Friday Favorites-October 18, 2019 Edition


I’m ready for you.  😉  The grandparents made it to town, kiddos are all stoked, and we’re all excited about the weekend!

Narci, Andrea, and I are sharing our FRIDAY FAVORITES with you today.

First up, I’ve been watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix…basically it’s a chick-flick kind of drama that begins with Jane, a virgin who is waiting until marriage, being accidentally inseminated and becoming pregnant.  I mentioned it’s a drama-right?  😉  It’s all things girly and cheesy.  If you’ve watched I have an important question…


Please comment or e-mail me {} and let me know.  I cannot continue watching if that doesn’t happen.


These three {and Nixon-who was MIA during the picture} are my FAVORITE!  We were dancing in the living room and they were attempting to teach me the “hype” dance.  At one point Ebby Lee said, “Mom, I can hear your ankle popping every time you do that.”  Sigh.


Sweater weather is my FAVORITE…this leopard sweater I sized up in for an oversize fit.


Since the kiddos were out of school on Monday, we met Shay and her kids to check out the new Addams Family movie.  I thought it was super cute…very similar to the original Addams Family!

In honor of The Addams Familly….taking it back to last year-a little throwback.


If you’re looking for a new recipe to try, try Shay’s Easy Weeknight Wiener Schnitzel!  We had this for dinner last night and everyone was a fan!  Eight thumbs up from our house!  And I forgot to mention-it was super easy!

It’s a bit short and sweet today!  Thanks for stopping by to read!  Hope you have the BEST weekend!

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  1. 10.18.19
    Unknown said:

    Oh my gosh!! Are you sure you want to know?! Jane and Raf, I'm not going to ruin it for your readers so I will email you but let me just say Season 5 is the craziest telenovela season!! Jane the Virgin is one of my sister and my favorite shows EVER!! I kept telling Shay on her blog that she needed to watch it too! It's seriously the BEST! Emailing you now! lol!

  2. 10.18.19
    Fonda @Savvy Southern Chic said:

    We saw the Adams Family at a drive in this weekend. So cute! Have a great weekend.

  3. 10.18.19
    Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said:

    That show sounds hysterical! I might have to give it a try. HAPPY FRIDAY, friend!

  4. 10.18.19
    Julie | This Main Line Life said:

    Wow, so much fun dressing up. You all looked great. I haven't watched that show, sorry. Have a great weekend.

  5. 10.18.19
    C, mom of Z said:

    Keep watching Jane the Virgin… I promise, it’s totally worth it!

  6. 10.18.19
    Anonymous said:

    I love they picture of you with the kids. So sweet! Happy Friday!!

  7. 10.18.19
    Mix and Match Mama said:

    I don't want to know how it ends, but I sure hope they get together!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving that show too!! And thank you for the dinner shout out 😉 !

  8. 10.18.19
    Elspeth Mizner said:

    Have a great weekend with your parents in town and have fun with all the fall activities.

  9. 10.18.19
    Kimberly said:

    I've been wanting to take my boys to see the Addams Family movie! They have a couple days off for conferences next week so I'm thinking that will be what we do in our free time =] Have a great weekend!

  10. 10.18.19
    Laura said:

    I literally had to stop reading after the Jane the Virgin comment and get down to the comments!! I am dying that you want to know that answer!!! LOL I LOVED that show, and I can't truly spoil it for you… but I will say there were some episodes that really frustrated me in the middle. I am glad I finished it and can't wait to hear more of your thoughts on it!
    Now I have to get back up to your Friday favorites… 🙂

  11. 10.18.19
    Amanda @ That Inspired Chick said:

    I started watching that show and then got distracted with something else. I need to go back and keep watching because it was so cute! And speaking of cute–I love that sweater! That Inspired Chick

  12. 10.18.19
    Nikki said:

    Jane is one of my all time FAVORITE shows! As much as I’m sure you want to know how the story ends, keep watching! So much happens throughout Janes journey that I could never ruin that for you! ❤️

  13. 10.18.19
    Ellibelle said:

    I've not watched Jane the Virgin but it sounds like fun! I'll have to check it out!
    Love your leopard print sweater! And such fun Halloween costumes from last year!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  14. 10.18.19
    Shawnee said:

    I LOVED Jane the Virgin….watched all 5 seasons in just a few weeks. I can't spoil it for you either. 😉

  15. 10.18.19
    Joanne said:

    I can't wait to see the Adams family; I always loved that show and even made my own Morticia Adams costume one year.

  16. 10.18.19
    Andrew and Mallory said:

    LOVED Jane! Don't stop watching!!

  17. 10.21.19
    Kelly said:

    I love Jane, too! Yes, I want her to end up with Rafael….I'm on Season 2. I will be so disappointed if they don't end up together.