Owning It

Hey Hey, Friends!

It’s been a while, but I think it’s time for another OWNING IT.

Owning It is a series where I invite another blogger to join us by doing just that-owning her funny, self-deprecating moments by claiming her crazy.  Typically, there’s something we can all relate to in a post.  These posts help us realize we all have a little crazy.  🙂

These posts are typically some reader favorites so if you’ve missed any, you can check them out here…

You can read Megan’s @ Letting in the Light HERE.
You can read Kristin’s @Growing Up Gill HERE.
You can read Natasha’s @Hello Happiness HERE.
You can read Megan @The Butler’s Quarters HERE.
You can read Mel’s @ Larson Lingo HERE.
You can read Leigh’s @ Balancing By Faith HERE.
You can read Ashley’s @ The Vanilla Tulip HERE.
You can read Kathryn’s HERE.
You can read Elaine’s @ House of Hargove HERE.
You can read Sheaffer’s @ Sheaffer Told Me To HERE.
You can read Elise’s @ Cheers Y’all HERE.
You can read Andrea’s @ Momfessionals HERE.
You can read Kelly’s @ Kelly’s Korner HERE.
You can read Olivia’s @ Snyders Tell All HERE.
You can read Narci’s @ Grace and Love Blog HERE.
You can read Fancy Ashley’s HERE.
You can read Kelly’s @ Redhead on the Run HERE.
You can read Shay’s @ Mix and Match Mama HERE.

I thought it’d be fun for ME to share this time.  It’s been a while since I spilled a little of my crazy so today is the day.  🙂

First up, is tying shoes.  I must tell you I remember getting e-mails from the kiddos’ kindergarten teachers asking us to practice tying shoes with them.  I’ve gotta be honest.  I pretended like I didn’t see the e-mails.  You know why?  I was a teacher myself and not many things really gross me out but when I’d help a kiddo out by tying their shoes only to bend down, pick up the shoelaces, and GASP-realize they were WET!  Not much worse then tying WET shoelaces…when you don’t know WHY they’re wet.   I think my subconcious remembered those days too well, so I just decided I’d go to college with my kiddos and tie their shoes everyday before they left for school.  #notreally  But I did think if I waited until they were older the odds of them coming untied so frequently would be less and hopefully we could escape the wet shoelace years!  My kindergarten teacher mom would come to visit and she’d practice tying shoes with them EVERY TIME.  (I never confessed why I hadn’t been teaching them.  She’s probably reading this and laughing or reading and shaking her head.)  Anyway, we decided this summer was the summer so the big kids both learned to tie their shoes. 

Just recently a delivery guy rang our doorbell for a package.  I went out to open the door and was taken aback at the amount of “droppings” on our porch.  It wasn’t like over the top crazy but I have a strong fear of a mouse in our house so I’m pretty good at spotting those items.  There were lots of droppings around the edges of our porch.  I immediately called our pest control company to set up a time for them to come check our house.  #proactive  Tab was working from home the day the pest control guy came to check it all out and you should have seen Tab’s face when he was giving me the rundown.  He said, “Erika, you’ll be happy to know the pest control guy assured me those were NOT mouse droppings.  They’re actually lizard or gecko droppings.”  Which is completely disgusting…especially when he went into how to tell the difference.  Ugh!  I’m sparing you THOSE details BUT I had two crazy thoughts.  The first one was I realized I had the BIGGEST smile on my face because I was so happy there weren’t mice camped outside on my front porch just waiting to run in when a kiddo left a door open.  And I contemplated putting out a small sign on the porch that read something like, “These are not from mice but lizards.”  Which is crazy, but I’d rather my delivery guy know we have lizards…not mice.  That sounds better to me.  #imnotsurewhy

Have you seen those pictures that boast of three different kinds of people…the ones who roll the toothpaste up from the bottom, the ones who squeeze from the middle, and the ones who make a complete mess and squeeze from a different spot each time?  My kiddos all three are the latter and they get that gene from me.  🙂  It drives Tab absolutely batty.  So we solved the problem by each getting our own tube. 

Finding a pair of matching socks in our house is the equivalent of finding the golden ticket on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.  May the odds be ever in your favor when you attempt this feat.  😉  

I’m not sure this is even confession worthy, but I was trying to think of quirky things and it popped in my mind.  I have a thing for shark movies.  I don’t know why.  I don’t know how to explain it, but I do. 

