Owning It

Happy Thursday!
Have I mentioned Thursdays are my favorite day of the week?    🙂  One reason is because I always do OWNING IT posts on Thursdays.  Another reason is it’s the eve to the weekend!
Today, I have a special guest blogger, Megan over at Letting In The Light Blog.  I met Megan about a year ago.  We planned a Disney World trip for her and her family.  She is precious!  She has two boys, one girl, and one on the way-via China.  I can’t wait to follow along their journey.  I’m so excited to introduce you guys.  You’re going to love her.  Meet Megan…
Hi everyone! I’m Megan and you can find me over at Letting In The Light Blog where I share about our family, adoption, home decor, real life style and all of the other things that make me happy.
I am the wife of one fantastic hubby, mom of three (soon to be 4!), part-time hospital pharmacist by day and lover of popcorn and Netflix by night. After being a huge blog reader for years, I finally decided to start my own little corner of the world. I would love to have you join me over on the blog as I find the light in the everyday.

I first connected with Erika through her blog and can tell you first hand that she should be your go-to gal if you are planning a Disney vacation.

When Erika asked me to own my crazy I thought it was a perfect fit. I love to admit the nutty quirks that make me Megan and I’m happy to share them with you today. Thanks Erika for inviting me! Now on to the crazy…


I am super nosey. Not about what you have going on in your life or with gossip, but I NEED to know what you keep in your bathroom cabinets. I know, weird, right? So if you invite me to your home at some point I will need to use the restroom. And while I am in there I will open every cabinet and closet available to see what you have. I have this need to know what kind of toothpaste, shampoo, etc. that people use. The best part is that I fully admit this indiscretion to everyone. I don’t even try to hide it.

Facial hair on men. I hate it. I know that the scruffy look is the current trend, but I have yet to see a man that I think looks better with facial hair. It just makes my skin crawl. I am convinced that growing facial hair means you are trying to hide something in your life. Haven’t shaved for three days? What are you trying to hide??? My poor husband’s face just can’t get a break. Ha!

I don’t like surprises. Whether it’s a surprise birthday party, vacation, or visit from a friend or family member, I am not a fan. For me half of the fun of these activities is the anticipation. Looking forward to that party or trip, or finding the perfect thing to wear. When it is a surprise, all of those things are taken from you. This may be a slight problem because Shane’s family is super into surprises. Thankfully he understands my issue and always gives me fair warning for any big activities.

When Erika first asked me to Own It, this one immediately came to mind. I used to work night shift with just me and one pharmacy technician. When you work alone with one person for seven days in a row every other week, you really get to know that person. I had one technician who made an ABC list of all of my quirks and weirdness (Hi JoJo!). Most of them revolved around food. Here are just a few examples:
  • I don’t like cake, but will eat a cupcake. It’s all about the cake to icing ratio!
  • I will not touch raw meat! Just the thought of touching a chicken breast or steak makes my stomach turn. Shane has the job of trimming and putting all meat in the pan during cooking.
  • I think turkey smells like old people farts. (Sorry if I just ruined your lunch) 😉
  • I drink orange juice with Oreos. No milk for me!
  • I love to eat blueberry muffins with potato soup. (Don’t knock it until you try it!)
I am terrible with scissors. I cannot cut a straight line to save my life. The worst grade I received in my entire life was in kindergarten…in cutting. I was officially declared unsatisfactory. This label has held true all thru my 36 years. Need a craft that requires cutting? I’m not your girl. This lack of skill set extends to my knife skills as well. I can’t effectively use a knife either. Shane regularly cuts my meat at dinner just like the kids because it’s so painful to watch me try to do it. See, I told you he was a fantastic hubby!

I am terrified of dogs. Like ridiculously afraid. If I could change one thing about myself, this would be it. I am aware that it is a ridiculous fear and doesn’t make any sense. But I am convinced that all dogs are trying to eat me. Since having kids, I have really worked on this fear because I don’t want my kids to grow up being afraid like I did (thanks, Mom!). This means trying to remain cool and not pee my pants or cry when I’m around a dog with my kids.

