McDonald’s Birthday Party…

Nixon is 1!! Ebby Lee is 2!!

Today Nixon and Ebby Lee had a triple party at McDonald’s with their friend, Molly. We invited our friends to come and eat lunch with us, have some cookies, and play.

Some of our party attenders…I didn’t take that many pictures. I forgot! So, I hope that Sarah posts about this party and I can blog steal them!

Daddy even came to join in on the fun too!

Baby Rawston and Baby Maggie…so sweeet!

Loves her chicken nuggets!

I’m telling you…he might grow up to be an Elvis impersonator??

Cookie Time!!

The birthday group…Molly, Nixon, & Ebby Lee

Our family…

When we got home, I unloaded the car right into the middle of the dining room/hallway floor. Ebby Lee immediately started playing with all the toys. Nixon instantly headed for the leftover cookies! ha!

My kiddos had such a fun day. Thank you to everyone that came out to celebrate with us. We had so much fun. Thank you for all the wonderful presents. We’ve had fun playing with them, reading them, or trying them on today!!

Molly…thanks for sharing your birthday with us! -Ebby Lee and Nixon

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