You Guys! I have a special treat for you today! One of my real-life friends is sharing her crazy today and OWNING IT!
Let me introduce you to Amanda. I met Amanda six years ago when we both signed up to be preschool teachers at our kiddos’ preschool. We were the newbies (along with Narci) figuring it all out that year. You’re going to love her. She’s as cute as can be, mom to two boys, is a blogger, and has the cutest Etsy shop. I promise you-you’re going to love her crazy and probably even agree with her a time or two (because we’re all a little crazy).
Here she is…
Hi everyone! I’m Amanda. Mom to two sweet boys (Matthew, 9 and Mason, 7), busy Etsy shop owner and wife to a retired NFL player. And since I’m “owning it”, can I just say that I only mention the NFL thing because it is seriously the only semi-cool thing about me? And I want y’all to think I’m cool! 😉 #imreallynot #lifetimeago
Oh my goodness!! Thank you, Amanda! The next time you have a
Don’t forget to check out Amanda’s blog and her Etsy shop. Now is the time to buy those gifts, ladies! And you can find her on Instagram here.
Have a great Monday!
Haha so many similarities! Especially needing to watch friends after criminal minds!
Okay, I've always thought we were peas in a pod, but this seals the deal! I related to so many of these things (like falling asleep to a happy show #frasier). Annnd Amanda showed me her hands one time…and that image has stuck ;). Love you both!
That was fun, Amanda! I mean, I like Friends, but your love is INTENSE. I like it! 😉 And the tomato thing IS crazy!
I totally agree about McDonald's. It has been my biggest craving while pregnant, and I have zero shame and kind of love that I can get away with eating a quarter pounder with cheese every week without judgement.
Amanda should try "reading" Jenny Colgan books. Set in England and just good chick lit!
EEK! So much in common. I hope my etsy shop is as successful as yours one day! I hate tomatoes maybe one day I will like them too! I have gone to the movies so many times by myself but never a restaurant either! Have a great day!!
Love me some Mcdonalds fries and they have THE BEST DIET COKE ever!
Shay, I thought I showed you too but couldn't remember for sure!! Ha! So glad you've also seen my crazy fingers!! Thank you for letting me spill my crazy secrets today, Erika! xoxo
That Inspired Chick
Amanda, you are awesome!! I love that you use to go to the movies alone! I should try that sometime ha!
First time commenter on this blog (I became a reader through Mix and Match Mama)! But I just had to comment because I also have two kids (ages 6 and 8), Raynaud's Syndrome AND I fall asleep to Friends every night!! Raynaud's Syndrome is weird, complex and yeah, I've also felt self conscious about my weird hands so I can relate big time. Living in Michigan and having Raynaud's can be challenging! Although I don't know about you, but I find that the extra cold A/C in a store or doctor's office or some place like that can almost be a worse trigger for it. Unfortunately my Raynaud's is part of something more serious 🙁 It sounds like yours isn't and that is something to be thankful for. Blessings to you and your beautiful family!
I'm just starting the audible addiction…I listen to books while running instead of music. I love it! And falling asleep to happy shows is my favorite!!
Audible is amazing!! Great find! (along with "The Light We Lost"….can't stop thinking about it…
Number 6!! You are not alone Amanda! I'm the same way about it!
I love these random post. Too my much fun.
My girlfriend was just diagnosed with Raynuads.
I LOVE audible!!!
If Amanda likes British Narrators, you should try the Ken Follet trilogy series. You will love it!
Oh. My. Goodness. Amanda and I could be such good friends! So much of her crazy is my crazy too. (And my husband has Raynaud's.) Always good to know I'm not alone!
I have Raynauds also! It was the biggest mystery until we finally figured it out. Mine turn blue though, not white. 🙂
Yesss, I hate to cook as well. Used to LOVE it, but now it has become a chore lol.