So far, it must be working because both Anderson and Quinn love dogs. Sorry, kids. No dogs until you grow up and get your own house!
The crazy part about this fear is that one of my favorite Thanksgiving Day traditions is watching the National Dog Show after the parade. I just can’t get enough! I love watching those ladies in skirts and tennis shoes run around the arena with their perfectly manicured dogs in tow. But if I was actually in that room I would probably be hyperventilating in fear. Ha!

Whew! That’s a whole lot of crazy for one post! Thanks again to Erika for having me guest post today and lay all of my crazy out for you. It was fun! Feel free to visit us over at Letting In The Light Blog and say hello. We just announced that we are adding our newest little Peanut to the family and we would love to have you follow along as we work to bring her home from China later this year.

There also promises to be a lot of crazy and adventure until then.

Megan…THANK YOU so much for OWNING IT and CLAIMING YOUR CRAZY with us today!  This was so fun to read!  XO
Please make sure you check out Megan’s blog and you can follow her on Instagram here.
I hope you have the best day!  Let’s OWN this Thursday!  XO

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  1. 2.23.17
    Bailey Bryant said:

    These are some of my favorite posts to read!

  2. 2.23.17
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    Megan is so fun! And her kids are PRECIOUS! How exciting that they are adding another precious little one this year!!!

  3. 2.23.17
    Aja said:

    I think the best part about big events is the anticipation too! I like planning for a vacation as much as going on it, so I totally get it Megan!

    • 2.23.17
      Megan @ Letting In The Light Blog said:

      Glad I'm not alone!!

  4. 2.23.17
    Megan @ Letting In The Light Blog said:

    Thanks so much for letting my own all my crazy today! These are some of my favorite posts you do. It was so much fun to write (even if it does make me sound a bit nutty;).


  5. 2.23.17
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I LOVE Megan!!!!! Her family is absolutely PRECIOUS and I cannot wait for kiddo number four to arrive. What a blessing and LIGHT she is in this world. I'm so glad she "owned it" today!

  6. 2.23.17
    Unknown said:

    So fun! Megan's family is precious!!!

  7. 2.23.17
    Megan @ Letting In The Light Blog said:

    I have been told by a friend that I should have included my dislike of whipped cream. It has flavor but feels like air. Like there is something in your mouth but not. It's so strange!

  8. 2.23.17
    Kathy Lang said:

    The Owning It posts are so much fun to read! Megan's family is adorable! The bulldog looks very cozy in Megan's lap in one of the pictures. 🙂 How is it that animals always know when someone is afraid or not fond of them, and yet that is the first person they go to?? My grandmother, Mimi, did not like cats AT ALL. My mom loves cats and has always had at least one in the house. Every time she visited, the cat(s) wanted to be wherever Mimi was!

  9. 2.23.17
    Olivia at Joyfully Prudent said:

    Megan, the cutting skills cracked me up 🙂 Also, I'm with you on the dogs. I bought Mace for when I go outside with my kids…I don't even think of humans attacking me, just dogs. What is wrong with me?!

  10. 2.23.17
    Amanda @ That Inspired Chick said:

    Awww cute family!! I love these posts!! We've all got our own crazy!

  11. 2.23.17
    Melanie Smith said:

    Those are THE strangest food pairings I've ever seen! Hahahaha

  12. 2.24.17
    Simple Purposeful Living said:

    Love these posts and I am SO nosey…not personal life stuff but people and how they live their life intrigue me too! We use crest toothpaste fyi ;)! I am so following your adoption journey, I tear up just thinking about it. We are awaiting our newest niece or nephew from China too, my nephew came home 18 months ago. It has been the coolest experience to witness and walk with them in! #adoptionisamazing
    xoxo ERIN @Perfectlyportfamilyblog