When I drop my kiddos off in the carpool line (and have no where else to be) odds are I’ll be in my pajamas.  Most of the time, my hair is in a messy bun.  I’ve washed my face and brushed my teeth so I’m not looking crazy disheveled but I’m still in pajamas.  On one particular morning, it was kind of crazy around my house…kiddos (and me) had waffles with Nutella for breakfast, we were running a little late so I was rushing us all, and I didn’t take ONE look in the mirror before loading everyone up.  When the big kiddos got out, a teacher came over to chat with me (inside I was DYING because I realized I probably looked a mess) and when I drove off my peek in my rear view mirror revealed I had Nutella ON MY FACE!!  You guys!! 

I think that’s all my crazy for today.  Or at least all I can remember or share.  haha!

Do you guys have any crazy you’d like to share?  If so, PLEASE comment!  We’d love to read your crazy too!

Have a GREAT Monday, ladies!  XO

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  1. 10.23.17
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    This made me laugh out loud! We all have those crazy moments in our lives! Thanks for sharing

  2. 10.23.17
    Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said:

    Oh, I love so many of these. And girl, I drop my kids off in my slippers every day. I have NO idea why it is so hard for me to put on real shoes?! I always swore I would never be the pj mom at drop off, and welp, here we are 😉 Oh, I give up on socks. Currently have a whole pile of mismatch ones and wish the kids luck as they find ones for school. #overit

  3. 10.23.17
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I still laugh when you tell the Nutella story!! These "owning it" things were so funny!!! I had no idea you had a love for shark movies!!

  4. 10.23.17
    Britt Hensley said:

    Oh I love this post!! I can relate to so many. Pjs in drop-off line—YES! Wet shoe strings gross me out. We taught our oldest how to tie his shoes, and I basically feel awful because now he ties the other two’s shoes! 🤢I’m totally stealing the toothpaste idea too. All three of mine squeeze from wherever they grab also, and it drives my hubby bonkers! Such a good post!!

  5. 10.23.17
    Unknown said:

    Love this and I agree having even the slightest possibility of a mouse would send me into high alert mode and calling for back up too !!

  6. 10.23.17
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    Yeah, I love the Nutella story. It's a good one!!!! You should totally bring back the Owning It posts…they are hysterical!

  7. 10.23.17
    mandabee said:

    I love this! I once babysat for an entire evening with Nutella on my face and neither the parents or the kids told me! I was mortified when I got home and looked in the mirror!

  8. 10.23.17
    Megan @ Letting In The Light Blog said:

    Yeeeeesss to the gross nasty shoe laces!! My mom also taught both of my big kids to tie their laces. Yay for grandmas! These posts are my favorites.


  9. 10.23.17
    Simple Purposeful Living said:

    Love it. I was also a teacher and I once got peed on. The little girl came up to me and asked to go to the bathroom and before I even answered her, warm pee down my leg. I had to throw my soggy shoes away and spent the rest of the morning in my bare feet while the custodian cleaned up the carpet. Your wet shoe laces made me think of it and we don't do ties in our house either. xoxo ERIN

  10. 10.23.17
    Anonymous said:

    These posts are always hysterical!! I'm laughing so hard at the Nutella story!! That is so funny!

  11. 10.23.17
    Whitney Pegram said:

    Love this post!! Funny toothpaste story that just happened this weekend … we had our gender reveal party on Saturday night & typically my house is clean (especially when we have people over) well I didn't finish my upstairs … including my kiddos bathroom … which their sink was covered with toothpaste!! So I put our gate up at the stairs thinking that if it's there, no one would go up there. Leave it to my brother to go up there to use the bathroom & send a picture of their sink in a group text to me, my mom & sisters saying "do the kids ever get toothpaste actually on their toothbrushes?!?" 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Too funny!

  12. 10.23.17
    Four Points Mom said:

    It took me awhile to figure out why you were freaking out about we laces. I have a 5-year-old boy and now I'm going to start buying velcro … lol. And I'm jealous of carpool drop-off. We still have to walk our kiddos into preschool and I literally daily play a game of "how little can I get ready to look acceptable." 😉


  13. 10.23.17
    Katy Tarbutton said:

    I can relate to so many of these!!!! The shoe tying….UGH! When I had K recess duty I use to make the kids find another student that could tie shoes and do it for them;) Also, the mice. GIRL!!!!!!!!! The lizards and mice. NO DIFFERENCE!!! Calling pest control ASAP! Hee hee!

