Spring has SPRUNG in North Texas! Our weather over the weekend was so nice. We had sports and a little down time in the mix so I have a quick little post of 5 Things on my mind {as I type this late Sunday evening}….
#1 I saw this over the weekend and my, oh my, how I WISH! If someone could make this happen, I’d be forever grateful. My go-to candy of choice will always be some form of chocolate and peanut butter. Always.
#2 I also saw this over the weekend and made sure to screenshot it. As a mom, I feel like periodically I tend to really hone in on something that I “preach” to my kids quite a bit at certain times. Bowen went through a stage where literally all we talked about in the car was how important brushing our teeth was because he had a hard time remembering on his own. When Nixon was little every time we were in the car, we talked about keeping our hands to ourselves. Remember I even made up a song about it? Lately, this has been what our car ride lessons have been focused on. The words we say to others and our friends and how powerful they really are. It doesn’t take much to really lift someone’s day with a kind word.
#3 Baseball is back! There’s just something about this weather that has us extra pumped about baseball happening now. Baseball, great weather, and awesome friends…well, what could be better?
Nixon has this superstitious thing where if he plays well on Saturday then he begs and pleads for me not to wash his pants and he wears them dirty on Sunday. It’s gross. I get it. His pants from this past weekend were super nasty after the games on Saturday but this battle doesn’t seem like one worth fighting. And if it makes him feel more confident to wear dirty pants, who am I to take some of that confidence away? That’s how I look at it for now.
#4 Television Limbo-remember me telling you we were switching to YouTube TV? Well, now Tab’s getting cold feet but our current provider’s options aren’t great. We’re basically in a weird limbo state as we make our television provider decision. And during the wait {our DVR isn’t working}, we’ve gotten super into college baseball. I have an aunt and uncle who had two boys and every time I visited their house their tv was on ESPN with some kind of sporting event. Just this weekend as I was watching the Mizzou/Kentucky game on television I had a little flashback to their house and realized while I’m sure she did eventually enjoy watching sports a huge part of her desire to watch ESPN probably came from the fact they all did it together. It doesn’t really matter what we’re watching as long as we’re all hanging out together. My mama heart completely gets it. And I am now like my Aunt Sandi. I realized this as I was checking baseball scores online last night. I thought, “Who am I?”. Aunt Sandi…that’s who. I totally get it now.
Give me your mom stories about what you watch, what you read, or what you’re into just to get to be with your people!
#5 One more weekend screenshot. I hope you can read this from Kisses From Boys. Her words are my prayer too.
Hope you have the BEST Monday!
Love this post! From positivity to spring! So many good lessons here!
Circling back around to your tv dilemma, have you considered doing the free trial? When we were in limbo, YouTubeTV offered a free month! We took advantage of that and never turned back! Good luck!
Sweet post!
Gosh, I love those pb eggs!!
and what is it about Reeses Eggs!!!! they are the best!!!! although snickers eggs are a close second 😛 I love it..let him wear those dirty pants .. that's awesome!!!!!
I agree; have become a mom that looks forward to watching baseball and basketball.
Have y'all checked into Fubo TV? We have had it a few years and love it.
Just be careful about switching to streaming TV as I know many MLB teams don’t have contracts with them and the games aren’t able to be watched. Boo hiss. I’m currently trying to figure out what I’m going to do now. #WhyDoTheyMakeItSoComplicated #AndExpensive
It’s easy to do a free trial without having to commit. We moved 2 years ago so decided to cut the cord and tested a couple. YouTube tv won and we ended up loving it once we got used to it. You have an unlimited cloud during so no more losing recordings if your box breaks. You can make different profiles but need different emails for each. I just search for and added any shows we like. You’re not working from a TV guide like cable. Good luck!
I had a rough day yesterday but when my 31 year old son called and asked if he could come over and have dinner with us — the answer was an immediate YES! Spending time with kids, regardless of their age, is always a YES!
We have YouTube TV and love it! Tab, take the plunge. lol!
We bought the NBA All Access package as an add-on to our cable this season. We got it as a Christmas gift for my 10yo who loves basketball but it has been awesome for all 5 of us! We usually cuddle up at night and watch games togehter. It has been the biggest suprise fun thing! 🙂