Life Lately

A little look at life lately from our house…
We woke up last Sunday morning to this view out the front windows.  We periodically can get light dustings of snow that leave the grass sprinkled with white but VERY RARELY does the road ever get white!

It was a Valentine’s Day to remember!  I’d gotten a few goodies for the kids the week before and thanks to Big Memories Little Details we had some extra fun ways to celebrate.

Started the day like I did every other day-with my bible and The Bible Recap.

When Tab got up we were both laughing about other wives waking up with flowers and chocolate on their mind for Valentine’s Day, I woke up wanting bacon with my breakfast.  hahaha!  My valentine delivered!

When the girls woke up, they immediately went outside to check it all out!

It was SO COLD outside-they needed to sit real close to warm up.

We met our neighbors outside to enjoy as much sledding as was possible-at the time.

Knowing there was more in the forecast, my valentine and I ventured out on a little “date trip” to the grocery store to stock up on more food.

Right before winter storm #2 rolled in this was a view of our house.

We all pitched in and had the yummiest Valentine’s Day dinner here at home…steaks with baked potatoes, sauteed mushrooms {all of my kids love this-who knew?!}, and salad.

On Monday morning we woke up to LOTS more snow so we did lots of sledding runs.

Made countless snow angels.

And had way too many snowball fights to count.

I can’t believe we missed out on a family pic in the snow!  On this day, we were waiting for Tab to finish up a work call and Nixon had already made his way over to the hill to sled.

We spent lots of time snuggled up on the couch.

Can you spy Bowen Slaughter in the back of the sled?

Britty wasn’t getting cold.  🙂  I bought that snow suit in 2017 and it was a tad too big for Britt but that snowsuit STILL fits!

Many, many trips were had up and down this hill.

And we created some amazing lifelong memories.

That’s a look at our life lately, friends!

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  1. 2.25.21
    Rightupmyaliway said:

    Looks like lots of fun! Glad you guys were able to stay warm.

  2. 2.25.21
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    What a fun life update! So glad you got some time in the snow!!

  3. 2.25.21
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    Awwww! Great pics! The snow was so beautiful!

  4. 2.25.21
    Joanne said:

    Looks like you had lots of fun in the snow!

  5. 2.26.21
    stephO said:

    Love your house! But how do you get to that room to the right of your driveway? I’m intrigued 😊

  6. 2.26.21
    Erika Slaughter said:

    It’s actually another garage space. 🙂