  14. 10.23.17
    Tracy Robinson said:

    SO funny. I, too, have a Nutella story. I teach college courses and found that I had Nutella on my face after one of my morning classes. I was so embarrassed. And, of course, it was a class where several students came up to ask questions after class. And not one of them told me that I had anything on my face.

  15. 10.23.17
    Jessica said:

    Can totally relate to the drop off story….I usually get up stupid early and work out, so I'm in my sweaty workout clothes when I drop the kids off. Well, one morning my workout partner and I decided to "sleep in" so I was dropping the kids off in my robe–I had a nightgown underneath. Well, that day happened to be homecoming and the whole high school football team was opening car doors for the kids being dropped off. I happen to pull up-the first car in line and there is the ENTIRE football team standing in a line beside my car and one of them is opening my back door to help my kids out. Oh my word, I have never been so embarrassed. Well, it gets better. I go home to text my friends what just happened, get on Facebook and the high school football coach had posted a pic of my car front and center!!!! My friends were DYING. One was at work and she said her coworker asked her if she was ok, she was laughing so hard. Im never going to live that one down. ����‍♀️

  16. 10.23.17
    Anonymous said:

    haha! Girl you don't need a pest control guy to deal with mice. Just put some of that Nutella on a trap and bam! Have a great day!

  17. 10.23.17
    Karen Ward said:

    LOL'ing at the Nutella story!

  18. 10.23.17
    Amanda @ That Inspired Chick said:

    Hahahahhahaha…a teacher walking up to my car after drop-off would be the absolute WORST! When I take the boys, I roll up the same way and I always worry I'm either going to get a flat or get pulled over or have someone stop me to talk to me. These were so funny!

    That Inspired Chick

  19. 10.23.17
    Kelly Bonner said:

    I teach kindergarten & refuse to tie shoes! I start a shoe tying club & reward the kids with a small piece of candy when they show me they can tie their shoes themselves. Then when a kid asks me to tie their shoes I tell them go find someone in the shoe tying club! �� I'm totally grossed out by shoe laces especially wet ones, because we all know why they're wet! ��

  20. 10.23.17
    Kelly Bonner said:

    I teach kindergarten & refuse to tie shoes! I started a shoe tying club & reward the kids in my class with a small piece of candy when they show me they can tie their shoes. When someone asks me to tie their shoes I tell them to go ask someone in the shoe tying club. 😂 I'm really grossed out by wet shoe laces because we all know why they're wet! 😬

  21. 10.23.17
    Maggie Eterno said:

    I swear there is a sock heaven where all the socks go to live because we can never find matching socks especially for my girls. So most days they wear mis matched socks. It's like winning the lottery when we find matching socks ha!

  22. 10.23.17
    Linda said:

    I think I would rather buy a new pack of socks each week than match the washed ones! True fact. My 15 year old daughter frequently goes to school with 2 different socks on and we don't even bat an eye!

  23. 10.24.17
    Deena said:

    I got a good laugh about your Nutella story. We've all been there. My sons are grown up now but I had trouble with the shoe tying and bought Velcro for a while. They both learned eventually. For the boys I used to get all the same socks so they all matched. I wonder if that’s why they both like funky socks now? 😀

  24. 10.24.17
    Jamie Sypniewski said:

    My little sister (26) doesn't even attempt to match her socks and just pulls out the first two socks she finds when getting ready in the morning. There have been many times where she comes over (I make everyone take their shoes off at the front door) and she is wearing one short black sock and one long white sock. It cracks me up every single time!

  25. 10.24.17
    Paula said:

    I love shark movies/week. We just watch 47 meters. I really hate the ending. I wanted closer. Like, here I am a year later moment.

  26. 10.25.17
    Lucy Judge said:

    Yes yes yessss with the shark movies. My Mom and I are obsessed with the shark movies. It’s totally a guilty pleasure.

  27. 10.25.17
    SD and EJ said:

    I've never left a comment before, but I had to this time because oh my goodness, the nutella story!! I'm still laughing. I once drove to Costco and was halfway done with my shopping when I finally realized I was in my pajamas and had done nothing with my hair. True story. And I am totally with you on the shoelace thing. My third grader still doesn't know how to tie shoes. I should probably teach her. 🙂