Owning It

I’m so excited about today!  It’s been a while since I’ve had a guest blogger sharing a little bit of their crazy.  🙂

I have a blogger friend turned real-life friend (I LOVE when that happens) owning it today!

Meet Ashley!!  Ashley blogs over at The Vanilla Tulip where she shares family, food, and all kinds of fun.  Ashley and I had emailed a bit back-and-forth because we discovered we had very similar stories.  Small town Missouri girls turned city girls living in the Dallas area.  We finally got to meet in person at the Rodan + Fields’ convention in Austin last fall.  She has such a sweet heart and you guys are going to love her!!

1. I have a paralyzing fear of tiny lizards/geckos.  The kind that sit on your windows at night looking for bugs.  Years ago we lived in the middle of the woods in a house that had them everywhere.  It was inevitable that one would sneak inside when you came in or out at night.  I did an okay job holding it together whenever I would find one inside. And by okay I mean lots of screaming followed by even more screaming.  I would throw a bowl over the lizard to trap it and wait for my husband to get home from work to release it.

One afternoon I had just laid the kids down for a nap and decided to lay on the couch myself (I was gigantically pregnant with our fourth).  I laid my head down and closed my eyes. Only to hear a rustling right by my head. I opened my eyes to see a little gecko staring right at me.  I think I aged about 10 years in that split second.  The lizard jumped off the couch.  I woke up the kids screaming.  I found the lizard and trapped it (and managed to cut off it’s tail in the process which only added to my panic).  Then proceeded to call my husband hyperventilating which made him think that I was going into labor. Sheer panic haha!

Would y’all believe me if I told you I made my husband move us two weeks after that to get away from the geckos? 😉  We thankfully had just moved to the area and were renting.  So in a nutshell… I hate lizards/geckos and I have the best husband in the world 🙂

I LOVE this story!!!  I love it even more that you guys moved afterward.  hahaha!!

2. I love to sing in an opera voice around my house. I secretly (not so secretly any more) would love to take opera lessons some day.  My kids are obviously used to it and have started their own little opera voices as well 🙂

GIRL!!!!  I always wonder if other families do that??  We don’t sing opera at our house, but for some reason Tab and I could bust out in song at any minute.  My go to is the National Anthem.  Does everyone do that??  Or are we the strange ones?  🙂

3. I make my kids take a bath every single night.  Even if we get home from somewhere late. Something about them being stinky and dirty in their beds makes my skin crawl.

I FEEL YOU!!!  Me too!  EVERY.  Single.  Night.

4. Speaking of baths. I love them and take two a day.  One in the morning and one in the evening. Every single day.  The only time I ever shower is if I’m camping and there aren’t any other options.  Which would mean the last time I showered was a few years ago 🙂

4.  I have always loved working and having my own businesses.  My first business I ever started was a handmade card company named “Scratch Enterprises” when I was 7.
5. I can’t stand the texture/feel of cotton balls. You know the crafts where you make big fluffy clouds or sheep?  I’m OUT on those.

This reminds me of someone.  🙂

6.  Clutter…. I can’t stand it.  One of my favorite things to do is to go through my house with a giant black trash bag.  Donating and throwing away are two of my favorite pastimes 😉

7.  I’m a baby person through and through. Newborn babies are my jam.  Some day when my kids are grown I want to become a volunteer in the NICU to hold itty bitty babes.

Ashley, THANK YOU for coming over today and “Owning It”!!  I loved your crazy!  🙂

Don’t forget to check out Ashley over at The Vanilla Tulip.  You can find her on Instagram here and you can find me back here tomorrow for Friday Favorites. 

 Have a great day!! XOXO

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  1. 1.28.16
    lifeaccordingtolaurentruman said:

    Girl, my husband and I bust out "when the saints go marching in" or the national anthem all.the.time!!!! #yourenotalone

  2. 1.28.16
    Erika Slaughter said:

    Hahahaha!!!! So glad we're not alone!!

  3. 1.28.16
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I just love Ashley! She is so sweet, so creative and such a good mama! I can't believe she doesn't like cotton balls either?! Who knew Sheaffer wasn't the only one!!

  4. 1.28.16
    ClintandGina said:

    Do you know Elizabeth Guess that sells Rodan Fields in Austin? She is a friend here and has done really well with it. I think about 20 of my girlfriends sell it here as well ;).

  5. 1.28.16
    Tanya said:

    I just recently started following Ashley's blog. Thanks for featuring her…she seems so sweet!

  6. 1.28.16
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    ASHLEY! YES!!!!!!! COTTON BALLS ARE THE WORST!!!! My teeth hurt just thinking about it!

    • 1.28.16
      Ashley@The Vanilla Tulip said:

      Hahahah! How did I not know this?!!!! Someone could literally torture me to death with cotton balls

  7. 1.28.16
    Anonymous said:

    Love, love, love!! Th gecko story–oh my gosh!! So funny!!

  8. 1.28.16
    Elaine Welte said:

    I'm afraid of frogs. Those suckers creep me out! At any minute they could just jump! Oh no.

  9. 1.28.16
    alison said:

    Loveeee the 'owning it' series! Always such a laugh!

  10. 1.28.16
    Andrea - Momfessionals said:

    Such a fun post! Tell Ashley to NOT read my post today if she's freaked out by lizards. Hahaha

  11. 1.28.16
    Kimm said:

    I'm totally with her and those little lizards. We have them all over the place here and they completely flip me out! Such a fun post !

  12. 1.28.16
    Melanie Smith said:

    Well she just seems lovely. I LOVE these posts! You should do them more often. 😉

  13. 1.28.16
    Leigh (Balancing By Faith) said:

    SO funny!! Love these – we would visit my grandmother in Florida and I would be terrified to walk outside barefoot thanks to all the lizards. I feel you Ashley!!

  14. 1.28.16
    Jane @ anothermommablog.blogspot.com said:

    I feel the same way about lizards, Ashley!

  15. 1.28.16
    Jamie {the celebrating momma} said:

    Ashley seems like so much fun and what an adorable family she has! 🙂
    These owning it posts are my favorite. I didn't think I had much crazy until these posts inspired me to start keeping a list. Ha. I definitely have some crazy! hahaha.