was walking she TRIPPED! All the way down to her knees!! There were cars on both sides waiting for her. Her knee started bleeding and I’m sure she was mortified! Clearly, because she laughed about it until she got back to our dorm room. So uncomfortable!!!
#3 Food Stuck in Your or Someone’s Teeth
I’m not sure why this is so uncomfortable. I will say that if it happens to me I’m SO appreciative when someone points it out. I always point it out if it’s a small setting. The problem is when there are lots of people at dinner I don’t want to call out one person in front of a lot of people to let them be embarrassed in front of a big group.
Okay, now it’s your turn. What are the top three things that make you uncomfortable?? I can’t wait to read your thoughts! Please leave a comment and let us know! Thanks in advance for letting us know!